The 1992-2007 era of PLplot development used CVS as the revision control system. The pre-existing CVS repo was installed at SourceForge when PLplot was first registered as a project there in 2000. Subsequently it was discovered there were some issues with some of the files that had been historically deleted (stored internally in the CVS "Attic") such that those files became resurrected from the dead again by any attempt to export from CVS or establish a CVS branch. Identifying the names of those files and CVS deleting them (presumably for the second time, but this time it "took") solved that issue, but left us with a feeling that the CVS software that had historically been used with our repo from 1992 to 2000 was probably not too reliable, and potentially could have left other issues in our CVS repo. Despite such potential issues with our CVS repo, we decided to attempt to preserve all our history by converting that CVS repo to subversion in 2007 rather than simply starting all over with subversion with a copy of our latest source tree. The externally supplied script used to do the conversion was called cvs2svn. And because of concerns about problems with the CVS repo data, results were carefully checked by comparing CVS and svn logs in detail, and also doing detailed tree diffs of the CVS versus svn results for branches, tags, and trunk. Such checks caught a few issues such as binary files being clobbered in the transformation to svn because they were improperly identified as text files for CVS, but ultimately all those issues were sorted out and the result was a good subversion repository for PLplot that contained all the PLplot development history (commit messages and files) back to 1992. PLplot development continued from 2007 to 2014 with subversion with no repository issues ever showing up. But in 2014 we decided to use the git distributed revision control system instead of subversion. For details about that conversion process (which also preserved all our history back to 1992) see README_svn2git_conversion