// Simplified and modified version of ../../include/plplot.h // which is processed by touchup.ml to create (indirectly) // plplot_h.inc. // Use #defines to recreate the PLplot API typedefs. //typedef double PLFLT; // This assumes the PL_DOUBLE macro is #defined for the PLplot core // library. #define PLFLT double //typedef unsigned int PLUNICODE; // Use long long rather than unsigned int here because according to // , OCaml has no basic // unsigned integer type, and, in any case, the most significant bit // of its integer types are used for something else internally (managing // garbage collection). #define PLUNICODE long long //typedef int PLINT; #define PLINT int //typedef PLINT PLBOOL; #define PLBOOL boolean // Note the const attributes must be dropped from all of these that // require dimensions (i.e., everything but PL_CHAR_VECTOR which is // NULL-terminated rather than requiring a dimension) since camlidl // creates interface code that allocates and modifies all dimensioned // arrays. #define PLCHAR_VECTOR const char * #define PLCHAR_NC_VECTOR char * #define PLFLT_NC_SCALAR double * #define PLFLT_VECTOR double * #define PLFLT_MATRIX double ** #define PLUNICODE_NC_SCALAR long long * #define PLINT_NC_SCALAR int * #define PLINT_VECTOR int * // Make visibility attribute invisible. #define PLDLLIMPEXP #define PLBOOL_NC_SCALAR boolean * #define PLBOOL_VECTOR boolean * // These function declarations for the common PLplot API are all // copied directly from ../../include/plplot.h. Note that the common // API that cannot be processed by touchup.ml is skipped using // inserted "#if 0 ... #endif" stanzas. // set the format of the contour labels PLDLLIMPEXP void c_pl_setcontlabelformat( PLINT lexp, PLINT sigdig ); // set offset and spacing of contour labels PLDLLIMPEXP void c_pl_setcontlabelparam( PLFLT offset, PLFLT size, PLFLT spacing, PLINT active ); // Advance to subpage "page", or to the next one if "page" = 0. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_pladv( PLINT page ); // Plot an arc PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plarc( PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT a, PLFLT b, PLFLT angle1, PLFLT angle2, PLFLT rotate, PLBOOL fill ); // This functions similarly to plbox() except that the origin of the axes // is placed at the user-specified point (x0, y0). PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plaxes( PLFLT x0, PLFLT y0, PLCHAR_VECTOR xopt, PLFLT xtick, PLINT nxsub, PLCHAR_VECTOR yopt, PLFLT ytick, PLINT nysub ); // Plot a histogram using x to store data values and y to store frequencies #if 0 //drop this section // Flags for plbin() - opt argument #define PL_BIN_DEFAULT 0x0 #define PL_BIN_CENTRED 0x1 #define PL_BIN_NOEXPAND 0x2 #define PL_BIN_NOEMPTY 0x4 #endif PLDLLIMPEXP void // Change from plplot.h // c_plbin( PLINT nbin, PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLINT opt ); c_plbin( PLINT nbin, PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, plplot_bin_style opt ); // Calculate broken-down time from continuous time for current stream. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plbtime( PLINT_NC_SCALAR year, PLINT_NC_SCALAR month, PLINT_NC_SCALAR day, PLINT_NC_SCALAR hour, PLINT_NC_SCALAR min, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR sec, PLFLT ctime ); // Start new page. Should only be used with pleop(). PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plbop( void ); // This draws a box around the current viewport. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plbox( PLCHAR_VECTOR xopt, PLFLT xtick, PLINT nxsub, PLCHAR_VECTOR yopt, PLFLT ytick, PLINT nysub ); // This is the 3-d analogue of plbox(). PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plbox3( PLCHAR_VECTOR xopt, PLCHAR_VECTOR xlabel, PLFLT xtick, PLINT nxsub, PLCHAR_VECTOR yopt, PLCHAR_VECTOR ylabel, PLFLT ytick, PLINT nysub, PLCHAR_VECTOR zopt, PLCHAR_VECTOR zlabel, PLFLT ztick, PLINT nzsub ); // Calculate world coordinates and subpage from relative device coordinates. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plcalc_world( PLFLT rx, PLFLT ry, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR wx, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR wy, PLINT_NC_SCALAR window ); // Clear current subpage. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plclear( void ); // Set color, map 0. Argument is integer between 0 and 15. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plcol0( PLINT icol0 ); // Set color, map 1. Argument is a float between 0. and 1. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plcol1( PLFLT col1 ); // Configure transformation between continuous and broken-down time (and // vice versa) for current stream. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plconfigtime( PLFLT scale, PLFLT offset1, PLFLT offset2, PLINT ccontrol, PLBOOL ifbtime_offset, PLINT year, PLINT month, PLINT day, PLINT hour, PLINT min, PLFLT sec ); // Draws a contour plot from data in f(nx,ny). Is just a front-end to // plfcont, with a particular choice for f2eval and f2eval_data. // #if 0 //drop this section PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plcont( PLFLT_MATRIX f, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data ); // Draws a contour plot using the function evaluator f2eval and data stored // by way of the f2eval_data pointer. This allows arbitrary organizations // of 2d array data to be used. // PLDLLIMPEXP void plfcont( PLF2EVAL_callback f2eval, PLPointer f2eval_data, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data ); #endif // Copies state parameters from the reference stream to the current stream. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plcpstrm( PLINT iplsr, PLBOOL flags ); // Calculate continuous time from broken-down time for current stream. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plctime( PLINT year, PLINT month, PLINT day, PLINT hour, PLINT min, PLFLT sec, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR ctime ); // Converts input values from relative device coordinates to relative plot // coordinates. #if 0 //drop this section PLDLLIMPEXP void pldid2pc( PLFLT_NC_SCALAR xmin, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR ymin, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR xmax, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR ymax ); // Converts input values from relative plot coordinates to relative // device coordinates. PLDLLIMPEXP void pldip2dc( PLFLT_NC_SCALAR xmin, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR ymin, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR xmax, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR ymax ); #endif // End a plotting session for all open streams. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plend( void ); // End a plotting session for the current stream only. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plend1( void ); // Simple interface for defining viewport and window. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plenv( PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLINT just, PLINT axis ); // similar to plenv() above, but in multiplot mode does not advance the subpage, // instead the current subpage is cleared PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plenv0( PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLINT just, PLINT axis ); // End current page. Should only be used with plbop(). PLDLLIMPEXP void c_pleop( void ); // Plot horizontal error bars (xmin(i),y(i)) to (xmax(i),y(i)) PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plerrx( PLINT n, PLFLT_VECTOR xmin, PLFLT_VECTOR xmax, PLFLT_VECTOR y ); // Plot vertical error bars (x,ymin(i)) to (x(i),ymax(i)) PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plerry( PLINT n, PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR ymin, PLFLT_VECTOR ymax ); // Advance to the next family file on the next new page PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plfamadv( void ); // Pattern fills the polygon bounded by the input points. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plfill( PLINT n, PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y ); // Pattern fills the 3d polygon bounded by the input points. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plfill3( PLINT n, PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_VECTOR z ); // Flushes the output stream. Use sparingly, if at all. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plflush( void ); // Sets the global font flag to 'ifont'. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plfont( PLINT ifont ); // Load specified font set. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plfontld( PLINT fnt ); // Get character default height and current (scaled) height PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgchr( PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_def, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_ht ); // Get the color map 1 range used in continuous plots PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgcmap1_range( PLFLT_NC_SCALAR min_color, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR max_color ); // Returns 8 bit RGB values for given color from color map 0 PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgcol0( PLINT icol0, PLINT_NC_SCALAR r, PLINT_NC_SCALAR g, PLINT_NC_SCALAR b ); // Returns 8 bit RGB values for given color from color map 0 and alpha value PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgcol0a( PLINT icol0, PLINT_NC_SCALAR r, PLINT_NC_SCALAR g, PLINT_NC_SCALAR b, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR alpha ); // Returns the background color by 8 bit RGB value PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgcolbg( PLINT_NC_SCALAR r, PLINT_NC_SCALAR g, PLINT_NC_SCALAR b ); // Returns the background color by 8 bit RGB value and alpha value PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgcolbga( PLINT_NC_SCALAR r, PLINT_NC_SCALAR g, PLINT_NC_SCALAR b, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR alpha ); // Returns the current compression setting PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgcompression( PLINT_NC_SCALAR compression ); // Get the current device (keyword) name PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgdev( PLCHAR_NC_VECTOR p_dev ); // Retrieve current window into device space PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgdidev( PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_mar, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_aspect, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_jx, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_jy ); // Get plot orientation PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgdiori( PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_rot ); // Retrieve current window into plot space PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgdiplt( PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_xmin, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_ymin, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_xmax, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_ymax ); // Get the drawing mode // Change from plplot.h // PLDLLIMPEXP PLINT PLDLLIMPEXP enum plplot_draw_mode_enum c_plgdrawmode( void ); // Get FCI (font characterization integer) PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgfci( PLUNICODE_NC_SCALAR p_fci ); // Get family file parameters PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgfam( PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_fam, PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_num, PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_bmax ); // Get the (current) output file name. Must be preallocated to >80 bytes PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgfnam( PLCHAR_NC_VECTOR fnam ); // Get the current font family, style and weight PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgfont( PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_family, PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_style, PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_weight ); // Get the (current) run level. PLDLLIMPEXP void // Change from plplot.h //c_plglevel( PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_level ); c_plglevel( plplot_run_level * p_level ); // Get output device parameters. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgpage( PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_xp, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_yp, PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_xleng, PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_yleng, PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_xoff, PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_yoff ); // Switches to graphics screen. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgra( void ); // Draw gradient in polygon. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgradient( PLINT n, PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT angle ); #if 0 //drop this section // grid irregularly sampled data PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgriddata( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_VECTOR z, PLINT npts, PLFLT_VECTOR xg, PLINT nptsx, PLFLT_VECTOR yg, PLINT nptsy, PLFLT_NC_MATRIX zg, PLINT type, PLFLT data ); PLDLLIMPEXP void plfgriddata( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_VECTOR z, PLINT npts, PLFLT_VECTOR xg, PLINT nptsx, PLFLT_VECTOR yg, PLINT nptsy, PLF2OPS zops, PLPointer zgp, PLINT type, PLFLT data ); // type of gridding algorithm for plgriddata() #define GRID_CSA 1 // Bivariate Cubic Spline approximation #define GRID_DTLI 2 // Delaunay Triangulation Linear Interpolation #define GRID_NNI 3 // Natural Neighbors Interpolation #define GRID_NNIDW 4 // Nearest Neighbors Inverse Distance Weighted #define GRID_NNLI 5 // Nearest Neighbors Linear Interpolation #define GRID_NNAIDW 6 // Nearest Neighbors Around Inverse Distance Weighted #endif // Get subpage boundaries in absolute coordinates PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgspa( PLFLT_NC_SCALAR xmin, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR xmax, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR ymin, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR ymax ); // Get current stream number. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgstrm( PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_strm ); // Get the current library version number PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgver( PLCHAR_NC_VECTOR p_ver ); // Get viewport boundaries in normalized device coordinates PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgvpd( PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_xmin, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_xmax, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_ymin, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_ymax ); // Get viewport boundaries in world coordinates PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgvpw( PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_xmin, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_xmax, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_ymin, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_ymax ); // Get x axis labeling parameters PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgxax( PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_digmax, PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_digits ); // Get y axis labeling parameters PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgyax( PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_digmax, PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_digits ); // Get z axis labeling parameters PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plgzax( PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_digmax, PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_digits ); // Draws a histogram of n values of a variable in array data[0..n-1] #if 0 //drop this section // Flags for plhist() - opt argument; note: some flags are passed to // plbin() for the actual plotting #define PL_HIST_DEFAULT 0x00 #define PL_HIST_NOSCALING 0x01 #define PL_HIST_IGNORE_OUTLIERS 0x02 #define PL_HIST_NOEXPAND 0x08 #define PL_HIST_NOEMPTY 0x10 #endif PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plhist( PLINT n, PLFLT_VECTOR data, PLFLT datmin, PLFLT datmax, // Change from plplot.h // PLINT nbin, PLINT opt ); PLINT nbin, plplot_hist_style opt ); // Functions for converting between HLS and RGB color space PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plhlsrgb( PLFLT h, PLFLT l, PLFLT s, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_r, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_g, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_b ); // Initializes PLplot, using preset or default options PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plinit( void ); // Draws a line segment from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). PLDLLIMPEXP void c_pljoin( PLFLT x1, PLFLT y1, PLFLT x2, PLFLT y2 ); // Simple routine for labelling graphs. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_pllab( PLCHAR_VECTOR xlabel, PLCHAR_VECTOR ylabel, PLCHAR_VECTOR tlabel ); #if 0 //drop this section //flags used for position argument of both pllegend and plcolorbar #define PL_POSITION_NULL 0x0 #define PL_POSITION_LEFT 0x1 #define PL_POSITION_RIGHT 0x2 #define PL_POSITION_TOP 0x4 #define PL_POSITION_BOTTOM 0x8 #define PL_POSITION_INSIDE 0x10 #define PL_POSITION_OUTSIDE 0x20 #define PL_POSITION_VIEWPORT 0x40 #define PL_POSITION_SUBPAGE 0x80 // Flags for pllegend. #define PL_LEGEND_NULL 0x0 #define PL_LEGEND_NONE 0x1 #define PL_LEGEND_COLOR_BOX 0x2 #define PL_LEGEND_LINE 0x4 #define PL_LEGEND_SYMBOL 0x8 #define PL_LEGEND_TEXT_LEFT 0x10 #define PL_LEGEND_BACKGROUND 0x20 #define PL_LEGEND_BOUNDING_BOX 0x40 #define PL_LEGEND_ROW_MAJOR 0x80 // Flags for plcolorbar #define PL_COLORBAR_NULL 0x0 #define PL_COLORBAR_LABEL_LEFT 0x1 #define PL_COLORBAR_LABEL_RIGHT 0x2 #define PL_COLORBAR_LABEL_TOP 0x4 #define PL_COLORBAR_LABEL_BOTTOM 0x8 #define PL_COLORBAR_IMAGE 0x10 #define PL_COLORBAR_SHADE 0x20 #define PL_COLORBAR_GRADIENT 0x40 #define PL_COLORBAR_CAP_NONE 0x80 #define PL_COLORBAR_CAP_LOW 0x100 #define PL_COLORBAR_CAP_HIGH 0x200 #define PL_COLORBAR_SHADE_LABEL 0x400 #define PL_COLORBAR_ORIENT_RIGHT 0x800 #define PL_COLORBAR_ORIENT_TOP 0x1000 #define PL_COLORBAR_ORIENT_LEFT 0x2000 #define PL_COLORBAR_ORIENT_BOTTOM 0x4000 #define PL_COLORBAR_BACKGROUND 0x8000 #define PL_COLORBAR_BOUNDING_BOX 0x10000 // Flags for drawing mode #define PL_DRAWMODE_UNKNOWN 0x0 #define PL_DRAWMODE_DEFAULT 0x1 #define PL_DRAWMODE_REPLACE 0x2 #define PL_DRAWMODE_XOR 0x4 // Routine for drawing discrete line, symbol, or cmap0 legends PLDLLIMPEXP void c_pllegend( PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_legend_width, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_legend_height, PLINT opt, PLINT position, PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT plot_width, PLINT bg_color, PLINT bb_color, PLINT bb_style, PLINT nrow, PLINT ncolumn, PLINT nlegend, PLINT_VECTOR opt_array, PLFLT text_offset, PLFLT text_scale, PLFLT text_spacing, PLFLT text_justification, PLINT_VECTOR text_colors, PLCHAR_MATRIX text, PLINT_VECTOR box_colors, PLINT_VECTOR box_patterns, PLFLT_VECTOR box_scales, PLFLT_VECTOR box_line_widths, PLINT_VECTOR line_colors, PLINT_VECTOR line_styles, PLFLT_VECTOR line_widths, PLINT_VECTOR symbol_colors, PLFLT_VECTOR symbol_scales, PLINT_VECTOR symbol_numbers, PLCHAR_MATRIX symbols ); // Routine for drawing continuous colour legends PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plcolorbar( PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_colorbar_width, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_colorbar_height, PLINT opt, PLINT position, PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT x_length, PLFLT y_length, PLINT bg_color, PLINT bb_color, PLINT bb_style, PLFLT low_cap_color, PLFLT high_cap_color, PLINT cont_color, PLFLT cont_width, PLINT n_labels, PLINT_VECTOR label_opts, PLCHAR_MATRIX labels, PLINT n_axes, PLCHAR_MATRIX axis_opts, PLFLT_VECTOR ticks, PLINT_VECTOR sub_ticks, PLINT_VECTOR n_values, PLFLT_MATRIX values ); #endif // Sets position of the light source PLDLLIMPEXP void c_pllightsource( PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT z ); // Draws line segments connecting a series of points. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plline( PLINT n, PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y ); // Draws a line in 3 space. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plline3( PLINT n, PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_VECTOR z ); // Set line style. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_pllsty( PLINT lin ); // Plot continental outline in world coordinates #if 0 //drop this section PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plmap( PLMAPFORM_callback mapform, PLCHAR_VECTOR name, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy ); // Plot map outlines PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plmapline( PLMAPFORM_callback mapform, PLCHAR_VECTOR name, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, PLINT_VECTOR plotentries, PLINT nplotentries ); // Plot map points PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plmapstring( PLMAPFORM_callback mapform, PLCHAR_VECTOR name, PLCHAR_VECTOR string, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, PLINT_VECTOR plotentries, PLINT nplotentries ); // Plot map text PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plmaptex( PLMAPFORM_callback mapform, PLCHAR_VECTOR name, PLFLT dx, PLFLT dy, PLFLT just, PLCHAR_VECTOR text, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, PLINT plotentry ); // Plot map fills PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plmapfill( PLMAPFORM_callback mapform, PLCHAR_VECTOR name, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, PLINT_VECTOR plotentries, PLINT nplotentries ); // Plot the latitudes and longitudes on the background. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plmeridians( PLMAPFORM_callback mapform, PLFLT dlong, PLFLT dlat, PLFLT minlong, PLFLT maxlong, PLFLT minlat, PLFLT maxlat ); #endif // Plots a mesh representation of the function z[x][y]. PLDLLIMPEXP void // Change from plplot.h //c_plmesh( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_MATRIX z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt ); c_plmesh( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_MATRIX z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, plplot3d_style opt ); #if 0 //drop this section // Like plmesh, but uses an evaluator function to access z data from zp PLDLLIMPEXP void plfmesh( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLF2OPS zops, PLPointer zp, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt ); #endif // Plots a mesh representation of the function z[x][y] with contour PLDLLIMPEXP void // Change from plplot.h //c_plmeshc( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_MATRIX z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, c_plmeshc( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_MATRIX z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, plplot3d_style opt, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel ); #if 0 //drop this section // Like plmeshc, but uses an evaluator function to access z data from zp PLDLLIMPEXP void plfmeshc( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLF2OPS zops, PLPointer zp, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel ); #endif // Creates a new stream and makes it the default. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plmkstrm( PLINT_NC_SCALAR p_strm ); // Prints out "text" at specified position relative to viewport PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plmtex( PLCHAR_VECTOR side, PLFLT disp, PLFLT pos, PLFLT just, PLCHAR_VECTOR text ); // Prints out "text" at specified position relative to viewport (3D) PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plmtex3( PLCHAR_VECTOR side, PLFLT disp, PLFLT pos, PLFLT just, PLCHAR_VECTOR text ); // Plots a 3-d representation of the function z[x][y]. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plot3d( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_MATRIX z, // Change from plplot.h // PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLBOOL side ); PLINT nx, PLINT ny, plplot3d_style opt, PLBOOL side ); #if 0 //drop this section // Like plot3d, but uses an evaluator function to access z data from zp PLDLLIMPEXP void plfplot3d( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLF2OPS zops, PLPointer zp, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLBOOL side ); #endif // Plots a 3-d representation of the function z[x][y] with contour. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plot3dc( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_MATRIX z, // Change from plplot.h // PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, plplot3d_style opt, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel ); #if 0 //drop this section // Like plot3dc, but uses an evaluator function to access z data from zp PLDLLIMPEXP void plfplot3dc( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLF2OPS zops, PLPointer zp, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel ); #endif // Plots a 3-d representation of the function z[x][y] with contour and // y index limits. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plot3dcl( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_MATRIX z, // Change from plplot.h // PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, plplot3d_style opt, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLINT indexxmin, PLINT indexxmax, PLINT_VECTOR indexymin, PLINT_VECTOR indexymax ); #if 0 //drop this section // Like plot3dcl, but uses an evaluator function to access z data from zp PLDLLIMPEXP void plfplot3dcl( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLF2OPS zops, PLPointer zp, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLINT indexxmin, PLINT indexxmax, PLINT_VECTOR indexymin, PLINT_VECTOR indexymax ); // // definitions for the opt argument in plot3dc() and plsurf3d() // // DRAW_LINEX *must* be 1 and DRAW_LINEY *must* be 2, because of legacy code! // #define DRAW_LINEX 0x001 // draw lines parallel to the X axis #define DRAW_LINEY 0x002 // draw lines parallel to the Y axis #define DRAW_LINEXY 0x003 // draw lines parallel to both the X and Y axis #define MAG_COLOR 0x004 // draw the mesh with a color dependent of the magnitude #define BASE_CONT 0x008 // draw contour plot at bottom xy plane #define TOP_CONT 0x010 // draw contour plot at top xy plane #define SURF_CONT 0x020 // draw contour plot at surface #define DRAW_SIDES 0x040 // draw sides #define FACETED 0x080 // draw outline for each square that makes up the surface #define MESH 0x100 // draw mesh // // valid options for plot3dc(): // // DRAW_SIDES, BASE_CONT, TOP_CONT (not yet), // MAG_COLOR, DRAW_LINEX, DRAW_LINEY, DRAW_LINEXY. // // valid options for plsurf3d(): // // MAG_COLOR, BASE_CONT, SURF_CONT, FACETED, DRAW_SIDES. // #endif // Set fill pattern directly. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plpat( PLINT nlin, PLINT_VECTOR inc, PLINT_VECTOR del ); // Draw a line connecting two points, accounting for coordinate transforms PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plpath( PLINT n, PLFLT x1, PLFLT y1, PLFLT x2, PLFLT y2 ); // Plots array y against x for n points using ASCII code "code". PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plpoin( PLINT n, PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLINT code ); // Draws a series of points in 3 space. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plpoin3( PLINT n, PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_VECTOR z, PLINT code ); // Draws a polygon in 3 space. #if 0 //drop this section PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plpoly3( PLINT n, PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_VECTOR z, PLBOOL_VECTOR draw, PLBOOL ifcc ); #endif // Set the floating point precision (in number of places) in numeric labels. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plprec( PLINT setp, PLINT prec ); // Set fill pattern, using one of the predefined patterns. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plpsty( PLINT patt ); // Prints out "text" at world cooordinate (x,y). PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plptex( PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT dx, PLFLT dy, PLFLT just, PLCHAR_VECTOR text ); // Prints out "text" at world cooordinate (x,y,z). PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plptex3( PLFLT wx, PLFLT wy, PLFLT wz, PLFLT dx, PLFLT dy, PLFLT dz, PLFLT sx, PLFLT sy, PLFLT sz, PLFLT just, PLCHAR_VECTOR text ); // Random number generator based on Mersenne Twister. // Obtain real random number in range [0,1]. PLDLLIMPEXP PLFLT c_plrandd( void ); // Replays contents of plot buffer to current device/file. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plreplot( void ); // Functions for converting between HLS and RGB color space PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plrgbhls( PLFLT r, PLFLT g, PLFLT b, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_h, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_l, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR p_s ); // Set character height. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plschr( PLFLT def, PLFLT scale ); // Set color map 0 colors by 8 bit RGB values PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscmap0( PLINT_VECTOR r, PLINT_VECTOR g, PLINT_VECTOR b, PLINT ncol0 ); // Set color map 0 colors by 8 bit RGB values and alpha values PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscmap0a( PLINT_VECTOR r, PLINT_VECTOR g, PLINT_VECTOR b, PLFLT_VECTOR alpha, PLINT ncol0 ); // Set number of colors in cmap 0 PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscmap0n( PLINT ncol0 ); // Set color map 1 colors by 8 bit RGB values PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscmap1( PLINT_VECTOR r, PLINT_VECTOR g, PLINT_VECTOR b, PLINT ncol1 ); // Set color map 1 colors by 8 bit RGB and alpha values PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscmap1a( PLINT_VECTOR r, PLINT_VECTOR g, PLINT_VECTOR b, PLFLT_VECTOR alpha, PLINT ncol1 ); // Set color map 1 colors using a piece-wise linear relationship between // intensity [0,1] (cmap 1 index) and position in HLS or RGB color space. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscmap1l( PLBOOL itype, PLINT npts, PLFLT_VECTOR intensity, PLFLT_VECTOR coord1, PLFLT_VECTOR coord2, PLFLT_VECTOR coord3, PLBOOL_VECTOR alt_hue_path ); // Set color map 1 colors using a piece-wise linear relationship between // intensity [0,1] (cmap 1 index) and position in HLS or RGB color space. // Will also linear interpolate alpha values. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscmap1la( PLBOOL itype, PLINT npts, PLFLT_VECTOR intensity, PLFLT_VECTOR coord1, PLFLT_VECTOR coord2, PLFLT_VECTOR coord3, PLFLT_VECTOR alpha, PLBOOL_VECTOR alt_hue_path ); // Set number of colors in cmap 1 PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscmap1n( PLINT ncol1 ); // Set the color map 1 range used in continuous plots PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscmap1_range( PLFLT min_color, PLFLT max_color ); // Set a given color from color map 0 by 8 bit RGB value PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscol0( PLINT icol0, PLINT r, PLINT g, PLINT b ); // Set a given color from color map 0 by 8 bit RGB value PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscol0a( PLINT icol0, PLINT r, PLINT g, PLINT b, PLFLT alpha ); // Set the background color by 8 bit RGB value PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscolbg( PLINT r, PLINT g, PLINT b ); // Set the background color by 8 bit RGB value and alpha value PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscolbga( PLINT r, PLINT g, PLINT b, PLFLT alpha ); // Used to globally turn color output on/off PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscolor( PLINT color ); // Set the compression level PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plscompression( PLINT compression ); // Set the device (keyword) name PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsdev( PLCHAR_VECTOR devname ); // Set window into device space using margin, aspect ratio, and // justification PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsdidev( PLFLT mar, PLFLT aspect, PLFLT jx, PLFLT jy ); // Set up transformation from metafile coordinates. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsdimap( PLINT dimxmin, PLINT dimxmax, PLINT dimymin, PLINT dimymax, PLFLT dimxpmm, PLFLT dimypmm ); // Set plot orientation, specifying rotation in units of pi/2. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsdiori( PLFLT rot ); // Set window into plot space PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsdiplt( PLFLT xmin, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymax ); // Set window into plot space incrementally (zoom) PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsdiplz( PLFLT xmin, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymax ); // Set the drawing mode PLDLLIMPEXP void // Change from plplot.h // c_plsdrawmode( PLINT mode ); c_plsdrawmode( enum plplot_draw_mode_enum mode ); // Set seed for internal random number generator PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plseed( unsigned int seed ); // Set the escape character for text strings. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsesc( char esc ); // Set family file parameters PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsfam( PLINT fam, PLINT num, PLINT bmax ); // Set FCI (font characterization integer) PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsfci( PLUNICODE fci ); // Set the output file name. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsfnam( PLCHAR_VECTOR fnam ); // Set the current font family, style and weight PLDLLIMPEXP void // Change from plplot.h //c_plsfont( PLINT family, PLINT style, PLINT weight ); c_plsfont( enum plplot_fci_family_enum family, enum plplot_fci_style_enum style, enum plplot_fci_weight_enum weight); #if 0 //drop this section // Shade region. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plshade( PLFLT_MATRIX a, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLDEFINED_callback defined, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT shade_min, PLFLT shade_max, PLINT sh_cmap, PLFLT sh_color, PLFLT sh_width, PLINT min_color, PLFLT min_width, PLINT max_color, PLFLT max_width, PLFILL_callback fill, PLBOOL rectangular, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data ); #ifdef PL_DEPRECATED PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plshade1( PLFLT_FE_POINTER a, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLDEFINED_callback defined, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT shade_min, PLFLT shade_max, PLINT sh_cmap, PLFLT sh_color, PLFLT sh_width, PLINT min_color, PLFLT min_width, PLINT max_color, PLFLT max_width, PLFILL_callback fill, PLBOOL rectangular, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data ); #endif // PL_DEPRECATED PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plshades( PLFLT_MATRIX a, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLDEFINED_callback defined, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLFLT fill_width, PLINT cont_color, PLFLT cont_width, PLFILL_callback fill, PLBOOL rectangular, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data ); PLDLLIMPEXP void plfshades( PLF2OPS zops, PLPointer zp, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLDEFINED_callback defined, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLFLT fill_width, PLINT cont_color, PLFLT cont_width, PLFILL_callback fill, PLINT rectangular, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data ); PLDLLIMPEXP void plfshade( PLF2EVAL_callback f2eval, PLPointer f2eval_data, PLF2EVAL_callback c2eval, PLPointer c2eval_data, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT left, PLFLT right, PLFLT bottom, PLFLT top, PLFLT shade_min, PLFLT shade_max, PLINT sh_cmap, PLFLT sh_color, PLFLT sh_width, PLINT min_color, PLFLT min_width, PLINT max_color, PLFLT max_width, PLFILL_callback fill, PLBOOL rectangular, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data ); PLDLLIMPEXP void plfshade1( PLF2OPS zops, PLPointer zp, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLDEFINED_callback defined, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT shade_min, PLFLT shade_max, PLINT sh_cmap, PLFLT sh_color, PLFLT sh_width, PLINT min_color, PLFLT min_width, PLINT max_color, PLFLT max_width, PLFILL_callback fill, PLINT rectangular, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data ); // Setup a user-provided custom labeling function PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plslabelfunc( PLLABEL_FUNC_callback label_func, PLPointer label_data ); #endif // Set up lengths of major tick marks. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsmaj( PLFLT def, PLFLT scale ); #if 0 //drop this section // Set the RGB memory area to be plotted (with the 'mem' or 'memcairo' drivers) PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsmem( PLINT maxx, PLINT maxy, PLPointer plotmem ); // Set the RGBA memory area to be plotted (with the 'memcairo' driver) PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsmema( PLINT maxx, PLINT maxy, PLPointer plotmem ); #endif // Set up lengths of minor tick marks. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsmin( PLFLT def, PLFLT scale ); // Set orientation. Must be done before calling plinit. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsori( PLINT ori ); // Set output device parameters. Usually ignored by the driver. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plspage( PLFLT xp, PLFLT yp, PLINT xleng, PLINT yleng, PLINT xoff, PLINT yoff ); // Set the colors for color table 0 from a cmap0 file PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plspal0( PLCHAR_VECTOR filename ); // Set the colors for color table 1 from a cmap1 file PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plspal1( PLCHAR_VECTOR filename, PLBOOL interpolate ); // Set the pause (on end-of-page) status PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plspause( PLBOOL pause ); // Set stream number. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsstrm( PLINT strm ); // Set the number of subwindows in x and y PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plssub( PLINT nx, PLINT ny ); // Set symbol height. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plssym( PLFLT def, PLFLT scale ); // Initialize PLplot, passing in the windows/page settings. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plstar( PLINT nx, PLINT ny ); // Initialize PLplot, passing the device name and windows/page settings. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plstart( PLCHAR_VECTOR devname, PLINT nx, PLINT ny ); #if 0 //drop this section // Set the coordinate transform PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plstransform( PLTRANSFORM_callback coordinate_transform, PLPointer coordinate_transform_data ); #endif // Prints out the same string repeatedly at the n points in world // coordinates given by the x and y arrays. Supersedes plpoin and // plsymbol for the case where text refers to a unicode glyph either // directly as UTF-8 or indirectly via the standard text escape // sequences allowed for PLplot input strings. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plstring( PLINT n, PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLCHAR_VECTOR string ); // Prints out the same string repeatedly at the n points in world // coordinates given by the x, y, and z arrays. Supersedes plpoin3 // for the case where text refers to a unicode glyph either directly // as UTF-8 or indirectly via the standard text escape sequences // allowed for PLplot input strings. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plstring3( PLINT n, PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_VECTOR z, PLCHAR_VECTOR string ); // Add a point to a stripchart. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plstripa( PLINT id, PLINT pen, PLFLT x, PLFLT y ); #if 0 //drop this section // Create 1d stripchart PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plstripc( PLINT_NC_SCALAR id, PLCHAR_VECTOR xspec, PLCHAR_VECTOR yspec, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT xjump, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT xlpos, PLFLT ylpos, PLBOOL y_ascl, PLBOOL acc, PLINT colbox, PLINT collab, PLINT_VECTOR colline, PLINT_VECTOR styline, PLCHAR_MATRIX legline, PLCHAR_VECTOR labx, PLCHAR_VECTOR laby, PLCHAR_VECTOR labtop ); #endif // Deletes and releases memory used by a stripchart. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plstripd( PLINT id ); #if 0 //drop this section // plots a 2d image (or a matrix too large for plshade() ) PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plimagefr( PLFLT_MATRIX idata, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT zmin, PLFLT zmax, PLFLT valuemin, PLFLT valuemax, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data ); // // Like plimagefr, but uses an evaluator function to access image data from // idatap. getminmax is only used if zmin == zmax. // PLDLLIMPEXP void plfimagefr( PLF2OPS idataops, PLPointer idatap, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT zmin, PLFLT zmax, PLFLT valuemin, PLFLT valuemax, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data ); #endif // plots a 2d image (or a matrix too large for plshade() ) - colors // automatically scaled PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plimage( PLFLT_MATRIX idata, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT zmin, PLFLT zmax, PLFLT Dxmin, PLFLT Dxmax, PLFLT Dymin, PLFLT Dymax ); #if 0 //drop this section // // Like plimage, but uses an operator functions to access image data from // idatap. // PLDLLIMPEXP void plfimage( PLF2OPS idataops, PLPointer idatap, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT zmin, PLFLT zmax, PLFLT Dxmin, PLFLT Dxmax, PLFLT Dymin, PLFLT Dymax ); #endif // Set up a new line style PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plstyl( PLINT nms, PLINT_VECTOR mark, PLINT_VECTOR space ); // Plots the 3d surface representation of the function z[x][y]. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsurf3d( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_MATRIX z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, // Change from plplot.h // PLINT opt, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel ); plplot3d_style opt, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel ); #if 0 //drop this section // Like plsurf3d, but uses an evaluator function to access z data from zp PLDLLIMPEXP void plfsurf3d( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLF2OPS zops, PLPointer zp, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel ); #endif // Plots the 3d surface representation of the function z[x][y] with y // index limits. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsurf3dl( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLFLT_MATRIX z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, // Change from plplot.h // PLINT opt, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel, plplot3d_style opt, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLINT indexxmin, PLINT indexxmax, PLINT_VECTOR indexymin, PLINT_VECTOR indexymax ); #if 0 //drop this section // Like plsurf3dl, but uses an evaluator function to access z data from zp PLDLLIMPEXP void plfsurf3dl( PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLF2OPS zops, PLPointer zp, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLFLT_VECTOR clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLINT indexxmin, PLINT indexxmax, PLINT_VECTOR indexymin, PLINT_VECTOR indexymax ); #endif // Set arrow style for vector plots. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsvect( PLFLT_VECTOR arrowx, PLFLT_VECTOR arrowy, PLINT npts, PLBOOL fill ); // Sets the edges of the viewport to the specified absolute coordinates PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsvpa( PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax ); // Set x axis labeling parameters PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsxax( PLINT digmax, PLINT digits ); // Set inferior X window PLDLLIMPEXP void plsxwin( PLINT window_id ); // Set y axis labeling parameters PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsyax( PLINT digmax, PLINT digits ); // Plots array y against x for n points using Hershey symbol "code" PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plsym( PLINT n, PLFLT_VECTOR x, PLFLT_VECTOR y, PLINT code ); // Set z axis labeling parameters PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plszax( PLINT digmax, PLINT digits ); // Switches to text screen. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_pltext( void ); // Set the format for date / time labels for current stream. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_pltimefmt( PLCHAR_VECTOR fmt ); // Sets the edges of the viewport with the given aspect ratio, leaving // room for labels. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plvasp( PLFLT aspect ); // Creates the largest viewport of the specified aspect ratio that fits // within the specified normalized subpage coordinates. #if 0 //drop this section // simple arrow plotter. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plvect( PLFLT_MATRIX u, PLFLT_MATRIX v, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT scale, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data ); // // Routine to plot a vector array with arbitrary coordinate // and vector transformations // PLDLLIMPEXP void plfvect( PLF2EVAL_callback getuv, PLPointer up, PLPointer vp, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT scale, PLTRANSFORM_callback pltr, PLPointer pltr_data ); #endif PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plvpas( PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT aspect ); // Creates a viewport with the specified normalized subpage coordinates. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plvpor( PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax ); // Defines a "standard" viewport with seven character heights for // the left margin and four character heights everywhere else. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plvsta( void ); // Set up a window for three-dimensional plotting. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plw3d( PLFLT basex, PLFLT basey, PLFLT height, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT zmin, PLFLT zmax, PLFLT alt, PLFLT az ); // Set pen width. PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plwidth( PLFLT width ); // Set up world coordinates of the viewport boundaries (2d plots). PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plwind( PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax ); // Set xor mode; mode = 1-enter, 0-leave, status = 0 if not interactive device PLDLLIMPEXP void c_plxormod( PLBOOL mode, PLBOOL_NC_SCALAR status ); // Process input strings, treating them as an option and argument pair. // The first is for the external API, the second the work routine declared // here for backward compatibilty. // Change from plplot.h // PLDLLIMPEXP PLINT PLDLLIMPEXP nonzero_error_int c_plsetopt( PLCHAR_VECTOR opt, PLCHAR_VECTOR optarg ); // Find the maximum and minimum of a 2d matrix allocated with plAllc2dGrid(). PLDLLIMPEXP void plMinMax2dGrid( PLFLT_MATRIX f, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR fmax, PLFLT_NC_SCALAR fmin );