/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana * University Research and Technology * Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2017 The University of Tennessee and The University * of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights * reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, * University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2008-2021 University of Houston. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Research Organization for Information Science * and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2017 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include "opal/datatype/opal_convertor.h" #include "ompi/datatype/ompi_datatype.h" #include #include #include "common_ompio.h" #include "common_ompio_aggregators.h" #include "ompi/mca/fcoll/base/base.h" #include "ompi/mca/topo/topo.h" static OMPI_MPI_OFFSET_TYPE get_contiguous_chunk_size (ompio_file_t *, int flag); static int datatype_duplicate (ompi_datatype_t *oldtype, ompi_datatype_t **newtype ); static int datatype_duplicate (ompi_datatype_t *oldtype, ompi_datatype_t **newtype ) { ompi_datatype_t *type; if( ompi_datatype_is_predefined(oldtype) ) { OBJ_RETAIN(oldtype); *newtype = oldtype; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } if ( OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_datatype_duplicate (oldtype, &type)){ ompi_datatype_destroy (&type); return MPI_ERR_INTERN; } ompi_datatype_set_args( type, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 1, &oldtype, MPI_COMBINER_DUP ); *newtype = type; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int mca_common_ompio_set_view (ompio_file_t *fh, OMPI_MPI_OFFSET_TYPE disp, ompi_datatype_t *etype, ompi_datatype_t *filetype, const char *datarep, opal_info_t *info) { int ret=OMPI_SUCCESS; size_t max_data = 0; int i, flag; int num_groups = 0; int num_cb_nodes=-1; mca_common_ompio_contg *contg_groups=NULL; size_t ftype_size; ptrdiff_t ftype_extent, lb, ub; ompi_datatype_t *newfiletype; if ( (MPI_DISPLACEMENT_CURRENT == disp) && (fh->f_amode & MPI_MODE_SEQUENTIAL) ) { mca_sharedfp_base_module_t * shared_fp_base_module = fh->f_sharedfp; if ( NULL == shared_fp_base_module ){ opal_output(0, "No shared file pointer component found for this file. Can not execute\n"); return OMPI_ERROR; } shared_fp_base_module->sharedfp_get_position(fh, &disp); } if ( NULL != fh->f_etype ) { ompi_datatype_destroy (&fh->f_etype); } if ( NULL != fh->f_filetype ) { ompi_datatype_destroy (&fh->f_filetype); } if ( NULL != fh->f_orig_filetype ) { ompi_datatype_destroy (&fh->f_orig_filetype); } if (NULL != fh->f_decoded_iov) { free (fh->f_decoded_iov); fh->f_decoded_iov = NULL; } if (NULL != fh->f_datarep) { free (fh->f_datarep); fh->f_datarep = NULL; } if (NULL != fh->f_file_convertor) { opal_convertor_cleanup (fh->f_file_convertor); free (fh->f_file_convertor); fh->f_file_convertor = NULL; } /* Reset the flags first */ if ( fh->f_flags & OMPIO_CONTIGUOUS_FVIEW ) { fh->f_flags &= ~OMPIO_CONTIGUOUS_FVIEW; } if ( fh->f_flags & OMPIO_UNIFORM_FVIEW ) { fh->f_flags &= ~OMPIO_UNIFORM_FVIEW; } if ( fh->f_flags & OMPIO_DATAREP_NATIVE ) { fh->f_flags &= ~OMPIO_DATAREP_NATIVE; } fh->f_datarep = strdup (datarep); if ( !(strcmp(datarep, "external32") && strcmp(datarep, "EXTERNAL32"))) { fh->f_file_convertor = malloc ( sizeof(struct opal_convertor_t) ); if ( NULL == fh->f_file_convertor ) { return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } opal_convertor_clone (ompi_mpi_external32_convertor, fh->f_file_convertor, 0); } else { fh->f_file_convertor = opal_convertor_create (opal_local_arch, 0); fh->f_flags |= OMPIO_DATAREP_NATIVE; } datatype_duplicate (filetype, &fh->f_orig_filetype ); opal_datatype_get_extent(&filetype->super, &lb, &ftype_extent); opal_datatype_type_size (&filetype->super, &ftype_size); if ( etype == filetype && ompi_datatype_is_predefined (filetype ) && ftype_extent == (ptrdiff_t)ftype_size ){ ompi_datatype_create_contiguous(MCA_IO_DEFAULT_FILE_VIEW_SIZE, &ompi_mpi_byte.dt, &newfiletype); ompi_datatype_commit (&newfiletype); } else { newfiletype = filetype; fh->f_flags |= OMPIO_FILE_VIEW_IS_SET; } fh->f_iov_count = 0; fh->f_disp = disp; fh->f_offset = disp; fh->f_total_bytes = 0; fh->f_index_in_file_view=0; fh->f_position_in_file_view=0; mca_common_ompio_decode_datatype (fh, newfiletype, 1, NULL, &max_data, fh->f_file_convertor, &fh->f_decoded_iov, &fh->f_iov_count); opal_datatype_get_extent(&newfiletype->super, &lb, &fh->f_view_extent); opal_datatype_type_ub (&newfiletype->super, &ub); opal_datatype_type_size (&etype->super, &fh->f_etype_size); opal_datatype_type_size (&newfiletype->super, &fh->f_view_size); datatype_duplicate (etype, &fh->f_etype); // This file type is our own representation. The original is stored // in orig_file type, No need to set args on this one. ompi_datatype_duplicate (newfiletype, &fh->f_filetype); if ( (fh->f_view_size % fh->f_etype_size) ) { // File view is not a multiple of the etype. return MPI_ERR_ARG; } // make sure that displacement is not negative, which could // lead to an illegal access. if ( 0 < fh->f_iov_count && 0 > (off_t)fh->f_decoded_iov[0].iov_base ) { // I think MPI_ERR_TYPE would be more appropriate, but // this is the error code expected in a testsuite, so I just // go with this. return MPI_ERR_IO; } if( SIMPLE_PLUS == OMPIO_MCA_GET(fh, grouping_option) ) { fh->f_cc_size = get_contiguous_chunk_size (fh, 1); } else { fh->f_cc_size = get_contiguous_chunk_size (fh, 0); } if (opal_datatype_is_contiguous_memory_layout(&etype->super,1)) { if (opal_datatype_is_contiguous_memory_layout(&filetype->super,1) && fh->f_view_extent == (ptrdiff_t)fh->f_view_size ) { fh->f_flags |= OMPIO_CONTIGUOUS_FVIEW; } } contg_groups = (mca_common_ompio_contg*) calloc ( 1, fh->f_size * sizeof(mca_common_ompio_contg)); if (NULL == contg_groups) { opal_output (1, "OUT OF MEMORY\n"); return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } for( i = 0; i < fh->f_size; i++){ contg_groups[i].procs_in_contg_group = (int*)calloc (1,fh->f_size * sizeof(int)); if(NULL == contg_groups[i].procs_in_contg_group){ int j; opal_output (1, "OUT OF MEMORY\n"); for(j=0; jf_info, "cb_nodes", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, char_stripe, &flag); if ( flag ) { sscanf ( char_stripe, "%d", &num_cb_nodes ); OMPIO_MCA_PRINT_INFO(fh, "cb_nodes", char_stripe, ""); } else { /* Check the info object set during file_set_view */ opal_info_get (info, "cb_nodes", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, char_stripe, &flag); if ( flag ) { sscanf ( char_stripe, "%d", &num_cb_nodes ); OMPIO_MCA_PRINT_INFO(fh, "cb_nodes", char_stripe, ""); } } if ( -1 != OMPIO_MCA_GET(fh, num_aggregators) || -1 != num_cb_nodes) { /* The user requested a particular number of aggregators */ num_groups = OMPIO_MCA_GET(fh, num_aggregators); if ( -1 != num_cb_nodes ) { /* A hint through an MPI Info object trumps an mca parameter value */ num_groups = num_cb_nodes; } if ( num_groups > fh->f_size ) { num_groups = fh->f_size; } mca_common_ompio_forced_grouping ( fh, num_groups, contg_groups); } else { if ( SIMPLE != OMPIO_MCA_GET(fh, grouping_option) && SIMPLE_PLUS != OMPIO_MCA_GET(fh, grouping_option) ) { ret = mca_common_ompio_fview_based_grouping(fh, &num_groups, contg_groups); if ( OMPI_SUCCESS != ret ) { opal_output(1, "mca_common_ompio_set_view: mca_io_ompio_fview_based_grouping failed\n"); goto exit; } } else { int done=0; int ndims; if ( fh->f_comm->c_flags & OMPI_COMM_CART ){ ret = fh->f_comm->c_topo->topo.cart.cartdim_get( fh->f_comm, &ndims); if ( OMPI_SUCCESS != ret ){ goto exit; } if ( ndims > 1 ) { ret = mca_common_ompio_cart_based_grouping( fh, &num_groups, contg_groups); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret ) { opal_output(1, "mca_common_ompio_set_view: mca_io_ompio_cart_based_grouping failed\n"); goto exit; } done=1; } } if ( !done ) { ret = mca_common_ompio_simple_grouping(fh, &num_groups, contg_groups); if ( OMPI_SUCCESS != ret ){ opal_output(1, "mca_common_ompio_set_view: mca_io_ompio_simple_grouping failed\n"); goto exit; } } } } #ifdef DEBUG_OMPIO if ( fh->f_rank == 0) { int ii, jj; printf("BEFORE finalize_init: comm size = %d num_groups = %d\n", fh->f_size, num_groups); for ( ii=0; ii< num_groups; ii++ ) { printf("contg_groups[%d].procs_per_contg_group=%d\n", ii, contg_groups[ii].procs_per_contg_group); printf("contg_groups[%d].procs_in_contg_group.[", ii); for ( jj=0; jj< contg_groups[ii].procs_per_contg_group; jj++ ) { printf("%d,", contg_groups[ii].procs_in_contg_group[jj]); } printf("]\n"); } } #endif ret = mca_common_ompio_finalize_initial_grouping(fh, num_groups, contg_groups); if ( OMPI_SUCCESS != ret ) { opal_output(1, "mca_common_ompio_set_view: mca_io_ompio_finalize_initial_grouping failed\n"); goto exit; } if ( etype == filetype && ompi_datatype_is_predefined (filetype ) && ftype_extent == (ptrdiff_t)ftype_size ){ ompi_datatype_destroy ( &newfiletype ); } bool info_is_set=false; opal_info_get (fh->f_info, "collective_buffering", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, char_stripe, &flag); if ( flag ) { if ( strncmp ( char_stripe, "false", sizeof("true") )){ info_is_set = true; OMPIO_MCA_PRINT_INFO(fh, "collective_buffering", char_stripe, "enforcing using individual fcoll component"); } else { OMPIO_MCA_PRINT_INFO(fh, "collective_buffering", char_stripe, ""); } } else { opal_info_get (info, "collective_buffering", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, char_stripe, &flag); if ( flag ) { if ( strncmp ( char_stripe, "false", sizeof("true") )){ info_is_set = true; OMPIO_MCA_PRINT_INFO(fh, "collective_buffering", char_stripe, "enforcing using individual fcoll component"); } else { OMPIO_MCA_PRINT_INFO(fh, "collective_buffering", char_stripe, ""); } } } mca_fcoll_base_component_t *preferred =NULL; if ( info_is_set ) { /* user requested using an info object to disable collective buffering. */ preferred = mca_fcoll_base_component_lookup ("individual"); } ret = mca_fcoll_base_file_select (fh, (mca_base_component_t *)preferred); if ( OMPI_SUCCESS != ret ) { opal_output(1, "mca_common_ompio_set_view: mca_fcoll_base_file_select() failed\n"); goto exit; } if ( NULL != fh->f_sharedfp ) { ret = fh->f_sharedfp->sharedfp_seek( fh, 0, MPI_SEEK_SET); } exit: for( i = 0; i < fh->f_size; i++){ free(contg_groups[i].procs_in_contg_group); } free(contg_groups); return ret; } OMPI_MPI_OFFSET_TYPE get_contiguous_chunk_size (ompio_file_t *fh, int flag) { OMPI_MPI_OFFSET_TYPE avg[3] = {0,0,0}; OMPI_MPI_OFFSET_TYPE global_avg[3] = {0,0,0}; int i = 0; /* This function determines the average data chunk ** size in the file view for each process and across all processes, ** and the avg. file_view size across processes. */ if ( flag ) { global_avg[0] = MCA_IO_DEFAULT_FILE_VIEW_SIZE; fh->f_avg_view_size = fh->f_view_size; } else { for (i=0 ; i<(int)fh->f_iov_count ; i++) { avg[0] += fh->f_decoded_iov[i].iov_len; } if ( 0 != fh->f_iov_count ) { avg[0] = avg[0]/fh->f_iov_count; } avg[1] = (OMPI_MPI_OFFSET_TYPE) fh->f_iov_count; avg[2] = (OMPI_MPI_OFFSET_TYPE) fh->f_view_size; fh->f_comm->c_coll->coll_allreduce (avg, global_avg, 3, OMPI_OFFSET_DATATYPE, MPI_SUM, fh->f_comm, fh->f_comm->c_coll->coll_allreduce_module); global_avg[0] = global_avg[0]/fh->f_size; global_avg[1] = global_avg[1]/fh->f_size; fh->f_avg_view_size = global_avg[2]/fh->f_size; } return global_avg[0]; }