Before reading this section you should consult [Building_PLplot](Building_PLplot "wikilink") to obtain generic build instructions. #### Linux - [Linux](Linux "wikilink") - [List of Debian/Ubuntu packages](List_of_Debian_Ubuntu_packages "wikilink") - in order to be able to configure and compile the PLplot library this page contains a list of Debian/Ubuntu packages needed. - [Additional notes for ifort users](Additional_notes_for_ifort_users "wikilink") #### Mac OSX - [Mac OSX](Mac_OSX "wikilink") instructions #### Windows ##### Free and open-source tools to help build a powerful version of PLplot on Windows - [Install MinGW/MSYS](Install_MinGW_MSYS "wikilink") - [Install SWIG](Install_SWIG "wikilink") - [Install Python](Install_Python "wikilink") - [Install Lua](Install_Lua "wikilink") - [Install Tcl](Install_Tcl "wikilink") - [Install Octave](Install_Octave "wikilink") - [Install 3rd party libraries](Install_3rd_party_libraries "wikilink") ##### Instructions per Windows platform - [Configure PLplot for the Visual Studio IDE](Configure_PLplot_for_the_Visual_Studio_IDE "wikilink") - [Configure PLplot for Visual CXX CLI](Configure_PLplot_for_Visual_CXX_CLI "wikilink") - [Configure PLplot for MinGW/CLI](Configure_PLplot_for_MinGW_CLI "wikilink") - [Configure PLplot for cygwin](Configure_PLplot_for_cygwin "wikilink") - [Configure PLplot for MSYS2](Configure_PLplot_for_msys2 "wikilink") - [Configure PLplot for Borland CXX 5.5 (free command line tools)](Configure_PLplot_for_Borland_CXX_5.5_(free_command_line_tools)) "wikilink") - [Configure PLplot for Borland Turbo C++ Explorer Edition (free IDE and compiler)](Configure_PLplot_for_Borland_Turbo_C++_Explorer_Edition_(free_IDE_and_compiler) "wikilink") The content of this page is available under the [GNU Free Documentation License 1.2](