This file shows how to implement, configure, build, and test our doxygen form of documentation. * Implementation. Doxygen documentation consists of comments in source code with a special leading prefix. For our C source code the adopted doxygen prefix style we use is "//!". See src/pllegend.c for an example of such comments which are largely up to date for that source file. However, there are many other source files in src where the doxygen comments are only part done or not done at all. It is our long-term goal to complete all of these making the doxygen wording describing the formal arguments consistent with our API description in doc/docbook/src/api.xml. Implementation of this goal could be partially automated by transforming the DocBook form of documentation in doc/docbook/src/api.xml into a temporary file in correct doxygen form. This could be done in python using the approach or we could follow the perl approach that is already implemented in docbook/bin for a number of other transformations of the api.xml documentation. However we decide to do this automation, it would reduce the hand-editing work to copying the appropriate parts of the temporary file in doxygen form that is generated by the python or perl script to the appropriate parts of the files in src. * Configuration. This is all done using the configurable file. This file needs to be adjusted from time to time to drop or add certain files to the list of files that are processed by doxygen. Also, this file needs to be consistent with the doxygen version that is installed. That should be done by running the doxygen -u command (and committing the result) whenever the doxygen build (see below) emits a warning message concerning doxygen version consistency. * Building the doxygen documentation. This is done by configuring the CMake-based build of PLplot using the cmake command-line option -DBUILD_DOX_DOC=ON and running make -j16 build_doxygen >& build_doxygen.out * Testing the doxygen results. + Check build_doxygen.out for any error or warning messages. Note, the code parsing functionality of doxygen is often at odds with the code-parsing functionality of gcc with regard to what warnings are issued. For example, currently the generated bindings/qt_gui/plplotqt_autogen/*/moc_qt.cpp code is generating some (likely specious) warning messages from doxygen. + Browse the results. For example, browsing the doxygen-generated page at doc/doxygen/html/pllegend_8c.html in the build tree should yield good-looking results, and similarly for all other files in the source tree that are documented via doxygen-related comments.