GOption  request,
GMemory  memory1,
GMemory  memory2 

Provides read/write access to driver settings and convenience features based on the request variable.

The open source library, gclibo.h, has wrappers for most of these utilities.
g Connection's handle.
request Defines the request. Input/Output and type of memory are implicit in the value of request. The following lists the supported request values. * `G_UTIL_TIMEOUT` Read initial timeout value, as specified in GOpen() via `--timeout` switch. * `memory1` is output and must be a pointer to an unsigned short. * `memory2` is ignored, use null.

* `G_UTIL_TIMEOUT_OVERRIDE` See GTimeout(). Write/Read override timeout value. * `memory1` is input. If nonnull, value must be a pointer to a short which overrides the timeout. Write `G_USE_INITIAL_TIMEOUT` to use initial timeout. If null, no write occurs. * `memory2` is output. If nonnul, value must be a pointer to a short which will be filled with the current override. `G_USE_INITIAL_TIMEOUT` indicates initial timeout used. If null, no read occurs. `memory2` is processed before 'memory1`.

* `G_UTIL_VERSION` See GVersion(). Returns the library version. A valid connection (g) is not necessary, e.g. g may be null. * `memory1` is output, and must be a `GCStringOut`. Data will be null terminated, even if the data must be truncated to do so. * `memory2` is input and must be a pointer to a `GSize` holding the length of the buffer in `memory1`.

* `G_UTIL_INFO` See GInfo(). Returns information about the connection. * `memory1` is output and must be a `GCStringOut`. Data will be null terminated, even if the data must be truncated to do so. * `memory2` is input and must be a pointer to a `GSize` holding the length of the buffer in `memory1`.

* `G_UTIL_SLEEP` See GSleep(). Platform-independent sleep. A valid connection (g) is not necessary, i.e. g may be null. * `memory1` is input and must be a pointer to an unsigned int, units are milliseconds. * `memory2` is ignored, use null.

* `G_UTIL_ADDRESSES` Provides a \n delimited listing of all available IP addresses, PCI addresses, and COM ports. A valid connection (g) is not necessary, i.e. g may be null. * `memory1` is output and must be a `GCStringOut`. Data will be null terminated, even if the data must be truncated to do so. * `memory2` is input and must be a pointer to a `GSize` holding the length of the buffer in `memory1`.

* `G_UTIL_IPREQUEST` Listens and returns a \n delimited listing of Galil MAC addresses sending BOOT-P or DHCP requests. The function will listen, and block, for roughly 5 seconds. A valid connection (g) is not necessary, i.e. g may be null. * `memory1` is output and must be a `GCStringOut`. Data will be null terminated, even if the data must be truncated to do so. * `memory2` is input and must be a pointer to a `GSize` holding the length of the buffer in `memory1`.

* `G_UTIL_ASSIGN` Provides a method to assign an IP address given a Galil MAC address and optionally a host NIC IP address. A valid connection (g) is not necessary, i.e. g may be null. The address to assign will be pinged to ensure its availability before the assign packet is sent. `G_GCLIB_UTILITY_IP_TAKEN` will be returned by GUtility() if the ping returns a response. * `memory1` is input and must be a pointer to a `GCStringIn` containing the address that is to be assigned. e.g. `""` * `memory2` is input and must be a pointer to a `GCStringIn` containing a comma-separated list with the controller's MAC address, followed by the IP address of the host's network interface to dispatch the assign packet. e.g. `"00:50:4C:20:01:23,"`
If the host IP is omitted, the assign packet is sent out on all network interfaces. e.g. `"00:50:4C:20:01:23"`

memory1 An untyped pointer to data type required for request.
memory2 An untyped pointer to data type required for request.
The success status or error code of the function. See gclib_errors.h for possible values.

See source of gclibo.c for examples of `G_UTIL_TIMEOUT`, `G_UTIL_TIMEOUT_OVERRIDE`, `G_UTIL_VERSION`, `G_UTIL_INFO`, `G_UTIL_SLEEP`.

Except for serial ports, each line from `G_UTIL_ADDRESSES` will be of the form *address, revision report (^R^V)*.

 {.unparsed}, DMC30010 Rev 1.2d
  GALILPCI1, DMC1826 Rev 1.1a

See GAddresses() for an example of `G_UTIL_ADDRESSES`.

Linux/OS X users must be root to use G_UTIL_IPREQUEST and have UDP access to bind and listen on port 67.

Each line from `G_UTIL_IPREQUEST` will be of the form *model, serial_number, mac*.

  DMC4000, 291, 00:50:4c:20:01:23
  DMC30000, 4184, 00:50:4c:40:10:58
  //example for getting controllers requesting IPs
  char buf[1024];
  GSize len = sizeof(buf);
  GUtility(0, G_UTIL_IPREQUEST, buf, &len);
  cout << buf << "\n";
Linux users must be root to use G_UTIL_ASSIGN and have UDP access to send on port 68.
  //example of assigning an IP address.
  GUtility(0, G_UTIL_ASSIGN, "", "00:50:4c:40:10:58"); //Assign TO 00:50:4c:40:10:58

Referenced by GAddresses(), GAssign(), GInfo(), GIpRequests(), GSleep(), GTimeout(), and GVersion().