// Font demo. // #ifdef MSDOS #pragma optimize("",off) #endif #include "plcdemos.h" static int plptex_mode; static PLOptionTable options[] = { { "plptex_mode", NULL, NULL, &plptex_mode, PL_OPT_BOOL, "-plptex_mode", "Replace normal plsym call by the largely equivalent plptex call for this example" }, { NULL, // option NULL, // handler NULL, // client data NULL, // address of variable to set 0, // mode flag NULL, // short syntax NULL // long syntax } }; static int base[20] = { 0, 100, 0, 100, 200, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, 2900 }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main // // Displays the entire "plsym" symbol (font) set. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char text[10]; int i, j, k, l; PLFLT x, y; // Parse and process command line arguments plMergeOpts( options, "x07c options", NULL ); plparseopts( &argc, argv, PL_PARSE_FULL ); // Initialize plplot plinit(); plfontld( 0 ); for ( l = 0; l < 20; l++ ) { if ( l == 2 ) plfontld( 1 ); pladv( 0 ); // Set up viewport and window plcol0( 2 ); plvpor( 0.15, 0.95, 0.1, 0.9 ); plwind( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); // Draw the grid using plbox plbox( "bcg", 0.1, 0, "bcg", 0.1, 0 ); // Write the digits below the frame plcol0( 15 ); for ( i = 0; i <= 9; i++ ) { sprintf( text, "%d", i ); plmtex( "b", 1.5, ( 0.1 * i + 0.05 ), 0.5, text ); } k = 0; for ( i = 0; i <= 9; i++ ) { // Write the digits to the left of the frame sprintf( text, "%d", base[l] + 10 * i ); plmtex( "lv", 1.0, ( 0.95 - 0.1 * i ), 1.0, text ); for ( j = 0; j <= 9; j++ ) { x = 0.1 * j + 0.05; y = 0.95 - 0.1 * i; // Display the symbols if ( plptex_mode ) { sprintf( text, "#(%1d)", base[l] + k ); plptex( x, y, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, text ); } else { plsym( 1, &x, &y, base[l] + k ); } k = k + 1; } } if ( l < 2 ) plmtex( "t", 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, "PLplot Example 7 - PLSYM symbols (compact)" ); else plmtex( "t", 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, "PLplot Example 7 - PLSYM symbols (extended)" ); } plend(); exit( 0 ); }