# # Declare the repositories we know about: # create repository plplot.git end repository # # Declare the rules # Note: rules must end in a slash # match /trunk/ repository plplot.git branch master end match # Some of the PLplot branches are the result of problematic CVS # transactions that ended up as /branches/unlabeled- # when converted to subversion. Probably cannot recreate whatever # happened at CVS time so use the generic rule below for these # "special" branches which treats these various unlabelled directories # as separate git branches. match /branches/([^/]+)/ repository plplot.git branch \1 end match # Note the first successful match in this file for any give directory name # is the one that is used. Therefore, the following 3 rules must be in # the given order from most specific to least specific. # Most subversion branch-style tags were stored in /tags, but some of # the tags done as part of Debian packaging work were stored in # /tags/debian. These two rules are for that special case with the # first one because "~" occurs in some of these directory names which # forces an abort for svn-all-fast-export unless that character is # substituted (e.g., in this case with "tilde"). N.B. this tilde # logic only works if there is just one tilde in the # branches/debian/ (which happens to be the case for # PLplot). match /tags/debian/([^~/]+)~([^/]+)/ repository plplot.git branch tag--debian/\1tilde\2 end match match /tags/debian/([^/]+)/ repository plplot.git branch tag--debian/\1 end match # More general tags rule to handle all tags other than /tags/debian match /tags/([^/]+)/ repository plplot.git branch tag--\1 end match # This was a separate CVS project in the early history that got # translated to /www/trunk plus an empty /www/branches and /www/tags # in the CVS to subversion conversion that was done years ago. We # treat all of /www as a single git branch to capture this history # in git. match /www/([^/]+)/ repository plplot.git branch \1 end match