# This configured file (whose configured pathname is # @CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/bindings/octave/.octaverc) # is only used as a convenience if you are running octave by hand. It # is not used by any of our automated tests of our octave binding and # examples. Those automated tests are configured similarly to this # file (but differently for the build tree and install tree) and use # the octave -f option to be independent of any octave setup file such # as this one. # Disable warnings about shadowed functions - PLplot is _supposed_ to shadow the core functions warning("off","Octave:shadowed-function"); addpath("@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/bindings/octave/PLplot","@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/bindings/octave/PLplot/support","@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/bindings/octave/misc","@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/examples/octave","@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/bindings/octave","@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/bindings/octave/PLplot"); if (strcmp("@USE_DLL_SUBDIRECTORY@", "ON")) addpath("@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/dll"); endif global pl_automatic_replot pl_automatic_replot=1;