// plimage demo // // #include "plcdemos.h" #include "plevent.h" #include #define XDIM 260 #define YDIM 220 void save_plot( char * ); void gray_cmap( PLINT ); int read_img( PLCHAR_VECTOR, PLFLT ***, int *, int *, int * ); int get_clip( PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLFLT * ); int dbg = 0; int nosombrero = 0; int nointeractive = 0; char *f_name = NULL; struct stretch_data { PLFLT xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; PLFLT stretch; }; static PLOptionTable options[] = { { "dbg", // extra debugging plot NULL, NULL, &dbg, PL_OPT_BOOL, "-dbg", "Extra debugging plot" }, { "nosombrero", // Turns on test of xor function NULL, NULL, &nosombrero, PL_OPT_BOOL, "-nosombrero", "No sombrero plot" }, { "nointeractive", // Turns on test of xor function NULL, NULL, &nointeractive, PL_OPT_BOOL, "-nointeractive", "No interactive selection" }, { "save", // For saving in postscript NULL, NULL, &f_name, PL_OPT_STRING, "-save filename", "Save sombrero plot in color postscript `filename'" }, { NULL, // option NULL, // handler NULL, // client data NULL, // address of variable to set 0, // mode flag NULL, // short syntax NULL } // long syntax }; // Transformation function static void mypltr( PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT *tx, PLFLT *ty, PLPointer pltr_data ) { struct stretch_data *s = (struct stretch_data *) pltr_data; PLFLT x0, y0, dy; x0 = ( s->xmin + s->xmax ) * 0.5; y0 = ( s->ymin + s->ymax ) * 0.5; dy = ( s->ymax - s->ymin ) * 0.5; *tx = x0 + ( x0 - x ) * ( 1.0 - s->stretch * cos( ( y - y0 ) / dy * M_PI * 0.5 ) ); *ty = y; } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { PLFLT x[XDIM], y[YDIM], **z, **r; PLFLT xi, yi, xe, ye; int i, j, width, height, num_col; PLFLT **img_f; PLFLT img_min; PLFLT img_max; struct stretch_data stretch; PLcGrid2 cgrid2; PLFLT xx, yy; // Bugs in plimage(): // -at high magnifications, the left and right edge are ragged, try // ./x20c -dev xwin -wplt 0.3,0.3,0.6,0.6 -ori 0.5 // AWI comment as of 2016-02-04. This bug appears to no longer exist. // // Bugs in x20c.c: // -if the window is resized after a selection is made on "Chloe", when // making a new selection the old one will re-appear. // AWI comment as of 2016-02-04. I confirm that both the old // and new selection areas are outlined, but only the new one // is actually used for the selection so this is relatively harmless // for this application. Nevertheless, it should be looked into as a // likely rendering issue with plbuf. // Parse and process command line arguments plMergeOpts( options, "x20c options", NULL ); plparseopts( &argc, argv, PL_PARSE_FULL ); // Initialize plplot plinit(); plAlloc2dGrid( &z, XDIM, YDIM ); // view image border pixels if ( dbg ) { plenv( 1., (PLFLT) XDIM, 1., (PLFLT) YDIM, 1, 1 ); // no plot box // build a one pixel square border, for diagnostics for ( i = 0; i < XDIM; i++ ) z[i][YDIM - 1] = 1.; // right for ( i = 0; i < XDIM; i++ ) z[i][0] = 1.; // left for ( i = 0; i < YDIM; i++ ) z[0][i] = 1.; // top for ( i = 0; i < YDIM; i++ ) z[XDIM - 1][i] = 1.; // botton pllab( "...around a blue square.", " ", "A red border should appear..." ); plimage( (PLFLT_MATRIX) z, XDIM, YDIM, 1., (PLFLT) XDIM, 1., (PLFLT) YDIM, 0., 0., 1., (PLFLT) XDIM, 1., (PLFLT) YDIM ); } // sombrero-like demo if ( !nosombrero ) { plAlloc2dGrid( &r, XDIM, YDIM ); plcol0( 2 ); // draw a yellow plot box, useful for diagnostics! :( plenv( 0., 2. * M_PI, 0, 3. * M_PI, 1, -1 ); for ( i = 0; i < XDIM; i++ ) x[i] = i * 2. * M_PI / (PLFLT) ( XDIM - 1 ); for ( i = 0; i < YDIM; i++ ) y[i] = i * 3. * M_PI / (PLFLT) ( YDIM - 1 ); for ( i = 0; i < XDIM; i++ ) for ( j = 0; j < YDIM; j++ ) { r[i][j] = sqrt( x[i] * x[i] + y[j] * y[j] ) + 1e-3; z[i][j] = sin( r[i][j] ) / ( r[i][j] ); } pllab( "No, an amplitude clipped \"sombrero\"", "", "Saturn?" ); plptex( 2., 2., 3., 4., 0., "Transparent image" ); plimage( (PLFLT_MATRIX) z, XDIM, YDIM, 0., 2. * M_PI, 0., 3. * M_PI, 0.05, 1., 0., 2. * M_PI, 0., 3. * M_PI ); plFree2dGrid( r, XDIM, YDIM ); // save the plot if ( f_name ) save_plot( f_name ); } plFree2dGrid( z, XDIM, YDIM ); // read Chloe image // Note we try three different locations to cover the case where this // examples is being run from the test_c.sh script or directly on Windows if ( read_img( "Chloe.pgm", &img_f, &width, &height, &num_col ) ) { if ( read_img( "../Chloe.pgm", &img_f, &width, &height, &num_col ) ) { if ( read_img( "../../Chloe.pgm", &img_f, &width, &height, &num_col ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "No such file" ); plend(); exit( 1 ); } } } // set gray colormap gray_cmap( num_col ); // display Chloe plenv( 1., width, 1., height, 1, -1 ); if ( !nointeractive ) pllab( "Set and drag Button 1 to (re)set selection, Button 2 to finish.", " ", "Chloe..." ); else pllab( "", " ", "Chloe..." ); plimage( (PLFLT_MATRIX) img_f, width, height, 1., width, 1., height, 0., 0., 1., width, 1., height ); // plend();exit(0); // selection/expansion demo if ( !nointeractive ) { xi = 25.; xe = 130.; yi = 235.; ye = 125.; if ( get_clip( &xi, &xe, &yi, &ye ) ) // get selection rectangle { plend(); exit( 0 ); } // // I'm unable to continue, clearing the plot and advancing to the next // one, without hiting the enter key, or pressing the button... help! // // Forcing the xwin driver to leave locate mode and destroying the // xhairs (in GetCursorCmd()) solves some problems, but I still have // to press the enter key or press Button-2 to go to next plot, even // if a pladv() is not present! Using plbop() solves the problem, but // it shouldn't be needed! // // plbop(); // // plspause(0), pladv(0), plspause(1), also works, // but the above question remains. // With this approach, the previous pause state is lost, // as there is no API call to get its current state. // plspause( 0 ); pladv( 0 ); // display selection only plimage( (PLFLT_MATRIX) img_f, width, height, 1., width, 1., height, 0., 0., xi, xe, ye, yi ); plspause( 1 ); // zoom in selection plenv( xi, xe, ye, yi, 1, -1 ); plimage( (PLFLT_MATRIX) img_f, width, height, 1., width, 1., height, 0., 0., xi, xe, ye, yi ); } // Base the dynamic range on the image contents. plMinMax2dGrid( (PLFLT_MATRIX) img_f, width, height, &img_max, &img_min ); // Draw a saturated version of the original image. Only use the middle 50% // of the image's full dynamic range. plcol0( 2 ); plenv( 0, width, 0, height, 1, -1 ); pllab( "", "", "Reduced dynamic range image example" ); plimagefr( (PLFLT_MATRIX) img_f, width, height, 0., width, 0., height, 0., 0., img_min + img_max * 0.25, img_max - img_max * 0.25, NULL, NULL ); // Draw a distorted version of the original image, showing its full dynamic range. plenv( 0, width, 0, height, 1, -1 ); pllab( "", "", "Distorted image example" ); stretch.xmin = 0; stretch.xmax = width; stretch.ymin = 0; stretch.ymax = height; stretch.stretch = 0.5; // In C / C++ the following would work, with plimagefr directly calling // mypltr. For compatibilty with other language bindings the same effect // can be achieved by generating the transformed grid first and then // using pltr2. // plimagefr((const PLFLT **) img_f, width, height, 0., width, 0., height, 0., 0., img_min, img_max, mypltr, (PLPointer) &stretch); plAlloc2dGrid( &cgrid2.xg, width + 1, height + 1 ); plAlloc2dGrid( &cgrid2.yg, width + 1, height + 1 ); cgrid2.nx = width + 1; cgrid2.ny = height + 1; for ( i = 0; i <= width; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j <= height; j++ ) { mypltr( i, j, &xx, &yy, ( PLPointer ) & stretch ); cgrid2.xg[i][j] = xx; cgrid2.yg[i][j] = yy; } } plimagefr( (PLFLT_MATRIX) img_f, width, height, 0., width, 0., height, 0., 0., img_min, img_max, pltr2, &cgrid2 ); plFree2dGrid( cgrid2.xg, width + 1, height + 1 ); plFree2dGrid( cgrid2.yg, width + 1, height + 1 ); plFree2dGrid( img_f, width, height ); plend(); exit( 0 ); } // read image from file in binary ppm format int read_img( PLCHAR_VECTOR fname, PLFLT ***img_f, int *width, int *height, int *num_col ) { FILE *fp; unsigned char *img; char ver[80]; int i, j, w, h; PLFLT **imf; // naive grayscale binary ppm reading. If you know how to, improve it if ( ( fp = fopen( fname, "rb" ) ) == NULL ) return 1; if ( fscanf( fp, "%s\n", ver ) != 1 ) // version { fclose( fp ); return 1; } // printf("version: %s\n", ver); if ( strcmp( ver, "P5" ) ) // I only understand this! { fclose( fp ); return 1; } while ( ( i = fgetc( fp ) ) == '#' ) { if ( fgets( ver, 80, fp ) == NULL ) // comments { fclose( fp ); return 1; } // printf("%s", ver); } ungetc( i, fp ); if ( fscanf( fp, "%d%d%d\n", &w, &h, num_col ) != 3 ) // width, height num colors { fclose( fp ); return 1; } // printf("width=%d height=%d num_col=%d\n", w, h, *num_col); img = (unsigned char *) malloc( (size_t) ( w * h ) * sizeof ( char ) ); plAlloc2dGrid( &imf, w, h ); if ( (int) fread( img, sizeof ( char ), (size_t) ( w * h ), fp ) != w * h ) { fclose( fp ); free( img ); plFree2dGrid( imf, w, h ); return 1; } fclose( fp ); for ( i = 0; i < w; i++ ) for ( j = 0; j < h; j++ ) imf[i][j] = img[( h - 1 - j ) * w + i]; // flip image up-down free( img ); *width = w; *height = h; *img_f = imf; return 0; } // save plot void save_plot( char *fname ) { PLINT cur_strm, new_strm; plgstrm( &cur_strm ); // get current stream plmkstrm( &new_strm ); // create a new one plsdev( "psc" ); // new device type. Use a known existing driver plsfnam( fname ); // file name plcpstrm( cur_strm, 0 ); // copy old stream parameters to new stream plreplot(); // do the save plend1(); // close new device plsstrm( cur_strm ); // and return to previous one } // get selection square interactively int get_clip( PLFLT *xi, PLFLT *xe, PLFLT *yi, PLFLT *ye ) { PLGraphicsIn gin; PLFLT xxi = *xi, yyi = *yi, xxe = *xe, yye = *ye, t; PLINT st, start = 0; plxormod( 1, &st ); // enter xor mode to draw a selection rectangle if ( st ) // driver has xormod capability, continue { while ( 1 ) { PLFLT sx[5], sy[5]; plxormod( 0, &st ); plGetCursor( &gin ); plxormod( 1, &st ); if ( gin.button == 1 ) { xxi = gin.wX; yyi = gin.wY; if ( start ) plline( 5, sx, sy ); // clear previous rectangle start = 0; sx[0] = xxi; sy[0] = yyi; sx[4] = xxi; sy[4] = yyi; } if ( gin.state & 0x100 ) { xxe = gin.wX; yye = gin.wY; if ( start ) plline( 5, sx, sy ); // clear previous rectangle start = 1; sx[2] = xxe; sy[2] = yye; sx[1] = xxe; sy[1] = yyi; sx[3] = xxi; sy[3] = yye; plline( 5, sx, sy ); // draw new rectangle } if ( gin.button == 3 || gin.keysym == PLK_Return || gin.keysym == 'Q' ) { if ( start ) plline( 5, sx, sy ); // clear previous rectangle break; } } plxormod( 0, &st ); // leave xor mod if ( xxe < xxi ) { t = xxi; xxi = xxe; xxe = t; } if ( yyi < yye ) { t = yyi; yyi = yye; yye = t; } *xe = xxe; *xi = xxi; *ye = yye; *yi = yyi; return ( gin.keysym == 'Q' ); } else // driver has no xormod capability, just do nothing return 0; } // set gray colormap void gray_cmap( PLINT num_col ) { PLFLT r[2], g[2], b[2], pos[2]; r[0] = g[0] = b[0] = 0.0; r[1] = g[1] = b[1] = 1.0; pos[0] = 0.0; pos[1] = 1.0; plscmap1n( num_col ); plscmap1l( 1, 2, pos, r, g, b, NULL ); }