Read also the USAGE file. Build and install: The Octave binding for PLplot is now automatically generated with swig. Simply use the normal cmake command to configure PLplot, then install to build PLplot including its Octave binding, and install PLplot including its Octave binding and associated Octave examples. N.B. is typically the make command, but CMake allows for many others. Automatic Testing: In the build tree anytime after the cmake command is executed with the -DBUILD_TEST=ON option execute help |grep octave to find all test targets associated with octave. Generally, those targets have names which remind what they do. So, e.g., test_octave_psc tests all our standard Octave examples using -dev psc and test_octave_xwin tests some special interactive Octave examples using -dev xwin. Hand Testing (these direction may be out of date because automatic testing is so convenient): 'cd' to the directory bindings/octave within the build tree. Invoke octave, (the path is automatically set by the configured .octaverc file which exists in that directory). Load the octave binding of PLplot. plplot_stub; Check the plplot version by typing "plgver". You should get the same version that you have just compiled, not some other version that might be installed. There are several Octave demos, 'p1' up to 'p20'. Try them: octave> for i=[1:15 19:20]; feval(sprintf("p%d",i));kbhit;endfor;oneplot and a set of script files that emulate the well known x??c plplot demos. Try: octave> plplot_octave_demo Demo x14c might fail, if you have problems with tk. You can set some preferences in the file 'pldef.m' Don't worry if you see the following warning: warning: empty matrix found in matrix list You can avoid it setting "empty_list_elements_ok = 1;" in your ~/.octaverc Octave startup file (see below). This is being corrected in plplot_octave, meanwhile keep remembering me :-). Using: After testing, type "make install". The default path to installation is /share/share/plplot_octave. If you don't like the default which is /usr/local, reconfigure PLplot using your preferred -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= option for CMake. There are three paths that you can add to LOADPATH: 1-The *needed* path is /share/plplot_octave// 2-The demos path is /lib/plplotx.y.z/examples/octave// 3-The path to switch between PLplot and gnuplot is /share/octave// Note: If you are using octave2.9 then LOADPATH is obsolete and you must use addpath instead. Note also that a trailing // no longer includes all subdirectories. You must explicitly add them. In particular you need the support subdirectory of plplot_octave. If you want to test the installation with the demos, call octave and set the LOADPATH as in LOADPATH ="/lib/plplotx.y.z/examples/octave//:\ /share/plplot_octave//:" You can now repeat the demos you already tried. Or just type 'p1', 'p2' ... my preferred test is "plot(sin(1:10),'-o')". As usual, 'help command' gives you some help. For everyday usage, you must setup your LOADPATH to include the install path *before* the standard Octave LOADPATH. The best way of doing it is to use the file ~/.octaverc to set it up. Add the following line to it, using of course the real install prefix: LOADPATH="/share/plplot_octave//::"; You can use the standard Octave plot commands if in the LOADPATH a ":" appears *before* the plplot_octave path, as in LOADPATH=":/share/plplot_octave//::"; You can use the command toggle_plplot_use to change between the two sets of commands, but for this you must set an additional path in LOADPATH. It must be set as: LOADPATH="/share/plplot_octave//:/share/octave//:" You are done. You can now use almost all the standard Octave plot commands plus a whole bunch of new ones. If you want to use another driver othen than the "xwin" one, which is the defaul, you must first open a new plot window using "figure", e.g. figure(1,"tk") p1 fig(2,"xwin") # fig() is an alias to figure() p2 To print or save a plot, use save_fig("") save_fig("|lp","ps") Use `lp_setup' to setup your printer. If you just want to use the PLplot API, use it as you would from a C program, with the exception that you don't need to specify matrices dimensions; e.g., for plline(n,x,y) you just need to call it as plline(x,y), where x and y are column vectors. Look at the various x??c.m examples in the demos directory. You can't call API functions whose arguments are pointers to functions. Some wrappers for common situations are however available. What you get: You have a 'demo' directory, with the equivalent octave script files x??c.m of PLplot C demos, and some new demos, p??.m. You have a 'PLplot' directory with modified versions of the standard octave plot command, plus a lot of new ones ready for Octave usage. You must have it on your LOADPATH before the standard octave/gnuplot plot scripts. If you install it in the default directory, use the octave command `octave_plplot_path' to setup the path. You can change between the default gnuplot plotter and octave_plplot using the octave command `use_plplot'. You have a misc directory with some other octave demos/utilities. You have an etc directory where the "documentation" is (not anymore, documentation is built from the main documentation file, api.xml. You have the directory where the README, INSTALL, PROBLEMS, BUGS, ToDo, are, plus 'plplot_octave_org.h', etc. As with every program, except D. Knuth ones, the programs in this package are not finished nor bug free. Please report bugs and send patches. I will not send checks for each bug discovered :-) Enjoy, Joao Update for octave 2.9 by Andrew Ross. Update for CMake by Alan W. Irwin.