getMessage()); printf("Traceback: %s\n", $exception->getTraceAsString()); exit(1); }); function assertAlmostEqual($actual, $expected, $threshold = 1.0E-6) { if (is_array($actual) && is_array($expected)) { if (count($actual) != count($expected)) { throw new Exception("assertAlmostEqual: actual and expected have different array lengths!"); } $lambda = function($a, $e) use ($threshold) { if (abs($a - $e) > $threshold) { throw new Exception("assertAlmostEqual: $a and $e differ by too much!"); } return TRUE; }; array_map($lambda, $actual, $expected); } else if (abs($actual - $expected) > $threshold) { throw new Exception("assertAlmostEqual: actual and expected differ too much"); } } function assertTrue($value) { if ($value != TRUE) { throw new Exception("assertTrue: assertion failed"); } } function assertEqual($actual, $expected) { if ($actual != $expected) { throw new Exception("assertEqual: actual and expected are not equal!"); } } function assertException($code, $function, ...$args) { try { call_user_func_array($function, $args); } catch (Exception $exception) { assertEqual($exception->getCode(), $code); return; } throw new Exception("assertException: no exception was thrown!"); } // taken from function get_bar($text) { $bar = ""; for($i = 1 ; $i <= strlen($text) ; $i++) { $bar .= "="; } return $bar; } class XrlTestSuite { function __construct() { $this->test_array = array(); } function append($test) { if (!is_a($test, "XrlTest")) { throw new Exception("XrlTestSuite::append test must be instance of XrlTest"); } array_push($this->test_array, $test); } function run() { $failed = 0; foreach ($this->test_array as $test) { $failed += $test->run_tests(); } exit($failed == 0 ? 0 : 1); } } class XrlTest { function __construct() { //$this->run_tests(); } // run the tests function run_tests() { $class = get_class($this); $test_methods = preg_grep('/^test/', get_class_methods($this)); $failed = 0; foreach ($test_methods as $method) { $start_rep = "test: $class::$method"; $bar = get_bar($start_rep); print("\n$start_rep\n$bar\n"); try { $this->$method(); print("OK\n"); } catch (Exception $exception) { printf("FAIL\nTraceback:\n%s\n", $exception->getTraceAsString()); $failed++; } } return $failed; } } ?>