To produce an SVG form of the logo with -dev svg (which is the device which has been explicitly tuned for) execute make plplot_logo in either the top-level of the build tree (configured with cmake option -DBUILD_TEST=ON) or (after "make install" is run) in the build tree of the installed examples configured by the new CMake-based build system for those examples. The above command actually runs the equivalent of ./ -dev svg -geometry 760x120 -o plplot_logo.svg with proper dependencies and with run from the correct directory with correct directory prefix on the output. It also generates plplot_logo.jpg (see below). Both output files end up in examples/python (if working in the top-level of the core build tree) or python (if working in the top-level of the installed examples build tree). The plplot_logo.svg results look great on konqueror, but they are slow to render. The results also look good for display (for the default compensation for text shifts) and take very little time to render. Partially because of the file-bloating issue discussed on list (lots of graphical objects outside device boundaries that are still included in the file), the size of the file is 1.8M. (Of course, another reason for this large file size is there is incredible detail (many triangles) used to represent the surface. If I compress that file using gzip -c | plplot_logo.svgz then the result is only 97 K (which is almost reasonable) and a factor of almost 20 (!) in size over uncompressed. Other results follow: (1) The compressed result can still be quickly rendered with "display". (2) The compressed result makes no difference to the slow konqueror rendering, but that is konqueror's problem and not ours because of how quickly "display" renders the result. (3) Firefox 2 does not know what to do with the compressed result. For the uncompressed result it does not recognize the gradient. These two issues should be checked for firefox 3. (4) scribus-ng quickly imports the compressed result with the same issues (no clipping of results at the stated boundary of the device) as for the uncompressed results. (5) The compressed result is completely unrecognized by the w3c validator. However, the uncompressed result (after a long upload) validates properly at w3c. Until the *.svgz compressed form becomes well-recognized (not least of all by w3c), it is probably best to convert to jpeg to improve rendering speed/reduce bandwidth compared to the uncompressed svg file. This convert step (also done with the above "make plplot_logo" command) appears to get rid of everything outside the device boundaries. convert plplot_logo.svg plplot_logo.jpg The result has a file size of 34K compared to the original jpeg logo (www/img/header.jpg) put together by Werner (with external editor?) which has a file size of 42K and which lacks a legend for the logo. The "z axis" label is shifted a bit by ImageMagick because of the librsvg-2.22 bug, and until this bug is fixed I have put a default option into the original file to compensate for this bug. The result looks essentially the same as the original logo (by design and fine-tuning of, but the *.svgz form looks substantially better (if only it would be more widely recognized). The future prospects of reducing the uncompressed size of the *.svg result to a reasonable value and the compressed size of the *.svgz result to a miniscule value are good. First, the solution of the file bloating issue discussed on list (many graphical objects outside the device boundary clipping limits are included unnecessarily in the file) should reduce the file size by roughly a factor of three. An even bigger reduction factor for file size is expected when native gradients for file formats that support them become supported by PLplot since that means the triangles used to represent colour surfaces in PLplot can be made much larger without compromising how good the result looks. Alan W. Irwin 2008-10-19 (revised 2009-12-04)