Application-defaults files (to set X resources) for use with PLplot & Tk. To use: 1. Create a directory for holding app-defaults files. $HOME/app-defaults/ is a good choice. Then set the XAPPLRESDIR environmental to this pathname (keep trailing slash). 2. Copy an appropriate PLplot.*.ap file to the file PLplot under $XAPPLRESDIR. Then modify to taste. Note -- future versions of PLplot are likely to break compatibility with the old app-defaults files periodically. These files use the standard X11 resource syntax. Suggested uses: - on a 1024x768 display (such as on a portable computer), use the small settings. - on a 1280x1024 workstation for most people, use the medium settings. - for the latter, use the large settings for something very easy to see. (PLplot classic settings) Feel free to add more customized versions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guide to resources: width Width of widget, in usual Tk units. I.e. if an integer it's in pixels, an appended "c" means centimeters, etc. height Height of widget, as above.