// @(#)root/base:$Id$ // Author: Eddy Offermann 24/06/05 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TPRegexp #define ROOT_TPRegexp ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TPRegexp // // // // C++ Wrapper for the "Perl Compatible Regular Expressions" library // // The PCRE lib can be found at: // // http://www.pcre.org/ // // // // Extensive documentation about Regular expressions in Perl can be // // found at : // // http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_Rtypes #include "Rtypes.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TString #include "TString.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TArrayI #include "TArrayI.h" #endif struct PCREPriv_t; class TPRegexp { protected: enum { kPCRE_GLOBAL = 0x80000000, kPCRE_OPTIMIZE = 0x40000000, kPCRE_DEBUG_MSGS = 0x20000000, kPCRE_INTMASK = 0x0FFF }; TString fPattern; PCREPriv_t *fPriv; UInt_t fPCREOpts; static Bool_t fgThrowAtCompileError; void Compile(); void Optimize(); UInt_t ParseMods(const TString &mods) const; Int_t ReplaceSubs(const TString &s, TString &final, const TString &replacePattern, Int_t *ovec, Int_t nmatch) const; Int_t MatchInternal(const TString& s, Int_t start, Int_t nMaxMatch, TArrayI *pos=0) const; Int_t SubstituteInternal(TString &s, const TString &replace, Int_t start, Int_t nMaxMatch0, Bool_t doDollarSubst) const; public: TPRegexp(); TPRegexp(const TString &pat); TPRegexp(const TPRegexp &p); virtual ~TPRegexp(); Bool_t IsValid() const; Int_t Match(const TString &s, const TString &mods="", Int_t start=0, Int_t nMaxMatch=10, TArrayI *pos=0); TObjArray *MatchS(const TString &s, const TString &mods="", Int_t start=0, Int_t nMaxMatch=10); Bool_t MatchB(const TString &s, const TString &mods="", Int_t start=0, Int_t nMaxMatch=10) { return (Match(s,mods,start,nMaxMatch) > 0); } Int_t Substitute(TString &s, const TString &replace, const TString &mods="", Int_t start=0, Int_t nMatchMax=10); TString GetPattern() const { return fPattern; } TString GetModifiers() const; TPRegexp &operator=(const TPRegexp &p); static Bool_t GetThrowAtCompileError(); static void SetThrowAtCompileError(Bool_t throwp); ClassDef(TPRegexp,0) // Perl Compatible Regular Expression Class }; class TPMERegexp : protected TPRegexp { private: TPMERegexp& operator=(const TPMERegexp&); // Not implemented protected: Int_t fNMaxMatches; // maximum number of matches Int_t fNMatches; // number of matches returned from last pcre_exec call TArrayI fMarkers; // last set of indexes of matches TString fLastStringMatched; // copy of the last TString matched void *fAddressOfLastString; // used for checking for change of TString in global match Int_t fLastGlobalPosition; // end of last match when kPCRE_GLOBAL is set public: TPMERegexp(); TPMERegexp(const TString& s, const TString& opts = "", Int_t nMatchMax = 10); TPMERegexp(const TString& s, UInt_t opts, Int_t nMatchMax = 10); TPMERegexp(const TPMERegexp& r); virtual ~TPMERegexp() {} void Reset(const TString& s, const TString& opts = "", Int_t nMatchMax = -1); void Reset(const TString& s, UInt_t opts, Int_t nMatchMax = -1); Int_t GetNMaxMatches() const { return fNMaxMatches; } void SetNMaxMatches(Int_t nm) { fNMaxMatches = nm; } Int_t GetGlobalPosition() const { return fLastGlobalPosition; } void AssignGlobalState(const TPMERegexp& re); void ResetGlobalState(); Int_t Match(const TString& s, UInt_t start = 0); Int_t Split(const TString& s, Int_t maxfields = 0); Int_t Substitute(TString& s, const TString& r, Bool_t doDollarSubst=kTRUE); Int_t NMatches() const { return fNMatches; } TString operator[](Int_t); virtual void Print(Option_t* option=""); ClassDef(TPMERegexp, 0); // Wrapper for Perl-like regular expression matching. }; class TStringToken : public TString { protected: const TString fFullStr; TPRegexp fSplitRe; Bool_t fReturnVoid; Int_t fPos; public: TStringToken(const TString& fullStr, const TString& splitRe, Bool_t retVoid=kFALSE); virtual ~TStringToken() {} Bool_t NextToken(); Bool_t AtEnd() const { return fPos >= fFullStr.Length(); } ClassDef(TStringToken,0) // String tokenizer using PCRE for finding next tokens. }; #endif