Running the Tk Demos. Note these directions as well as taking proper care of all the dependencies have been incorporated into our CMake-based build systems for the core build and the installed examples build. So the tests below of the Tcl, Tk, Itcl, Itk, and Iwidgets components of PLplot can be normally be done by simply running make test_interactive However, we preserve the directions below for historical reasons and in case you want to do any of these commands by hand, e.g., with valgrind. There are two ways to run the examples below, where the alternatives are indicated by "|". The first alternative should only be used if you have changed directories to $prefix/share/plplot$VERSION/examples/tk where $prefix is the PLplot install prefix and $VERSION is the PLplot release version, e.g., 5.11.0. That is, the first alternative should be used if you have changed directories to the installed tk examples directory. The second alternative should only be used if you have changed directories to bindings/examples/tk in the build tree. To run the plot.tcl demo follow the directions in that file to run it under plserver using the plframe widget. Build the xtk?? executables using the 'make' command. Once the xtk?? executables are built, then you run the examples in the following way: ./xtk01 -f tk01 ./xtk02 -f tk02 ./tk03 ./xtk04 -f tk04 (1) Run tkdemos.tcl from plserver. This potentially exercises all the x??.tcl examples using the plframe widget: plserver | ../../bindings/tk/plserver source tkdemos.tcl 0 1 2 .... exit Note the plserver command has normal PLplot command-line options (run plserver -h to find out what they are). (2) Run tkdemos.tcl from wish. wish -geometry 600x400 lappend auto_path $prefix/share/plplot$VERSION | ../../bindings/tk package require Pltk source tkdemos.tcl 1 2 .... exit To find out more about the wish command (which comes as part of the Tk package) use man wish. Both the plserver and wish methods execute the various x??.tcl examples corresponding to the numbers specified by the user. (3) Run runAllDemos.tcl from plserver. plserver | ../../bindings/tk/plserver source runAllDemos.tcl (4) Run runAllDemos.tcl from wish. wish -geometry 600x400 lappend auto_path $prefix/share/plplot$VERSION | ../../bindings/tk-x-plat ../../bindings/tk package require Plplotter source runAllDemos.tcl