









Building with CMake

     mkdir <builddir>                  # create a empty directory in which CMake will put temporary and binary files
     cd <builddir>
     cmake [options] <rootsources>     # by default it will generate a Makefile (or NMake file on Windows)
     make [options]                    # you can use any standard make options (e.g. -jN)
     make install                      # installation to the source tree by default, use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to change it
     -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<installdir>  # installation prefix
     -Dxxxx=ON -Dyyyy=OFF                 # Optional ROOT components (e.g. tmva, mathcode, gdml, etc.)
     -DGIF_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include       # Specify locations for external libraries and packages
     -G <generator name>                  # E.g. "XCode", "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles", "Visual Studio 9 2008"
     -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug             # Other build types: Release, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel

TextInput library

Replace getline / editline libraries by a single, new, platform independent TextInput library. Previously, ROOT used separate readline implementations for Windows (clib/Getline) and a ll other platforms (editline/[n]curses based). The Windows prompt was limited to one line (with '$' as continuation character), no colors, etc. The new TextInput library works on all platforms the same way, with history and color highlighting, multiple inputs and outputs (prompt, GUI), and without the need to link [n]curses, i.e. it's much smaller than before. It implements all bash-like editor shortcuts and it enables us to add e.g. context sensitive help in the future.

The only known backward incompatibility is the constness of the return type of Getlinem() and Getlinem(): they now return const char*.