//      Maurice LeBrun
//      IFS, University of Texas
//      Feb 15, 1995
//      Test program for illustrating possible Tek GIN anomalies.  In
//      particular, for problems with GIN reports encountered in VLT (Tek
//      4107 emulator for the Amiga).  May not work right with other Tek
//      emulators.
//      To compile: "$CC foo.c -o foo", where $CC is an ANSI-C compiler.
//      Usage:
//      % foo [x0 [y0]]
//      To reproduce problem:
//      Run program, then turn on graphic crosshair with XY and position over
//      the intersection of the drawn lines.  Experiment with different
//      crosshair locations, entered via the command line.  Invariably,
//      the reported position is systematically <= than the drawn one,
//      sometimes by as much as 2 pixels.
//      Note: this anomaly has important consequences when doing graphic
//      input, because the reported world coordinates are then
//      systematically off.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

// Static function prototypes

void plD_init_vlt( void );
void plD_line_tek( short, short, short, short );
void plD_eop_tek( void );
void plD_bop_tek( void );
void plD_tidy_tek( void );

static void     WaitForPage( void );
static void     tek_text( void );
static void     tek_graph( void );
static void     encode_int( char *c, int i );
static void     encode_vector( char *c, int x, int y );
static void     tek_vector( int x, int y );

// Graphics control characters.

#define RING_BELL       "\007"          // ^G = 7
#define CLEAR_VIEW      "\033\f"        // clear the view = ESC FF

#define ALPHA_MODE      "\037"          // Enter Alpha  mode:  US
#define VECTOR_MODE     "\035"          // Enter Vector mode:  GS
#define GIN_MODE        "\033\032"      // Enter GIN    mode:  ESC SUB
#define BYPASS_MODE     "\033\030"      // Enter Bypass mode:  ESC CAN
#define XTERM_VTMODE    "\033\003"      // End xterm-Tek mode: ESC ETX
#define CANCEL          "\033KC"        // Cancel

// main
// Generates simple test case.

main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    short x0 = 300, y0 = 300, l = 100;
    short x1, x2, y1, y2;

// Optional x0, y0 specification by the command line

    if ( argc > 1 )
        x0 = atoi( argv[1] );

    if ( argc > 2 )
        y0 = atoi( argv[2] );


// Draw boundary

    plD_line_tek( 0, 0, 1023, 0 );
    plD_line_tek( 1023, 0, 1023, 779 );

    plD_line_tek( 1023, 779, 0, 779 );
    plD_line_tek( 0, 779, 0, 0 );

// Draw crosshairs centered around (x0, y0) of length 2l

    x1 = x0 - l, x2 = x0 + l;
    y1 = y0 - l, y2 = y0 + l;

    plD_line_tek( x1, y0, x2, y0 );
    plD_line_tek( x0, y1, x0, y2 );

    exit( 0 );

// plD_init_vlt()	VLT emulator (Amiga)

plD_init_vlt( void )
    fprintf( stdout, VECTOR_MODE );       // Enter vector mode
    fprintf( stdout, CLEAR_VIEW );        // erase and home

// plD_line_tek()
// Draw a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).

plD_line_tek( short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2 )
    fprintf( stdout, VECTOR_MODE );
    tek_vector( x1, y1 );
    tek_vector( x2, y2 );

// plD_eop_tek()
// End of page.  User must hit a <CR> to continue (terminal output).

plD_eop_tek( void )
    fprintf( stdout, CLEAR_VIEW );                // erase and home

// plD_tidy_tek()
// Close graphics file or otherwise clean up.

plD_tidy_tek( void )

// tek_text()

static void
tek_text( void )
    printf( "\033[?38l" );        // vt100 screen

// tek_graph()

static void
tek_graph( void )
    printf( "\033[?38h" );        // switch to tek screen

// encode_int()
// Encodes a single int into standard tek integer format, storing into a
// NULL-terminated character string (must be length 4 or greater).  This
// scheme does not work for negative integers less than 15.

static void
encode_int( char *c, int i )
    int negative = 0;

    if ( i > 0 )
        if ( i & 0x7C00 )                       // are any of bits 10-14 set?
            *c++ = ( ( i >> 10 ) & 0x1F ) | 0x40;
        if ( i & 0x03F0 )                       // are any of bits 4-9 set?
            *c++ = ( ( i >> 4 ) & 0x3F ) | 0x40;
        i        = -i;
        negative = 1;

    if ( i & 0x000F )                           // are any of bits 0-3 set?
        *c = ( i & 0x0F ) | 0x20;
    else                                        // if not, put in a space
        *c = 0x20;

    if ( !negative )                            // if positive, set sign bit
        *c |= 0x10;

    c++; *c = '\0';                             // NULL-terminate

// encode_vector()
// Encodes an xy vector (2 ints) into standard tek vector format, storing
// into a NULL-terminated character string of length 5.  Note that the y
// coordinate always comes first.

static void
encode_vector( char *c, int x, int y )
    c[0] = ( y >> 5 ) + 0x20;             // hy
    c[1] = ( y & 0x1f ) + 0x60;           // ly
    c[2] = ( x >> 5 ) + 0x20;             // hx
    c[3] = ( x & 0x1f ) + 0x40;           // lx
    c[4] = '\0';                          // NULL

// tek_vector()
// Issues a vector draw command, assuming we are in vector plot mode.  XY
// coordinates are encoded according to the standard xy encoding scheme.

static void
tek_vector( int x, int y )
    char c[5];
    c[0] = ( y >> 5 ) + 0x20;             // hy
    c[1] = ( y & 0x1f ) + 0x60;           // ly
    c[2] = ( x >> 5 ) + 0x20;             // hx
    c[3] = ( x & 0x1f ) + 0x40;           // lx
    c[4] = '\0';                          // NULL

    fprintf( stdout, "%s", c );

// WaitForPage()
// This routine waits for the user to advance the plot, while handling
// all other events.

static void
WaitForPage( void )
    printf( ALPHA_MODE );         // Switch to alpha mode (necessary)
    printf( RING_BELL );          // and ring bell
    printf( VECTOR_MODE );        // Switch out of alpha mode
    fflush( stdout );

    while ( !getchar() )