/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */ /* * * Copyright (C) 1997 University of Chicago. * See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory. */ #include "ad_piofs.h" void ADIOI_PIOFS_SetInfo(ADIO_File fd, MPI_Info users_info, int *error_code) { piofs_create_t piofs_create; piofs_statfs_t piofs_statfs; char *value, *path, *slash; int flag, tmp_val, str_factor=-1, str_unit=-1, start_iodev=-1; int err, myrank, perm, old_mask, nioservers; if ((fd->info) == MPI_INFO_NULL) { /* This must be part of the open call. can set striping parameters if necessary. */ MPI_Info_create(&(fd->info)); /* has user specified striping parameters and do they have the same value on all processes? */ if (users_info != MPI_INFO_NULL) { value = (char *) ADIOI_Malloc((MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL+1)*sizeof(char)); ADIOI_Info_get(users_info, "striping_factor", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, value, &flag); if (flag) { str_factor=atoi(value); tmp_val = str_factor; MPI_Bcast(&tmp_val, 1, MPI_INT, 0, fd->comm); if (tmp_val != str_factor) { FPRINTF(stderr, "ADIOI_PIOFS_SetInfo: the value for key \"striping_factor\" must be the same on all processes\n"); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1); } } ADIOI_Info_get(users_info, "striping_unit", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, value, &flag); if (flag) { str_unit=atoi(value); tmp_val = str_unit; MPI_Bcast(&tmp_val, 1, MPI_INT, 0, fd->comm); if (tmp_val != str_unit) { FPRINTF(stderr, "ADIOI_PIOFS_SetInfo: the value for key \"striping_unit\" must be the same on all processes\n"); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1); } } ADIOI_Info_get(users_info, "start_iodevice", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, value, &flag); if (flag) { start_iodev=atoi(value); tmp_val = start_iodev; MPI_Bcast(&tmp_val, 1, MPI_INT, 0, fd->comm); if (tmp_val != start_iodev) { FPRINTF(stderr, "ADIOI_PIOFS_SetInfo: the value for key \"start_iodevice\" must be the same on all processes\n"); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1); } } ADIOI_Free(value); /* if user has specified striping info, process 0 tries to set it */ if ((str_factor > 0) || (str_unit > 0) || (start_iodev >= 0)) { MPI_Comm_rank(fd->comm, &myrank); if (!myrank) { int len; if (fd->perm == ADIO_PERM_NULL) { old_mask = umask(022); umask(old_mask); perm = old_mask ^ 0666; } else perm = fd->perm; /* to find out the number of I/O servers, I need the path to the directory containing the file */ path = ADIOI_Strdup(fd->filename); len = strlen(path) + 1; slash = strrchr(path, '/'); if (!slash) ADIOI_Strncpy(path, ".", len); else { if (slash == path) *(path + 1) = '\0'; else *slash = '\0'; } ADIOI_Strncpy(piofs_statfs.name, path, len); err = piofsioctl(0, PIOFS_STATFS, &piofs_statfs); nioservers = (err) ? -1 : piofs_statfs.f_nodes; ADIOI_Free(path); str_factor = ADIOI_MIN(nioservers, str_factor); if (start_iodev >= nioservers) start_iodev = -1; ADIOI_Strncpy(piofs_create.name, fd->filename, len); piofs_create.bsu = (str_unit > 0) ? str_unit : -1; piofs_create.cells = (str_factor > 0) ? str_factor : -1; piofs_create.permissions = perm; piofs_create.base_node = (start_iodev >= 0) ? start_iodev : -1; piofs_create.flags = 0; err = piofsioctl(0, PIOFS_CREATE, &piofs_create); } MPI_Barrier(fd->comm); } } } /* set the values for collective I/O and data sieving parameters */ ADIOI_GEN_SetInfo(fd, users_info, error_code); *error_code = MPI_SUCCESS; }