This file is to show what I did to convert the plplot svn SourceForge repo to a SourceForge git repo following closely what I did for a similar conversion of timeephem. This is a preliminary conversion, and it is likely that if I can get it to work, Hazen will do the final conversion. * Create local directory corresponding to the complete SF svn repo. svn checkout plplot_complete_SF_svn * [Not done by AWI. Should be done by Hazen.] Turn off write permissions for subversions repo and change the display name for that repo from "Code" to "Old Code". To do this, login to SF, --> project page for plplot --> admin --> tools. Then click on the permissions button for "Code" to not allow anyone write access. Then click on the label button for "Code" to change that to "Old Code". N.B. MAKE ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE YOU DO NOT HIT THE DELETE BUTTON. That would destroy our subversion repository which we would like to keep available at SourceForge for some time in a readonly status * [Not done by AWI. Should be done by Hazen.] While in the same location create an empty git repo. Click on the git button, and choose a label of "Code" and a mount point of "plplot". This will create a "Code" area at the end. Drag and drop that area to place "Code" before "Old Code" to affect the order of the menus at the SF project page. N.B. If you make a mistake with the git repo (like I did with the airwin user name for the timeephem case) you can always hit the delete button for the git repo to completely remove it from SourceForge. Then start over with an empty repo as above. But be extremely careful which delete button you hit since you could also completely remove the subversion repository this way if you do that on "Old Code". * Copy SourceForge svn repo to local disk. rsync -av --delete* plplot_svn_repository * Compare a local directory corresponding to this local repo with a local directory corresponding to the SF repo. Note, for final comparisons between git and svn we will do much more extensive check of various revisions svn checkout file:///home/software/plplot_svn/svn2git_conversion/plplot_svn_repository plplot_complete_local_svn # Confirm empty differences diff -Naur --exclude=.svn plplot_complete_SF_svn plplot_complete_local_svn svn log --verbose plplot_complete_SF_svn >| ChangeLog_complete_SF_svn.log svn log --verbose plplot_complete_local_svn >| ChangeLog_complete_local_svn.log # Empty differences except for slight formatting difference (mentioned # "Changed paths:" for empty tags). I don't know why there is this formatting # difference since repos are identical via above rsync, but svn may just # use slightly different code path for local file repo than it does for remote # repo. In any case, differences are slight so I won't worry further about it. diff ChangeLog_complete_SF_svn.log ChangeLog_complete_local_svn.log * Analyze overall directory structure of svn repo. grep "A /" ChangeLog_complete_local_svn.log | grep -v "A /trunk" | grep -v "A /tags" | grep -v "A /branches" | less Shows that top level directories are branches, tags, trunk, and www, and within www there are branches, tags, and trunk as well, but only www/trunk is used. Furthermore, grep "A /branches" ChangeLog_complete_local_svn.log| grep www shows no directory called branches/www. Therefore, I agree with Hazen's decision to treat all of www as a branch. * Analyze tags. svn log --verbose plplot_complete_local_svn/tags >| ChangeLog_complete_local_svn_tags.log grep 'A /' ChangeLog_complete_local_svn_tags.log |less Shows tags actually appear as subdirectories of tags AND tags/debian. So change Hazen rules so that tags/debian/whatever ends up as the git tag "debian/whatever" * Prepare files to help conversion Sources: + Find list of author names: svn log --quiet plplot_complete_local_svn/tags | awk '/^r/ {print $3}' | sort -u The above command generated a list that was equivalent to what Hazen had already collected in his old authors.txt file. N.B. Hazen has now updated that authors.txt file using real names (such as Alan W. Irwin), and it was that rules.txt file I used for my final testing. + Update plplot.rules file provided by Hazen for PLplot to deal with tags/debian issue. (Hazen had already dealt with /www issue noted above.) + Cut and paste from first source above to create the script to be sourced (below) to convert special marking of tag-style svn branches to real git tags. * Do conversion with marked tags as branches. rm -rf plplot.git # This removes prior conversion attempts. time svn-all-fast-export --identity-map=authors.txt --rules=plplot.rules --stats --add-metadata plplot_svn_repository >| svn-all-fast-export.log 2>&1 The time stats were real 1m0.064s user 1m11.676s sys 0m6.760s ==> blindingly fast! This result took 15 times the time required for the timeephem case which seems reasonable since this PLplot svn repository is 15 times larger than the timeephem svn repository. * Check svn-all-fast.log for any error or warning messages. Some of the tag creations generated warning messages, but as far as I know there is nothing there that looks serious. * Transform svn branch-style tags to git tags following script given by source 1 above. pushd plplot.git source ../ >| ../ popd The resulting output file looked reasonable. * Create clone of local git repo rm -rf plplot_local_clone.git git clone /home/software/plplot_svn/svn2git_conversion/plplot.git plplot_local_clone.git * Tailor script to refer to plplot_local_clone.git and run that script to check the PLplot working directory for the local svn repo against plplot_local_clone.git time ./ >| 2>&1 * Create complete git log and check that it looks reasonable. pushd plplot_local_clone.git git checkout master git log --name-status --all >| ../git.log 2>&1 popd grep '^Author' git.log |sort -u |less The results were as expected (i.e. consistent with the authors.txt file used for the conversion). Also, check which svn revision numbers are in the log. grep "svn path" git.log |sort --field-separator='=' --key=3 -n |less This shows that only 23 are missing, but I think that is reasonable since grep '^Exporting' svn-all-fast-export.log |grep -v modifications |grep done |less (which picks out revisions that created no modifications to git corresponding, e.g., to creations of empty directories on svn) had 16 lines leaving only 7 svn revisions unaccounted for due to other issues which I didn't bother to try and figure out. [AWI did nothing further in this file so the rest is taken from AWI experience with timeephem conversion project with all references to that project replaced by plplot, and all references to airwin replaced by Hazen's SF username, hbabcock. Hazen should take each of these further steps.] * Configure git with the same information so that the Author lines will continue to be consistent in the log for new commits to the git repo. git config --global "Hazen Babcock" git config --global "" * Prepare bare repo for pushing to SF following directions at pushd plplot.git git remote add origin ssh:// git config branch.master.remote origin git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master popd * Check remote result: pushd plplot.git git remote --verbose popd Which yielded (as expected) origin ssh:// (fetch) origin ssh:// (push) * Push local branches and tags to SF pushd plplot.git git push origin master git push --all origin git push --tags origin popd * Check SF git repo by cloning it than comparing in detail with subversion results by using the test script with name of directory tailored appropriately in script. git clone ssh:// plplot_sf_clone.git time ./ >| less diff_git_versus_svn_tree._SF_clonesh.out * Enforce workflow with update hook mkdir git_hooks cd git_hooks # edit README file to explain our update hook and # the workflow policy it enforces. # This needed to give shell access for 240 minutes before your # SourceForge shell access disappears again. ssh airwin, create # Backup original SF updates hook scp -p airwin, update_original cp -p update_original update # Check permissions (which should be -rwxrwxr-x) ls -l update # Edit update file to enforce policy as discussed in detail on the mailing list. # edit update ..... # Upload the new version scp -p update airwin, # Check permissions: ssh airwin, "ls -l /home/git/p/plplot/plplot.git/hooks/update" # Fix permissions (if required) ssh airwin, "chmod a+x /home/git/p/plplot/plplot.git/hooks/update" * Tag and remove all branches except master # List branches git branch -a # Tag the branch called branch_name git tag archive/branch_name origin/branch_name # Push tags to SF git push --tags origin # Delete branches at SF git push origin :branch-name # Branch resurrection: git branch branch_name archive/branch_name # To get a complete list of remote tags: git ls-remote --tags origin # For those who want to make tags and branches on their local repo # consistent with the remote repo. (The following command definitely # gets rid of the local branches that were deleted at SF, but I am not # sure whether this is sufficient to propagate the tag creations as # well or whether a subsequent ff-only merge (done as part of the # normal workflow) of origin/master to master is also required. git fetch --prune