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Setup MinGW command line tools

MinGW ([MinGW Homepage](http://www.mingw.org)) a collection of freely available and freely distributable Windows specific header files and import libraries, augmenting the GNU Compiler Collection, (GCC), and its associated tools, (GNU binutils). MinGW provides a complete Open Source programming tool set which is suitable for the development of native Windows programs that do not depend on any 3rd-party C runtime DLLs.

### Download and install

#### Official MinGW 4.4

Recently a new version (4.4) of the MinGW command line tools were released. Since the MinGW installer only installs the old version (3.4.5) here are the instructions to install version 4.4 manually.

-   Download from [1](http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2435):
    -   GNU Binutils (binutils-2.19.1-mingw32-bin.tar.gz)
    -   GCC Version 4 (gcc-core-4.4.0-mingw32-bin.tar.gz, gcc-core-4.4.0-mingw32-dll.tar.gz, gcc-c++-4.4.0-mingw32-bin.tar.gz, gcc-c++-4.4.0-mingw32-dll.tar.gz, gmp-4.2.4-mingw32-dll.tar.gz, mpfr-2.4.1-mingw32-dll.tar.gz)
    -   MINGW Runtime (mingwrt-3.16-mingw32-dev.tar.gz, mingwrt-3.16-mingw32-dll.tar.gz)
    -   Windows 32 API (w32api-3.13-mingw32-dev.tar.gz)
    -   GNU Make (mingw32-make-3.81-20080326-3.tar.gz)
    -   MinGW Utilities (mingw-utils-0.3.tar.gz)
    -   GNU Source-Level Debugger (gdb-6.8-mingw-3.tar.bz2) - optional

#### Alternative - TDM's experimental builds

-   The easiest way is to download the latest [On demand TDM/MinGW Installer](http://sourceforge.net/projects/tdm-gcc/files/TDM-MinGW%20Installer/) ([TDM's Experimental GCC/MinGW32 Builds](http://www.tdragon.net/recentgcc/)) and run it. This installer allows you to download and install the official MinGW command line tools 3.4.5 and the unofficial TDM's experimental GCC/MinGW32 builds (gcc 4.4.1).
-   Run the installer and press 'Create'. As installation directory I chose <tt>c:\\MinGW-3.4.5</tt> or <tt>c:\\MinGW-4.4.1</tt> depending on the gcc version I selected. To install gcc 4.4.1 choose the 'TDM-GCC Recommended, C/C++' type of install for gcc 3.4.5 choose 'MinGW stable, C/C++'. In addtion you can choose a fortran, ada, objc and objc++ language extension. After clicking 'Install' the packages will be downloaded and installed in the given directory.
-   The only thing which is not installed is the make tool. Therefore go to the [file release site of MinGW](http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2435&package_id=23918&release_id=587379) and download <tt>mingw32-make-3.81-20080326-3.tar.gz</tt> and extract the content with [your favorite zip tool](http://www.7-zip.org/) in to the MinGW installation directory.

### Setup

To configure and compile plplot with MinGW it is best to use the Windows CLI. Please follow the instructions in [Setup Windows CLI](Setup_Windows_CLI) to get the Windows Command Line Interface ready for development. Then open your [favorite text editor](http://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html) and enter the following CLI commands

`@echo off`

`rem setup MinGW compiler`
`set MINGWDIR=C:\\MinGW-4.3.1`
`set PATH=%MINGWDIR%\\bin;%PATH%`

`rem add Ada support if you installed the ada package`
`set CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=%MINGWDIR%\\lib\\gcc\\mingw32\\4.3.1\\adalib;%CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH%`

`rem setup PLplot library`
`set PLPLOTDIR=path_to_plplot`
`set PATH=%PLPLOTDIR%\\dll;%PATH%`

and save this to e.g. <tt>mingwvars.bat</tt>. If you installed the MinGW 3.4.5 command line tools, exchange in the script <tt>4.3.1</tt> with <tt>3.4.5</tt> (twice). Start you Windows CLI, cd into the directory where the batch file was saved and run <tt>mingwvars.bat</tt>. Run <tt>gcc --version</tt>, <tt>gfortran --version</tt> and <tt>gnat</tt> to see if everything works. Your MinGW developing environment is now ready.

The content of this page is available under the [GNU Free Documentation License 1.2](http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html).