New class TBase64 providing Base64 encoding and decoding. Base64 encoded
messages are typically used in authentication protocols and to pack binary
data in HTTP or mail messages.
New method in TSystem:
TString TSystem::GetFromPipe(const char *command)
which executes "command" in the shell and returns the output in the TString.
Multi-line output is separated by \n's.
Add proper support for Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0
Add support for 'unix' sockets on Windows.
New method TString::Clear() to reset the string but not to resize it to the default
(small) size. Useful when the string was pre-allocated to a large size and
has to be re-used.
Insure that ROOT's autoloader is always enabled whenever loading rootmap files.
The statically linked roota executable and libRoot.a are currently
only supported on Linux platforms. We hope to extend this to MacOS X
Add new macro ClassDefNV (ClassDef Non Virtual) which does not define any virtual function. ClassDef does define IsA, Streamer and ShowMember as virtual. This should be used only in classes that are never inherited from!
Improve performance of TClass::GetMethod (and friends)
Implement TClassEdit::InsertStd() which puts "std::" in front of all STL classes.
The generated library now always checks with which version of ROOT the library was build and rebuilt the library if the running version of ROOT is different.
Add support for '+' character embedded in the script's name or directory name.
The dependency tracking file (script_C.d) is now always created when the library is built.
The dependency tracking file now records with which version of ROOT the library was built and the library is now rebuilt if it is loaded in a different version of ROOT.