/* * Copyright 2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: TokenFactory.cpp 191054 2005-06-17 02:56:35Z jberry $ */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TokenFactory: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TokenFactory::TokenFactory(MemoryManager* const manager) : fTokens(new (manager) RefVectorOf (16, true, manager)) , fEmpty(0) , fLineBegin(0) , fLineBegin2(0) , fLineEnd(0) , fStringBegin(0) , fStringEnd(0) , fStringEnd2(0) , fWordEdge(0) , fNotWordEdge(0) , fWordEnd(0) , fWordBegin(0) , fDot(0) , fCombiningChar(0) , fGrapheme(0) , fMemoryManager(manager) { } TokenFactory::~TokenFactory() { delete fTokens; fTokens = 0; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TokenFactory - Factory methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Token* TokenFactory::createToken(const unsigned short tokType) { if (tokType == Token::T_EMPTY && fEmpty != 0) return fEmpty; Token* tmpTok = new (fMemoryManager) Token(tokType, fMemoryManager); if (tokType == Token::T_EMPTY) { fEmpty = tmpTok; } fTokens->addElement(tmpTok); return tmpTok; } ParenToken* TokenFactory::createLook(const unsigned short tokType, Token* const token) { ParenToken* tmpTok = new (fMemoryManager) ParenToken(tokType, token, 0, fMemoryManager); fTokens->addElement(tmpTok); return tmpTok; } ParenToken* TokenFactory::createParenthesis(Token* const token, const int noGroups) { ParenToken* tmpTok = new (fMemoryManager) ParenToken(Token::T_PAREN, token, noGroups, fMemoryManager); fTokens->addElement(tmpTok); return tmpTok; } ClosureToken* TokenFactory::createClosure(Token* const token, bool isNonGreedy) { ClosureToken* tmpTok = isNonGreedy ? new (fMemoryManager) ClosureToken(Token::T_NONGREEDYCLOSURE, token, fMemoryManager) : new (fMemoryManager) ClosureToken(Token::T_CLOSURE, token, fMemoryManager); fTokens->addElement(tmpTok); return tmpTok; } ConcatToken* TokenFactory::createConcat(Token* const token1, Token* const token2) { ConcatToken* tmpTok = new (fMemoryManager) ConcatToken(token1, token2, fMemoryManager); fTokens->addElement(tmpTok); return tmpTok; } UnionToken* TokenFactory::createUnion(const bool isConcat) { UnionToken* tmpTok = isConcat ? new (fMemoryManager) UnionToken(Token::T_CONCAT, fMemoryManager) : new (fMemoryManager) UnionToken(Token::T_UNION, fMemoryManager); fTokens->addElement(tmpTok); return tmpTok; } RangeToken* TokenFactory::createRange(const bool isNegRange){ RangeToken* tmpTok = isNegRange ? new (fMemoryManager) RangeToken(Token::T_NRANGE, fMemoryManager) : new (fMemoryManager) RangeToken(Token::T_RANGE, fMemoryManager); fTokens->addElement(tmpTok); return tmpTok; } CharToken* TokenFactory::createChar(const XMLUInt32 ch, const bool isAnchor) { CharToken* tmpTok = isAnchor ? new (fMemoryManager) CharToken(Token::T_ANCHOR, ch, fMemoryManager) : new (fMemoryManager) CharToken(Token::T_CHAR, ch, fMemoryManager); fTokens->addElement(tmpTok); return tmpTok; } StringToken* TokenFactory::createBackReference(const int noRefs) { StringToken* tmpTok = new (fMemoryManager) StringToken(Token::T_BACKREFERENCE, 0, noRefs, fMemoryManager); fTokens->addElement(tmpTok); return tmpTok; } StringToken* TokenFactory::createString(const XMLCh* const literal) { StringToken* tmpTok = new (fMemoryManager) StringToken(Token::T_STRING, literal, 0, fMemoryManager); fTokens->addElement(tmpTok); return tmpTok; } ModifierToken* TokenFactory::createModifierGroup(Token* const child, const int add, const int mask) { ModifierToken* tmpTok = new (fMemoryManager) ModifierToken(child, add, mask, fMemoryManager); fTokens->addElement(tmpTok); return tmpTok; } ConditionToken* TokenFactory::createCondition(const int refNo, Token* const condition, Token* const yesFlow, Token* const noFlow) { ConditionToken* tmpTok = new (fMemoryManager) ConditionToken(refNo, condition, yesFlow, noFlow, fMemoryManager); fTokens->addElement(tmpTok); return tmpTok; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TokenFactory - Getter methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RangeToken* TokenFactory::staticGetRange(const XMLCh* const keyword, const bool complement) { return RangeTokenMap::instance()->getRange(keyword, complement); } Token* TokenFactory::getLineBegin() { if (fLineBegin == 0) fLineBegin = createChar(chCaret, true); return fLineBegin; } Token* TokenFactory::getLineBegin2() { if (fLineBegin2 == 0) fLineBegin2 = createChar(chAt, true); return fLineBegin2; } Token* TokenFactory::getLineEnd() { if (fLineEnd == 0) fLineEnd = createChar(chDollarSign, true); return fLineEnd; } Token* TokenFactory::getStringBegin() { if (fStringBegin == 0) fStringBegin = createChar(chLatin_A, true); return fStringBegin; } Token* TokenFactory::getStringEnd() { if (fStringEnd == 0) fStringEnd = createChar(chLatin_z, true); return fStringEnd; } Token* TokenFactory::getStringEnd2() { if (fStringEnd2 == 0) fStringEnd2 = createChar(chLatin_Z, true); return fStringEnd2; } Token* TokenFactory::getWordEdge() { if (fWordEdge == 0) fWordEdge = createChar(chLatin_b, true); return fWordEdge; } Token* TokenFactory::getNotWordEdge(){ if (fNotWordEdge == 0) fNotWordEdge = createChar(chLatin_B, true); return fNotWordEdge; } Token* TokenFactory::getWordBegin() { if (fWordBegin == 0) fWordBegin = createChar(chOpenAngle, true); return fWordBegin; } Token* TokenFactory::getWordEnd() { if (fWordEnd == 0) fWordEnd = createChar(chCloseAngle, true); return fWordEnd; } Token* TokenFactory::getDot() { if (fDot == 0) fDot = createToken(Token::T_DOT); return fDot; } Token* TokenFactory::getCombiningCharacterSequence() { if (fCombiningChar == 0) { Token* foo = createClosure(getRange(fgUniMark)); // \pM* foo = createConcat(getRange(fgUniMark, true), foo); // \PM + \pM* fCombiningChar = foo; } return fCombiningChar; } // static final String viramaString = Token* TokenFactory::getGraphemePattern() { if (fGrapheme == 0) { Token* base_char = createRange(); // [{ASSIGNED}]-[{M},{C}] base_char->mergeRanges(getRange(fgUniAssigned)); base_char->subtractRanges(getRange(fgUniMark)); base_char->subtractRanges(getRange(fgUniControl)); Token* virama = createRange(); virama->addRange(0x094D, 0x094D); virama->addRange(0x09CD, 0x09CD); virama->addRange(0x0A4D, 0x0A4D); virama->addRange(0x0ACD, 0x0ACD); virama->addRange(0x0B4D, 0x0B4D); virama->addRange(0x0BCD, 0x0BCD); virama->addRange(0x0C4D, 0x0C4D); virama->addRange(0x0CCD, 0x0CCD); virama->addRange(0x0D4D, 0x0D4D); virama->addRange(0x0E3A, 0x0E3A); virama->addRange(0x0F84, 0x0F84); Token* combiner_wo_virama = createRange(); combiner_wo_virama->mergeRanges(getRange(fgUniMark)); combiner_wo_virama->addRange(0x1160, 0x11FF); // hangul_medial and hangul_final combiner_wo_virama->addRange(0xFF9F, 0xFF9F); // extras Token* left = TokenFactory::createUnion(); // base_char? left->addChild(base_char, this); left->addChild(createToken(Token::T_EMPTY), this); Token* foo = createUnion(); foo->addChild(TokenFactory::createConcat(virama,getRange(fgUniLetter)), this); foo->addChild(combiner_wo_virama, this); foo = createClosure(foo); foo = createConcat(left, foo); fGrapheme = foo; } return fGrapheme; } /* #if defined (XML_USE_ICU_TRANSCODER) #include #endif #include void TokenFactory::printUnicode() { #if defined (XML_USE_ICU_TRANSCODER) // // Write it out to a temp file to be read back into this source later. // printf("Printing\n"); //sprintf(msg, "Printing\n"); FILE* outFl = fopen("table.out", "wt+"); fprintf(outFl, "const XMLByte fgUniCharsTable[0x10000] =\n{ "); for (unsigned int index = 0; index <= 0xFFFF; index += 16) { fprintf(outFl , " , 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X\n" , (unsigned int)u_charType(index) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+1) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+2) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+3) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+4) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+5) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+6) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+7) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+8) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+9) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+10) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+11) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+12) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+13) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+14) , (unsigned int)u_charType(index+15)); } fprintf(outFl, "};\n"); fclose(outFl); #endif } */ XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END /** * End of file TokenFactory.cpp */