/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */ /* * * Copyright (C) 1997 University of Chicago. * See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory. */ #include "ad_piofs.h" void ADIOI_PIOFS_ReadContig(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type, ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status, int *error_code) { MPI_Count err=-1, datatype_size, len; #ifndef PRINT_ERR_MSG static char myname[] = "ADIOI_PIOFS_READCONTIG"; #endif MPI_Type_size_x(datatype, &datatype_size); len = datatype_size * count; if (file_ptr_type == ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET) { if (fd->fp_sys_posn != offset) { llseek(fd->fd_sys, offset, SEEK_SET); } err = read(fd->fd_sys, buf, len); fd->fp_sys_posn = offset + err; /* individual file pointer not updated */ } else { /* read from curr. location of ind. file pointer */ if (fd->fp_sys_posn != fd->fp_ind) { llseek(fd->fd_sys, fd->fp_ind, SEEK_SET); } err = read(fd->fd_sys, buf, len); fd->fp_ind += err; fd->fp_sys_posn = fd->fp_ind; } #ifdef HAVE_STATUS_SET_BYTES if (err != -1) MPIR_Status_set_bytes(status, datatype, err); #endif if (err == -1) { #ifdef MPICH *error_code = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, myname, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_IO, "**io", "**io %s", strerror(errno)); #elif defined(PRINT_ERR_MSG) *error_code = MPI_ERR_UNKNOWN; #else *error_code = MPIR_Err_setmsg(MPI_ERR_IO, MPIR_ADIO_ERROR, myname, "I/O Error", "%s", strerror(errno)); ADIOI_Error(fd, *error_code, myname); #endif } else *error_code = MPI_SUCCESS; }