The desired API for libqsastime should consist of just five functions that are actually publicly visible. ========================= void configqsas(double scale, double offset1, double offset2, int ccontrol, int ifbtime_offset, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, double sec, QSASCONFIG **qsasconfig); Within this routine if ifbtime_offset is false, then the broken-down time arguments are ignored. If ifbtime_offset is true, then the input offset1 and offset2 values are ignored, and instead, the broken-down time values are used to calculate offset1 and offset2 with the help of an internal call to setFromUT. If *qsasconfig is NULL, this routine allocates memory for a QSASCONFIG struct and points *qsaconfig to that memory location. It initializes the four variables encapsulated in that struct with scale, offset1, offset2, and ccontrol. Further details of the meaning of these four variables is contained in qsastime.h. The special pointer to a pointer QSASCONFIG argument is required so that the external pointer can be changed if/when the memory is allocated. Although this API gives the user a large degree of flexibility in choosing the transformation between broken-down time and continuous time, a number of combinations of offset1, offset2, scale, and ccontrol are documented below for some common time system transformations to guide the user. (Some of these are currently just placeholders.) Broken- Contin- offset1 offset2 scale correction Notes down uous time time Civil MJD (TT) 0. 0. 1. 1 1, 2, 3 Civil JD (TT) 2400000. 0.5 1. 1 2, 3 TT MJD (TT) 0. 0. 1. 0 4 TT MJD (TAI) 0. -0.0003725 1. 0 5 TT TT 0. 0. 86400. 0 6 Specific notes for the table. 1. These offset1, offset2, scale, and correction values are the library default if the user does not call time_config at all. 2. We define civil time as the civil time on the prime meridian. (The user is responsible for converting their local time to civil time using their locale data for time zone and daylight savings time adjustment). Currently, our civil time corresponds to UTC as defined in note 3. 3. We use the file at to define the relationship between UTC and TAI (and thus TT) for correction = 1. For epochs prior to the starting date of that file (1961-01-01 = JD 2437300.5 UTC) we assume the same TAI-UTC offset of 1.422818 seconds as for the starting date of that file. This assumption of no variation in the earth rotation rate prior to 1961 is obviously not correct so that the TT derived from our code will not be reliable prior to that date. That is, if you use GMT (a historical backwards extension of UTC corresponding to civil time for the prime meridian) for broken down time prior to 1961, the TT result you will get will not produce a good approximation to the historical ephemeris time that is the correct backwards extension of TT, see For epochs after the ending date of that file (currently 2009-01-01 = JD 2454832.5 UTC) we assume the same TAI-UTC offset (currently 34 seconds) as for the ending date of that file, i.e., we assume no leap seconds after the ending date of the file. Insertion of leap seconds cannot be predicted years in advance (because future predictions of the earth rotation rate are not reliable on such time scales) so the transformation between civil time (UTC) and TT cannot be known years in advance. However, the approximation of assuming no leap seconds after the end of the file should be correct on time scales less than roughly a year so when a decision is made in advance to insert an official leap second, there should be plenty of time for that decision to propagate to and ultimately our code releases. Thus, so long as we make releases on a timely basis, our calculation of TT for current epochs should always be reliable. 2. I haven't checked the code yet, but I assume this relationship holds for all transformations between broken-down time and continuous time in MJD when the broken-down time and continuous time are defined on the same continuous time scale (TT in this case). All other relationships are derived from the known offsets with respect to TT and differences between MJD epochs and native (TT, TAI, etc.) epochs. 3. Offset derived from definition TT = TAI + 32.184 s = TAI + 0.0003725 d 4. Continuous times (e.g., TT) without further designation are in seconds since the native (e.g., TT) epoch. NEEDS WORK to figure out offset. 5. the POSIX time standard of seconds since the Unix epoch is actually discontinuous (see remarks in So our "Unix (TAI)" continuous time scale (NOT YET IN THE TABLE) corresponds to the continuous "International Atomic Time-based variant" discussed in the above article. NEEDS FURTHER INVESTIGATION. dTT/dTCG = 1-LG, where LG = 6.969290134D-10, IAU Resolution B1.9 Re-definition of Terrestrial Time TT, Time ephemeris reference is Irwin and Fukushima, 1999, ========================= void closeqsas (QSASCONFIG **qsasconfig): This routine closes the library by freeing memory allocated for qsasconfig if *qsaconfig is non-NULL and sets *qsasconfig to NULL. The special pointer to a pointer QSASCONFIG argument is required in order to change the external pointer. ========================= void ctimeqsas (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, double sec, double *ctime, const QSASCONFIG *qsasconfig); Determine continuous time (ctime). Wraps the existing internal (not visible by default) setFromUT to use the four variables in qsasconfig discussed above in the transformation from broken-down-time to ctime. Note, because of the transformation implied by the four variables mentioned above, the ctime result can be stored in just a double assuming the user has picked a reasonable epoch that is not so distant from his plotted range of times that it causes a noticable loss of numerical precision. ========================= void btimeqsas (int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *min, double *sec, double ctime, const QSASCONFIG *qsasconfig); Determine broken-down time (btime). This is the inverse of ctimeqsas. It wraps the existing internal (not visible by default) breakDownMJD to use the four variables in qsasconfig discussed above in the transformation from ctime to btime. Note, because of the transformation implied by the four variables, the input ctime can be just a double assuming the user has picked a reasonable epoch that is not so distant from his plotted range of times that it causes a noticable loss of numerical precision. ========================= size_t strfqsas (char * buf, size_t len, const char * format, const double ctime, const QSASCONFIG *qsasconfig); This wraps the existing internal (not visible by default) strfMJD to use the four variables in qsasconfig discussed above in the transformation from ctime to btime. Note, because of the transformation implied by the four variables, the input ctime can be just a double assuming the user has picked a reasonable epoch that is not so distant from his plotted range of times that it causes a noticable loss of numerical precision. =========================