# Find haru pdf header and library. # # This module defines the following uncached variables: # hpdf_FOUND, if false, do not try to use haru pdf. # hpdf_INCLUDE_DIRS, where to find hpdf.h. # hpdf_LIBRARIES, the libraries to link against to use haru pdf # hpdf_LIBRARY_DIRS, the directory where libhpdf (either shared or static) # is found. # Give preference to header found in hpdf subdirectory (which is the # result of a build and install of upstream libharu), then if not # found look for the case of no such subdirectory (which is how the # Debian system version of libharu headers is installed). find_path(hpdf_INCLUDE_DIR hpdf.h PATHS /usr/local/include /usr/include PATH_SUFFIXES hpdf) find_path(hpdf_INCLUDE_DIR hpdf.h PATHS /usr/local/include /usr/include) if(hpdf_INCLUDE_DIR) find_library(hpdf_LIBRARY NAMES hpdf PATHS /usr/local/lib /usr/lib ) if(hpdf_LIBRARY) set(hpdf_LIBRARY_DIR "") get_filename_component(hpdf_LIBRARY_DIRS ${hpdf_LIBRARY} PATH) # Set uncached variables as per standard. set(hpdf_FOUND ON) set(hpdf_INCLUDE_DIRS ${hpdf_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(hpdf_LIBRARIES ${hpdf_LIBRARY}) endif(hpdf_LIBRARY) endif(hpdf_INCLUDE_DIR) if(hpdf_FOUND) if(NOT hpdf_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Findhpdf: Found haru header directory, ${hpdf_INCLUDE_DIR}, and library, ${hpdf_LIBRARIES}.") endif(NOT hpdf_FIND_QUIETLY) else(hpdf_FOUND) if(hpdf_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Findhpdf: Could not find haru (hpdf) header and/or library.") endif(hpdf_FIND_REQUIRED) endif(hpdf_FOUND)