The manifest of these changes is as follows: This file: README.libqhull Improved build system (now including visibility support thanks to the recent changes in the src subdirectory). libqhull_CMakeLists.txt src/CMakeLists.txt src/libqhull.h src/mem.h src/unix.c (1) copy this directory and all subdirectories on top of a pre-existing freshly unpacked version of qhull-2010.1, e.g., cp -f libqhull_CMakeLists.txt ~/qhull/qhull-2010.1_patched cp -f src/CMakeLists.txt src/libqhull.h src/mem.h src/unix.c ~/qhull/qhull-2010.1_patched/src (1.5) Rename libqhull_CMakeLists.txt in the destination as CMakeLists.txt, e.g., mv ~/qhull/qhull-2010.1_patched/libqhull_CMakeLists.txt ~/qhull/qhull-2010.1_patched/CMakeLists.txt (2) configure, build, and install libqhull starting with an empty build tree and empty install tree, e.g., rm -rf /home/software/qhull/build_dir/* /home/software/qhull/install cd /home/software/qhull/build_dir cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/software/qhull/install \ ../qhull-2010.1_patched >& cmake.out make -j4 install >& make_install.out The above step works fine on Linux with export CFLAGS='-g -fvisibility=hidden' set before the "cmake" invocation to test the new gcc visibility support for libqhull. N.B. This improved CMake-based build system only tested for Linux for now and needs further testing on Windows and Mac OS X platforms.