/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */ /* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 The University of Tennessee and The University * of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights * reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020 Bull S.A.S. All rights reserved. * * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ /* *@file * Implementation of configuration file parser to set collective components to use. */ #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H #include #endif #include "ompi_config.h" #include "coll_han.h" #include "coll_han_dynamic.h" #include "coll_han_dynamic_file.h" #include "ompi/mca/coll/base/coll_base_util.h" #define getnext_long(fptr, pval) ompi_coll_base_file_getnext_long(fptr, &fileline, pval) #define getnext_string(fptr, pval) ompi_coll_base_file_getnext_string(fptr, &fileline, pval) #define getnext_size_t(fptr, pval) ompi_coll_base_file_getnext_size_t(fptr, &fileline, pval) static void check_dynamic_rules(void); /* Current file line for verbose message */ static int fileline = 1; /* * File parsing function. Allocated memory depending on the number of rules. * This functions expects a file formatted as describbed in coll_han_dynamic_file.h. * The configuration is then used by coll/han component to determine which module to * use at each topological level. */ int mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules(void) { /* File management */ const char *fname; FILE *fptr = NULL; int nb_entries = 0, rc; /* Loop counters */ int i, j, k, l; /* Collective informations */ long nb_coll, coll_id; char * coll_name = NULL; collective_rule_t *coll_rules; /* Topo informations */ long nb_topo, topo_lvl; topologic_rule_t *topo_rules; /* Configuration informations */ long nb_rules, conf_size; configuration_rule_t *conf_rules; /* Message size informations */ long nb_msg_size; size_t msg_size; msg_size_rule_t *msg_size_rules; /* Component informations */ long component; /* If the dynamic rules are not used, do not even read the file */ if(!mca_coll_han_component.use_dynamic_file_rules) { return OMPI_SUCCESS; } if( NULL == (fname = mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules_filename) ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules coll_han_use_dynamic_file_rules is set but " "coll_han_dynamic_rules_filename is not Rules from MCA parameters will be used instead\n"); mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules.nb_collectives = 0; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } if( NULL == (fptr = fopen(fname, "r")) ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules cannot open dynamic file provided by " "coll_han_dynamic_rules_filename=%s. Make sure it provides the full path and " "check file permissions. Rules from MCA parameters will be used instead\n", fname); mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules.nb_collectives = 0; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } /* The first information of the file is the collective count */ if( (getnext_long(fptr, &nb_coll) < 0) || (nb_coll <= 0) ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules found an error on dynamic rules file %s " "at line %d: an invalid value %ld is given for collective count " "or the reader encountered an unexpected EOF\n", fname, fileline, nb_coll); mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules.nb_collectives = 0; goto file_reading_error; } mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules.nb_collectives = nb_coll; /* Allocate collective rules */ coll_rules = malloc(nb_coll * sizeof(collective_rule_t)); mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules.collective_rules = coll_rules; if(NULL == coll_rules) { mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules.nb_collectives = 0; goto cannot_allocate; } /* Iterates on collective rules */ for( i = 0 ; i < nb_coll ; i++ ) { coll_rules[i].nb_topologic_levels = 0; mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules.nb_collectives = i+1; /* Get the collective identifier */ if( getnext_string(fptr, &coll_name) < 0 ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules invalid collective at line %d." "The rest of the input file will be ignored.\n", fileline); goto file_reading_error; } coll_id = mca_coll_base_name_to_colltype(coll_name); if( (coll_id < ALLGATHER) || (coll_id >= COLLCOUNT)) { /* maybe the file was in the old format and we read the collective index instead of the name. */ char* endp; coll_id = strtol(coll_name, &endp, 10); if( ('\0' != *endp ) || (coll_id < ALLGATHER) || (coll_id >= COLLCOUNT) ) { /* there is garbage in the input */ opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules invalid collective %s " "at line %d: the collective must be at least %d and less than %d. " "The rest of the input file will be ignored.\n", coll_name, fileline, ALLGATHER, COLLCOUNT); goto file_reading_error; } if( NULL != coll_name ) { free(coll_name); } coll_name = strdup(mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(coll_id)); } if(!mca_coll_han_is_coll_dynamic_implemented(coll_id)) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules found an error on dynamic rules file %s " "read collective id %ld at line %d but this collective is not implemented yet. " "This is not an error but this set of rules will not be used\n", fname, coll_id, fileline); } /* * The first information of a collective rule * is the number of topologic rules */ if( (getnext_long(fptr, &nb_topo) < 0) || (nb_topo < 0) ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules found an error on dynamic rules file %s " "at line %d: an invalid value %ld is given for topo level count " "or the reader encountered an unexpected EOF\n", fname, fileline, nb_topo); goto file_reading_error; } /* Store the collective rule informations */ coll_rules[i].nb_topologic_levels = nb_topo; coll_rules[i].collective_id = (COLLTYPE_T)coll_id; if(0 == nb_topo) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules Warning on dynamic rules file %s " "at line %d: an invalid value %ld is given for topo level count\n", fname, fileline, nb_topo); continue; } /* Allocate topologic rules */ topo_rules = malloc(nb_topo * sizeof(topologic_rule_t)); coll_rules[i].topologic_rules = topo_rules; if(NULL == topo_rules) { coll_rules[i].nb_topologic_levels = 0; goto cannot_allocate; } /* Iterates on topologic rules */ for( j = 0 ; j < nb_topo ; j++ ) { topo_rules[j].nb_rules = 0; coll_rules[i].nb_topologic_levels = j+1; /* Get the topologic level identifier */ if( (getnext_long(fptr, &topo_lvl) < 0) || (topo_lvl < INTRA_NODE) || (topo_lvl >= NB_TOPO_LVL) ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules found an error on dynamic rules file %s " "at line %d: an invalid topo level %ld is given or the reader encountered an unexpected EOF. " "Topologic level must be at least %d and less than %d\n", fname, fileline, topo_lvl, INTRA_NODE, NB_TOPO_LVL); goto file_reading_error; } /* * The first information of a topologic rule * is the number of configurations */ nb_rules = -1; if( (getnext_long(fptr, &nb_rules) < 0) || (nb_rules < 0) ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules found an error on dynamic rules file %s " "at line %d: an invalid value %ld is given for rules count " "or the reader encountered an unexpected EOF\n", fname, fileline, nb_rules); goto file_reading_error; } /* Store the topologic rule informations */ topo_rules[j].collective_id = coll_id; topo_rules[j].topologic_level = (TOPO_LVL_T)topo_lvl; topo_rules[j].nb_rules = nb_rules; if(0 == nb_rules) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules Warning on dynamic rules file %s " "at line %d: an invalid value %ld is given for configuration rules count\n", fname, fileline, nb_rules); continue; } /* Allocate configuration rules */ conf_rules = malloc(nb_rules * sizeof(configuration_rule_t)); topo_rules[j].configuration_rules = conf_rules; if(NULL == conf_rules) { topo_rules[j].nb_rules = 0; goto cannot_allocate; } /* Iterate on configuration rules */ for( k = 0; k < nb_rules; k++ ) { conf_rules[k].nb_msg_size = 0; topo_rules[j].nb_rules = k+1; /* Get the configuration size */ if( (getnext_long(fptr, &conf_size) < 0) || (conf_size < 1) || (0 == k && conf_size > 1) ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules invalid configuration size %ld at line %d " "or the reader encountered an unexpected EOF the configuration size must be at least %d " "and the first configuration size of a topologic level must be %d\n", conf_size, fileline, 1, 1); goto file_reading_error; } /* * The first information of a configuration rule * is the number of message size rules */ if( (getnext_long(fptr, &nb_msg_size) < 0) || (nb_msg_size < 0) ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules found an error on dynamic rules file %s " "at line %d: an invalid value %ld is given for message size rules count " "or the reader encountered an unexpected EOF\n", fname, fileline, nb_msg_size); goto file_reading_error; } /* Store configuration rule information */ conf_rules[k].collective_id = coll_id; conf_rules[k].topologic_level = topo_lvl; conf_rules[k].configuration_size = conf_size; conf_rules[k].nb_msg_size = nb_msg_size; if(0 == nb_msg_size) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules Warning on dynamic rules file %s " "at line %d: an invalid value %ld is given for message size rules count\n", fname, fileline, nb_msg_size); continue; } /* Allocate message size rules */ msg_size_rules = malloc(nb_msg_size * sizeof(msg_size_rule_t)); conf_rules[k].msg_size_rules = msg_size_rules; if(NULL == msg_size_rules) { conf_rules[k].nb_msg_size = 0; goto cannot_allocate; } /* Iterate on message size rules */ for( l = 0; l < nb_msg_size; l++ ) { char* target_comp_name = NULL; conf_rules[k].nb_msg_size = l+1; /* Get the message size */ rc = getnext_size_t(fptr, &msg_size); if( (rc < 0) || (0 == l && msg_size > 1)) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules found an error on dynamic rules file %s " "at line %d: an invalid value %" PRIsize_t " is given for message size " "or the reader encountered an unexpected EOF. " "The first message size rule of a configuration must be 0\n", fname, fileline, msg_size); goto file_reading_error; } /* Get the component identifier for this message size rule */ if( getnext_string(fptr, &target_comp_name) < 0 ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules found an error on dynamic rules file %s " "at line %d: cannot read the name of a collective component\n", fname, fileline); goto file_reading_error; } component = mca_coll_han_component_name_to_id(target_comp_name); if( (component < SELF) || (component >= COMPONENTS_COUNT) ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules found an error on dynamic rules file %s " "at line %d: an invalid collective component name %s was given or the " "reader encountered an unexpected EOF. Collective component id must be at " "least %d and less than %d\n", fname, fileline, target_comp_name, SELF, COMPONENTS_COUNT); free(target_comp_name); goto file_reading_error; } /* Store message size rule information */ msg_size_rules[l].collective_id = coll_id; msg_size_rules[l].topologic_level = topo_lvl; msg_size_rules[l].configuration_size = conf_size; msg_size_rules[l].msg_size = msg_size; msg_size_rules[l].component = (COMPONENT_T)component; nb_entries++; /* do we have the optional segment length */ if( 1 == ompi_coll_base_file_peek_next_char_is(fptr, &fileline, '[') ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules found optional pipelining segment lengths\n"); long seglength; if( 0 != topo_lvl ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules " "file %s line %d found segment lengths for topological collective at level != 0 " "for collective %s component %s. These values will be ignored.\n", fname, fileline, coll_name, target_comp_name); } while( 0 == ompi_coll_base_file_peek_next_char_is(fptr, &fileline, ']') ) { if( getnext_long(fptr, &seglength) ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules " "file %s line %d found end of file while reading the optional list " "of segment lengths for collective %s component %s\n", fname, fileline, coll_name, target_comp_name); free(target_comp_name); goto file_reading_error; } } } free(target_comp_name); } } } if( NULL != coll_name ) { free(coll_name); coll_name = NULL; } } if( getnext_long(fptr, &nb_coll) > 0 ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules. Warning on file %s at line %d: " "rule reading is over but reader does not seem to have reached the end of the file\n", fname, fileline); } opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules read %d rules from %s\n", nb_entries, fname); if(mca_coll_han_component.dump_dynamic_rules) { mca_coll_han_dump_dynamic_rules(); } fclose(fptr); check_dynamic_rules(); return OMPI_SUCCESS; cannot_allocate: /* The dynamic rules allocation failed * Free the already allocated rules and return a failure */ opal_output_verbose(0, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules " "cannot allocate dynamic rules\n"); if( NULL != coll_name ) { free(coll_name); } fclose (fptr); /* We disable the module, we don't need to keep the rules */ mca_coll_han_free_dynamic_rules(); return OMPI_ERROR; file_reading_error: opal_output_verbose(0, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_init_dynamic_rules " "could not fully read dynamic rules file. " "Will use mca parameters defined rules. " "To see error detail, please set " "collective verbosity level over 5\n"); if( NULL != coll_name ) { free(coll_name); } fclose (fptr); /* We disable the module, we don't need to keep the rules */ mca_coll_han_free_dynamic_rules(); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } /* * Memory free all the rules parsed in the file */ void mca_coll_han_free_dynamic_rules(void) { /* Loop counters */ int i, j, k; /* Loop ranges */ int nb_coll, nb_conf; /* Aliases */ collective_rule_t *coll_rules; topologic_rule_t *topo_rules; configuration_rule_t *conf_rules; nb_coll = mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules.nb_collectives; coll_rules = mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules.collective_rules; for(i=0 ; i 0) { free(conf_rules[k].msg_size_rules); } } if(nb_conf > 0) { free(conf_rules); } } if(nb_topo > 0) { free(topo_rules); } } if(nb_coll > 0) { free(coll_rules); } mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules.nb_collectives = 0; } /* * Try to find any logical issue in dynamic rules */ static void check_dynamic_rules(void) { /* Loop counters */ int i, j, k, l; /* Collective informations */ int nb_coll; COLLTYPE_T coll_id; collective_rule_t *coll_rules; /* Topo informations */ TOPO_LVL_T topo_lvl; topologic_rule_t *topo_rules; /* Configuration informations */ int nb_rules, conf_size; configuration_rule_t *conf_rules; /* Message size informations */ int nb_msg_size; size_t msg_size; msg_size_rule_t *msg_size_rules; /* Component informations */ COMPONENT_T component; nb_coll = mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules.nb_collectives; coll_rules = mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules.collective_rules; for( i = 0; i < nb_coll; i++ ) { coll_id = coll_rules[i].collective_id; int nb_topo = coll_rules[i].nb_topologic_levels; topo_rules = coll_rules[i].topologic_rules; for( j = 0; j < nb_topo; j++ ) { topo_lvl = topo_rules[j].topologic_level; nb_rules = topo_rules[j].nb_rules; conf_rules = topo_rules[j].configuration_rules; for( k = 0; k < nb_rules; k++ ) { conf_size = conf_rules[k].configuration_size; nb_msg_size = conf_rules[k].nb_msg_size; msg_size_rules = conf_rules[k].msg_size_rules; if( k >= 1 && conf_rules[k-1].configuration_size > conf_size) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:check_dynamic_rules HAN found an issue on dynamic rules " "for collective %d on topological level %d: " "configuration sizes %d and %d are not sorted by increasing value\n", coll_id, topo_lvl, conf_rules[k-1].configuration_size, conf_size); } for( l = 0; l < nb_msg_size; l++ ) { msg_size = msg_size_rules[l].msg_size; component = msg_size_rules[l].component; if( l >= 1 && msg_size_rules[l-1].msg_size > msg_size) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:check_dynamic_rules HAN found an issue on dynamic rules " "for collective %d on topological level %d with configuration size %d: " "message sizes %" PRIsize_t " and %" PRIsize_t " are " "not sorted by increasing value\n", coll_id, topo_lvl, conf_size, msg_size_rules[l-1].msg_size, msg_size); } if( (HAN == component) && (GLOBAL_COMMUNICATOR != topo_lvl) ) { opal_output_verbose(5, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:check_dynamic_rules HAN found an issue on dynamic rules " "for collective %d on topological level %d with configuration size %d " "for message size %" PRIsize_t ": han collective component %d " "can only be activated for topology level %d\n", coll_id, topo_lvl, conf_size, msg_size, HAN, GLOBAL_COMMUNICATOR); } } } } } } /* Print configurations parsed from the file */ void mca_coll_han_dump_dynamic_rules(void) { int nb_entries = 0; /* Collective informations */ int nb_coll; COLLTYPE_T coll_id; collective_rule_t *coll_rules; /* Topo informations */ TOPO_LVL_T topo_lvl; topologic_rule_t *topo_rules; /* Configuration informations */ int nb_rules, conf_size; configuration_rule_t *conf_rules; /* Message size informations */ int nb_msg_size, msg_size; msg_size_rule_t *msg_size_rules; /* Component informations */ COMPONENT_T component; nb_coll = mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules.nb_collectives; coll_rules = mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules.collective_rules; for(int i = 0; i < nb_coll; i++ ) { coll_id = coll_rules[i].collective_id; int nb_topo = coll_rules[i].nb_topologic_levels; topo_rules = coll_rules[i].topologic_rules; for(int j = 0; j < nb_topo; j++ ) { topo_lvl = topo_rules[j].topologic_level; nb_rules = topo_rules[j].nb_rules; conf_rules = topo_rules[j].configuration_rules; for(int k = 0; k < nb_rules; k++ ) { conf_size = conf_rules[k].configuration_size; nb_msg_size = conf_rules[k].nb_msg_size; msg_size_rules = conf_rules[k].msg_size_rules; for(int l = 0; l < nb_msg_size; l++ ) { msg_size = msg_size_rules[l].msg_size; component = msg_size_rules[l].component; opal_output(mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:dump_dynamic_rules %d collective %d (%s) " "topology level %d (%s) configuration size %d " "mesage size %d -> collective component %d (%s)\n", nb_entries, coll_id, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(coll_id), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), conf_size, msg_size, component, available_components[component].component_name); nb_entries++; } } } } }