The shapelib_CMakeLists.txt file in the current directory is a complete build system for shapelib which does everything that the shapelib Makefile does and Linux and the shapelib file does on Windows with a lot more flexibility. For example, full testing can be done with the present CMake-based approach because an optional and configurable location is used for the downloadable (for example, wget eg_data tree that is used for all the "stream1" tests. To use this build system on Unix or MinGW/MSYS/Windows: (1) (Optional) Download eg_data from the location above. (2) Download shapelib-1.3.0.tar.gz from and unpack it (3) Copy the shapelib_CMakeLists.txt file to a file named CMakeLists.txt in the top-level of the unpacked shapelib-1.3.0 source tree. (4) Create a separate empty build tree and use it to configure, build, install and test shapelib. For example (you will need to tailor the compiler, compile options, install prefix, eg_data location, and source tree location to your own needs): mkdir build_dir cd build_dir # Configure with the compiler and compiler options of your choice. # N.B. the gcc -fvisibility=hidden option not (yet) supported by shapelib. env CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O3 -Wuninitialized" \ cmake \ -G "Unix Makefiles" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/software/shapelib/install \ -DEG_DATA:PATH=/home/software/shapefile/eg_data/ \ ../shapelib-1.3.0 >& cmake.out # Build and install make VERBOSE=1 -j4 install >& install.out # Test ctest The -DEG_DATA:PATH option is optional, but if you don't specify the eg_data directory that way the stream1 tests will be dropped. Note the above procedure is what you should do on a Unix platform like Linux where the generator -G "Unix Makefiles" works well. On MINGW/MSYS the procedure is essentially the same except you should use the -G "MSYS Makefiles" cmake option instead to specify a good generator for that platform. I have used variants of the above procedure to create, test, and install shapelib on both the Linux and MinGW/MSYS/Wine platforms. Furthermore, on both platforms I have built and tested PLplot using the installed versions created by the above procedure. No issues were discovered with PLplot example 19 (which demos PLplot map capabilities with map shapefiles) for these two separate platform tests.