/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */ /* * * Copyright (C) 1997 University of Chicago. * See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory. */ #include "adio.h" #include "adio_extern.h" #include "ad_pvfs.h" #ifdef HAVE_PVFS_LISTIO void ADIOI_PVFS_ReadStridedListIO(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type, ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status, int *error_code); #endif void ADIOI_PVFS_ReadContig(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type, ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status, int *error_code) { MPI_Count err=-1, datatype_size, len; static char myname[] = "ADIOI_PVFS_READCONTIG"; MPI_Type_size_x(datatype, &datatype_size); len = datatype_size * count; if (file_ptr_type == ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET) { if (fd->fp_sys_posn != offset) { #ifdef ADIOI_MPE_LOGGING MPE_Log_event( ADIOI_MPE_lseek_a, 0, NULL ); #endif pvfs_lseek64(fd->fd_sys, offset, SEEK_SET); #ifdef ADIOI_MPE_LOGGING MPE_Log_event( ADIOI_MPE_lseek_b, 0, NULL ); #endif } #ifdef ADIOI_MPE_LOGGING MPE_Log_event( ADIOI_MPE_read_a, 0, NULL ); #endif err = pvfs_read(fd->fd_sys, buf, len); #ifdef ADIOI_MPE_LOGGING MPE_Log_event( ADIOI_MPE_read_b, 0, NULL ); #endif if (err>0) fd->fp_sys_posn = offset + err; /* individual file pointer not updated */ } else { /* read from curr. location of ind. file pointer */ if (fd->fp_sys_posn != fd->fp_ind) { #ifdef ADIOI_MPE_LOGGING MPE_Log_event( ADIOI_MPE_lseek_a, 0, NULL ); #endif pvfs_lseek64(fd->fd_sys, fd->fp_ind, SEEK_SET); #ifdef ADIOI_MPE_LOGGING MPE_Log_event( ADIOI_MPE_lseek_b, 0, NULL ); #endif } #ifdef ADIOI_MPE_LOGGING MPE_Log_event( ADIOI_MPE_read_a, 0, NULL ); #endif err = pvfs_read(fd->fd_sys, buf, len); #ifdef ADIOI_MPE_LOGGING MPE_Log_event( ADIOI_MPE_read_b, 0, NULL ); #endif if (err > 0) fd->fp_ind += err; fd->fp_sys_posn = fd->fp_ind; } #ifdef HAVE_STATUS_SET_BYTES if (err != -1) MPIR_Status_set_bytes(status, datatype, err); #endif if (err == -1) { *error_code = MPIO_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, myname, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_IO, "**io", "**io %s", strerror(errno)); } else *error_code = MPI_SUCCESS; } void ADIOI_PVFS_ReadStrided(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type, ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status, int *error_code) { #ifdef HAVE_PVFS_LISTIO if ( fd->hints->fs_hints.pvfs.listio_read == ADIOI_HINT_ENABLE) { ADIOI_PVFS_ReadStridedListIO(fd, buf, count, datatype, file_ptr_type, offset, status, error_code); return; } #endif /* If hint set to DISABLE or AUTOMATIC, don't use listio */ ADIOI_GEN_ReadStrided(fd, buf, count, datatype, file_ptr_type, offset, status, error_code); } #ifdef HAVE_PVFS_LISTIO void ADIOI_PVFS_ReadStridedListIO(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type, ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status, int *error_code) { /* offset is in units of etype relative to the filetype. */ ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat_buf, *flat_file; int i, j, k, l, brd_size, frd_size=0, st_index=0; int sum, n_etypes_in_filetype, size_in_filetype; MPI_Count bufsize; int n_filetypes, etype_in_filetype; ADIO_Offset abs_off_in_filetype=0; MPI_Count filetype_size, etype_size, buftype_size; MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent; int buf_count, buftype_is_contig, filetype_is_contig; ADIO_Offset userbuf_off; ADIO_Offset off, disp, start_off; int flag, st_frd_size, st_n_filetypes; int new_brd_size, new_frd_size; int mem_list_count, file_list_count; char **mem_offsets; int64_t *file_offsets; int *mem_lengths; int32_t *file_lengths; int total_blks_to_read; int max_mem_list, max_file_list; int b_blks_read; int f_data_read; int size_read=0, n_read_lists, extra_blks; int end_brd_size, end_frd_size; int start_k, start_j, new_file_read, new_buffer_read; int start_mem_offset; #define MAX_ARRAY_SIZE 1024 #ifndef PRINT_ERR_MESG static char myname[] = "ADIOI_PVFS_ReadStrided"; #endif *error_code = MPI_SUCCESS; /* changed below if error */ ADIOI_Datatype_iscontig(datatype, &buftype_is_contig); ADIOI_Datatype_iscontig(fd->filetype, &filetype_is_contig); MPI_Type_size_x(fd->filetype, &filetype_size); if ( ! filetype_size ) { #ifdef HAVE_STATUS_SET_BYTES MPIR_Status_set_bytes(status, datatype, 0); #endif *error_code = MPI_SUCCESS; return; } MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_lb, &filetype_extent); MPI_Type_size_x(datatype, &buftype_size); MPI_Type_get_extent(datatype, &buftype_lb, &buftype_extent); etype_size = fd->etype_size; bufsize = buftype_size * count; if (!buftype_is_contig && filetype_is_contig) { /* noncontiguous in memory, contiguous in file. */ int64_t file_offsets; int32_t file_lengths; flat_buf = ADIOI_Flatten_and_find(datatype); off = (file_ptr_type == ADIO_INDIVIDUAL) ? fd->fp_ind : fd->disp + etype_size * offset; file_list_count = 1; file_offsets = off; file_lengths = 0; total_blks_to_read = count*flat_buf->count; b_blks_read = 0; /* allocate arrays according to max usage */ if (total_blks_to_read > MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) mem_list_count = MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; else mem_list_count = total_blks_to_read; mem_offsets = (char**)ADIOI_Malloc(mem_list_count*sizeof(char*)); mem_lengths = (int*)ADIOI_Malloc(mem_list_count*sizeof(int)); j = 0; /* step through each block in memory, filling memory arrays */ while (b_blks_read < total_blks_to_read) { for (i=0; icount; i++) { mem_offsets[b_blks_read % MAX_ARRAY_SIZE] = (char*)((char *)buf + j*buftype_extent + flat_buf->indices[i]); mem_lengths[b_blks_read % MAX_ARRAY_SIZE] = flat_buf->blocklens[i]; file_lengths += flat_buf->blocklens[i]; b_blks_read++; if (!(b_blks_read % MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) || (b_blks_read == total_blks_to_read)) { /* in the case of the last read list call, adjust mem_list_count */ if (b_blks_read == total_blks_to_read) { mem_list_count = total_blks_to_read % MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; /* in case last read list call fills max arrays */ if (!mem_list_count) mem_list_count = MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; } pvfs_read_list(fd->fd_sys ,mem_list_count, mem_offsets, mem_lengths, file_list_count, &file_offsets, &file_lengths); /* in the case of the last read list call, leave here */ if (b_blks_read == total_blks_to_read) break; file_offsets += file_lengths; file_lengths = 0; } } /* for (i=0; icount; i++) */ j++; } /* while (b_blks_read < total_blks_to_read) */ ADIOI_Free(mem_offsets); ADIOI_Free(mem_lengths); if (file_ptr_type == ADIO_INDIVIDUAL) fd->fp_ind = off; fd->fp_sys_posn = -1; /* set it to null. */ #ifdef HAVE_STATUS_SET_BYTES MPIR_Status_set_bytes(status, datatype, bufsize); /* This isa temporary way of filling in status. The right way is to keep tracke of how much data was actually read adn placed in buf by ADIOI_BUFFERED_READ. */ #endif ADIOI_Delete_flattened(datatype); return; } /* if (!buftype_is_contig && filetype_is_contig) */ /* know file is noncontiguous from above */ /* noncontiguous in file */ /* filetype already flattened in ADIO_Open */ flat_file = ADIOI_Flatlist; while (flat_file->type != fd->filetype) flat_file = flat_file->next; disp = fd->disp; /* for each case - ADIO_Individual pointer or explicit, find the file offset in bytes (offset), n_filetypes (how many filetypes into file to start), frd_size (remaining amount of data in present file block), and st_index (start point in terms of blocks in starting filetype) */ if (file_ptr_type == ADIO_INDIVIDUAL) { offset = fd->fp_ind; /* in bytes */ n_filetypes = -1; flag = 0; while (!flag) { n_filetypes++; for (i=0; icount; i++) { if (disp + flat_file->indices[i] + (ADIO_Offset) n_filetypes*filetype_extent + flat_file->blocklens[i] >= offset) { st_index = i; frd_size = (int) (disp + flat_file->indices[i] + (ADIO_Offset) n_filetypes*filetype_extent + flat_file->blocklens[i] - offset); flag = 1; break; } } } /* while (!flag) */ } /* if (file_ptr_type == ADIO_INDIVIDUAL) */ else { n_etypes_in_filetype = filetype_size/etype_size; n_filetypes = (int) (offset / n_etypes_in_filetype); etype_in_filetype = (int) (offset % n_etypes_in_filetype); size_in_filetype = etype_in_filetype * etype_size; sum = 0; for (i=0; icount; i++) { sum += flat_file->blocklens[i]; if (sum > size_in_filetype) { st_index = i; frd_size = sum - size_in_filetype; abs_off_in_filetype = flat_file->indices[i] + size_in_filetype - (sum - flat_file->blocklens[i]); break; } } /* abs. offset in bytes in the file */ offset = disp + (ADIO_Offset) n_filetypes*filetype_extent + abs_off_in_filetype; } /* else [file_ptr_type != ADIO_INDIVIDUAL] */ start_off = offset; st_frd_size = frd_size; st_n_filetypes = n_filetypes; if (buftype_is_contig && !filetype_is_contig) { /* contiguous in memory, noncontiguous in file. should be the most common case. */ int mem_lengths; char *mem_offsets; i = 0; j = st_index; n_filetypes = st_n_filetypes; mem_list_count = 1; /* determine how many blocks in file to read */ f_data_read = ADIOI_MIN(st_frd_size, bufsize); total_blks_to_read = 1; j++; while (f_data_read < bufsize) { f_data_read += flat_file->blocklens[j]; total_blks_to_read++; if (j<(flat_file->count-1)) j++; else j = 0; } j = st_index; n_filetypes = st_n_filetypes; n_read_lists = total_blks_to_read/MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; extra_blks = total_blks_to_read%MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; mem_offsets = buf; mem_lengths = 0; /* if at least one full readlist, allocate file arrays at max array size and don't free until very end */ if (n_read_lists) { file_offsets = (int64_t*)ADIOI_Malloc(MAX_ARRAY_SIZE* sizeof(int64_t)); file_lengths = (int32_t*)ADIOI_Malloc(MAX_ARRAY_SIZE* sizeof(int32_t)); } /* if there's no full readlist allocate file arrays according to needed size (extra_blks) */ else { file_offsets = (int64_t*)ADIOI_Malloc(extra_blks* sizeof(int64_t)); file_lengths = (int32_t*)ADIOI_Malloc(extra_blks* sizeof(int32_t)); } /* for file arrays that are of MAX_ARRAY_SIZE, build arrays */ for (i=0; iindices[j]; file_lengths[k] = flat_file->blocklens[j]; mem_lengths += file_lengths[k]; } if (j<(flat_file->count - 1)) j++; else { j = 0; n_filetypes++; } } /* for (k=0; kfd_sys, mem_list_count, &mem_offsets, &mem_lengths, file_list_count, file_offsets, file_lengths); mem_offsets += mem_lengths; mem_lengths = 0; } /* for (i=0; iindices[j]; if (k == (extra_blks - 1)) { file_lengths[k] = bufsize - (int32_t) mem_lengths - (int32_t) mem_offsets + (int32_t) buf; } else file_lengths[k] = flat_file->blocklens[j]; } /* if(i || k) */ mem_lengths += file_lengths[k]; if (j<(flat_file->count - 1)) j++; else { j = 0; n_filetypes++; } } /* for (k=0; kfd_sys, mem_list_count, &mem_offsets, &mem_lengths, file_list_count, file_offsets, file_lengths); } } else { /* noncontiguous in memory as well as in file */ flat_buf = ADIOI_Flatten_and_find(datatype); size_read = 0; n_filetypes = st_n_filetypes; frd_size = st_frd_size; brd_size = flat_buf->blocklens[0]; buf_count = 0; start_mem_offset = 0; start_k = k = 0; start_j = st_index; max_mem_list = 0; max_file_list = 0; /* run through and file max_file_list and max_mem_list so that you can allocate the file and memory arrays less than MAX_ARRAY_SIZE if possible */ while (size_read < bufsize) { k = start_k; new_buffer_read = 0; mem_list_count = 0; while ((mem_list_count < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) && (new_buffer_read < bufsize-size_read)) { /* find mem_list_count and file_list_count such that both are less than MAX_ARRAY_SIZE, the sum of their lengths are equal, and the sum of all the data read and data to be read in the next immediate read list is less than bufsize */ if(mem_list_count) { if((new_buffer_read + flat_buf->blocklens[k] + size_read) > bufsize) { end_brd_size = new_buffer_read + flat_buf->blocklens[k] - (bufsize - size_read); new_buffer_read = bufsize - size_read; } else { new_buffer_read += flat_buf->blocklens[k]; end_brd_size = flat_buf->blocklens[k]; } } else { if (brd_size > (bufsize - size_read)) { new_buffer_read = bufsize - size_read; brd_size = new_buffer_read; } else new_buffer_read = brd_size; } mem_list_count++; k = (k + 1)%flat_buf->count; } /* while ((mem_list_count < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) && (new_buffer_read < bufsize-size_read)) */ j = start_j; new_file_read = 0; file_list_count = 0; while ((file_list_count < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) && (new_file_read < new_buffer_read)) { if(file_list_count) { if((new_file_read + flat_file->blocklens[j]) > new_buffer_read) { end_frd_size = new_buffer_read - new_file_read; new_file_read = new_buffer_read; j--; } else { new_file_read += flat_file->blocklens[j]; end_frd_size = flat_file->blocklens[j]; } } else { if (frd_size > new_buffer_read) { new_file_read = new_buffer_read; frd_size = new_file_read; } else new_file_read = frd_size; } file_list_count++; if (j < (flat_file->count - 1)) j++; else j = 0; k = start_k; if ((new_file_read < new_buffer_read) && (file_list_count == MAX_ARRAY_SIZE)) { new_buffer_read = 0; mem_list_count = 0; while (new_buffer_read < new_file_read) { if(mem_list_count) { if((new_buffer_read + flat_buf->blocklens[k]) > new_file_read) { end_brd_size = new_file_read - new_buffer_read; new_buffer_read = new_file_read; k--; } else { new_buffer_read += flat_buf->blocklens[k]; end_brd_size = flat_buf->blocklens[k]; } } else { new_buffer_read = brd_size; if (brd_size > (bufsize - size_read)) { new_buffer_read = bufsize - size_read; brd_size = new_buffer_read; } } mem_list_count++; k = (k + 1)%flat_buf->count; } /* while (new_buffer_read < new_file_read) */ } /* if ((new_file_read < new_buffer_read) && (file_list_count == MAX_ARRAY_SIZE)) */ } /* while ((mem_list_count < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) && (new_buffer_read < bufsize-size_read)) */ /* fakes filling the readlist arrays of lengths found above */ k = start_k; j = start_j; for (i=0; iblocklens[k] == end_brd_size) brd_size = flat_buf->blocklens[(k+1)% flat_buf->count]; else { brd_size = flat_buf->blocklens[k] - end_brd_size; k--; buf_count--; } } } buf_count++; k = (k + 1)%flat_buf->count; } /* for (i=0; iblocklens[j] == end_frd_size) frd_size = flat_file->blocklens[(j+1)% flat_file->count]; else { frd_size = flat_file->blocklens[j] - end_frd_size; j--; } } } if (j < flat_file->count - 1) j++; else { j = 0; n_filetypes++; } } /* for (i=0; iblocklens[0]; buf_count = 0; start_mem_offset = 0; start_k = k = 0; start_j = st_index; /* this section calculates mem_list_count and file_list_count and also finds the possibly odd sized last array elements in new_frd_size and new_brd_size */ while (size_read < bufsize) { k = start_k; new_buffer_read = 0; mem_list_count = 0; while ((mem_list_count < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) && (new_buffer_read < bufsize-size_read)) { /* find mem_list_count and file_list_count such that both are less than MAX_ARRAY_SIZE, the sum of their lengths are equal, and the sum of all the data read and data to be read in the next immediate read list is less than bufsize */ if(mem_list_count) { if((new_buffer_read + flat_buf->blocklens[k] + size_read) > bufsize) { end_brd_size = new_buffer_read + flat_buf->blocklens[k] - (bufsize - size_read); new_buffer_read = bufsize - size_read; } else { new_buffer_read += flat_buf->blocklens[k]; end_brd_size = flat_buf->blocklens[k]; } } else { if (brd_size > (bufsize - size_read)) { new_buffer_read = bufsize - size_read; brd_size = new_buffer_read; } else new_buffer_read = brd_size; } mem_list_count++; k = (k + 1)%flat_buf->count; } /* while ((mem_list_count < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) && (new_buffer_read < bufsize-size_read)) */ j = start_j; new_file_read = 0; file_list_count = 0; while ((file_list_count < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) && (new_file_read < new_buffer_read)) { if(file_list_count) { if((new_file_read + flat_file->blocklens[j]) > new_buffer_read) { end_frd_size = new_buffer_read - new_file_read; new_file_read = new_buffer_read; j--; } else { new_file_read += flat_file->blocklens[j]; end_frd_size = flat_file->blocklens[j]; } } else { if (frd_size > new_buffer_read) { new_file_read = new_buffer_read; frd_size = new_file_read; } else new_file_read = frd_size; } file_list_count++; if (j < (flat_file->count - 1)) j++; else j = 0; k = start_k; if ((new_file_read < new_buffer_read) && (file_list_count == MAX_ARRAY_SIZE)) { new_buffer_read = 0; mem_list_count = 0; while (new_buffer_read < new_file_read) { if(mem_list_count) { if((new_buffer_read + flat_buf->blocklens[k]) > new_file_read) { end_brd_size = new_file_read - new_buffer_read; new_buffer_read = new_file_read; k--; } else { new_buffer_read += flat_buf->blocklens[k]; end_brd_size = flat_buf->blocklens[k]; } } else { new_buffer_read = brd_size; if (brd_size > (bufsize - size_read)) { new_buffer_read = bufsize - size_read; brd_size = new_buffer_read; } } mem_list_count++; k = (k + 1)%flat_buf->count; } /* while (new_buffer_read < new_file_read) */ } /* if ((new_file_read < new_buffer_read) && (file_list_count == MAX_ARRAY_SIZE)) */ } /* while ((mem_list_count < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) && (new_buffer_read < bufsize-size_read)) */ /* fills the allocated readlist arrays */ k = start_k; j = start_j; for (i=0; icount) + (int)flat_buf->indices[k]); if(!i) { mem_lengths[0] = brd_size; mem_offsets[0] += flat_buf->blocklens[k] - brd_size; } else { if (i == (mem_list_count - 1)) { mem_lengths[i] = end_brd_size; if (flat_buf->blocklens[k] == end_brd_size) brd_size = flat_buf->blocklens[(k+1)% flat_buf->count]; else { brd_size = flat_buf->blocklens[k] - end_brd_size; k--; buf_count--; } } else { mem_lengths[i] = flat_buf->blocklens[k]; } } buf_count++; k = (k + 1)%flat_buf->count; } /* for (i=0; iindices[j] + n_filetypes * filetype_extent; if (!i) { file_lengths[0] = frd_size; file_offsets[0] += flat_file->blocklens[j] - frd_size; } else { if (i == (file_list_count - 1)) { file_lengths[i] = end_frd_size; if (flat_file->blocklens[j] == end_frd_size) frd_size = flat_file->blocklens[(j+1)% flat_file->count]; else { frd_size = flat_file->blocklens[j] - end_frd_size; j--; } } else file_lengths[i] = flat_file->blocklens[j]; } if (j < flat_file->count - 1) j++; else { j = 0; n_filetypes++; } } /* for (i=0; ifd_sys,mem_list_count, mem_offsets, mem_lengths, file_list_count, file_offsets, file_lengths); size_read += new_buffer_read; start_k = k; start_j = j; } /* while (size_read < bufsize) */ ADIOI_Free(mem_offsets); ADIOI_Free(mem_lengths); } ADIOI_Free(file_offsets); ADIOI_Free(file_lengths); if (file_ptr_type == ADIO_INDIVIDUAL) fd->fp_ind = off; fd->fp_sys_posn = -1; /* set it to null. */ #ifdef HAVE_STATUS_SET_BYTES MPIR_Status_set_bytes(status, datatype, bufsize); /* This is a temporary way of filling in status. The right way is to keep track of how much data was actually read and placed in buf by ADIOI_BUFFERED_READ. */ #endif if (!buftype_is_contig) ADIOI_Delete_flattened(datatype); } #endif /* HAVE_PVFS_LISTIO */