/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */ /* * Copyright (c) 2020 Bull S.A.S. All rights reserved. * * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ /* * @file * This files contains all functions to dynamically select for each collective * the coll module based on given MCA parameters, configuration file and * messages characteristics */ #include "opal/class/opal_list.h" #include "ompi/mca/coll/han/coll_han.h" #include "ompi/mca/coll/han/coll_han_dynamic.h" #include "ompi/mca/coll/base/coll_base_util.h" /* * Tests if a dynamic collective is implemented * Usefull for file reading warnings and MCA parameter generation * When a new dynamic collective is implemented, this function must * return true for it */ bool mca_coll_han_is_coll_dynamic_implemented(COLLTYPE_T coll_id) { switch (coll_id) { case ALLGATHER: case ALLGATHERV: case ALLREDUCE: case BARRIER: case BCAST: case GATHER: case REDUCE: case SCATTER: return true; default: return false; } } COMPONENT_T mca_coll_han_component_name_to_id(const char* name) { if(NULL == name) { return -1; } for( int i = SELF; i < COMPONENTS_COUNT ; i++ ) { if (0 == strcmp(name, available_components[i].component_name)) { return i; } } return -1; } /* * Get all the collective modules initialized on this communicator * This function must be called at the start of every selector implementation * Note that han module may be not yet enabled */ int mca_coll_han_get_all_coll_modules(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_han_module_t *han_module) { mca_coll_base_module_t *han_base_module = (mca_coll_base_module_t *) han_module; TOPO_LVL_T topo_lvl = han_module->topologic_level; int nb_modules = 0; mca_coll_base_avail_coll_t *item; /* If the modules are get yet, return success */ if(han_module->storage_initialized) { return OMPI_SUCCESS; } /* This list is populated at communicator creation */ OPAL_LIST_FOREACH(item, comm->c_coll->module_list, mca_coll_base_avail_coll_t) { mca_coll_base_module_t *module = item->ac_module; const char *name = item->ac_component_name; int id = mca_coll_han_component_name_to_id(name); if(id >= 0 && NULL != module && module != han_base_module) { /* * The identifier is correct * Store the module */ han_module->modules_storage.modules[id].module_handler = module; opal_output_verbose(80, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:get_all_coll_modules HAN found module %s with id %d " "for topological level %d (%s) for communicator (%d/%s)\n", name, id, topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); nb_modules++; } } /* * Add han_module on global communicator only * to prevent any recursive call */ if(GLOBAL_COMMUNICATOR == han_module->topologic_level) { han_module->modules_storage.modules[HAN].module_handler = han_base_module; nb_modules++; } opal_output_verbose(60, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:get_all_coll_modules HAN sub-communicator modules storage " "for topological level %d (%s) gets %d modules " "for communicator (%d/%s)\n", topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), nb_modules, comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); assert(0 != nb_modules); /* The modules are get */ han_module->storage_initialized = true; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } /* * Find the correct rule in the dynamic rules * Assume rules are sorted by increasing value */ static const msg_size_rule_t* get_dynamic_rule(COLLTYPE_T collective, size_t msg_size, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_han_module_t *han_module) { /* Indexes of the rule */ int coll_idx, topo_idx; int conf_idx, msg_size_idx; /* Aliases */ const mca_coll_han_dynamic_rules_t *dynamic_rules; const collective_rule_t *coll_rule = NULL; const topologic_rule_t *topo_rule = NULL; const configuration_rule_t *conf_rule = NULL; const msg_size_rule_t *msg_size_rule = NULL; const TOPO_LVL_T topo_lvl = han_module->topologic_level; const int comm_size = ompi_comm_size(comm); COMPONENT_T component; /* Find the collective rule */ dynamic_rules = &(mca_coll_han_component.dynamic_rules); for(coll_idx = dynamic_rules->nb_collectives-1; coll_idx >= 0; coll_idx--) { if(dynamic_rules->collective_rules[coll_idx].collective_id == collective) { coll_rule = &(dynamic_rules->collective_rules[coll_idx]); break; } } if(coll_idx < 0 || NULL == coll_rule) { /* No dynamic rules for this collective */ opal_output_verbose(60, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:get_dynamic_rule HAN searched for collective %d (%s) " "but did not find any rule for this collective\n", collective, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(collective)); return NULL; } /* Find the topologic level rule */ for(topo_idx = coll_rule->nb_topologic_levels-1; topo_idx >= 0; topo_idx--) { if(coll_rule->topologic_rules[topo_idx].topologic_level == topo_lvl) { topo_rule = &(coll_rule->topologic_rules[topo_idx]); break; } } if(topo_idx < 0 || NULL == topo_rule) { /* No topologic level rules for this collective */ opal_output_verbose(60, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:get_dynamic_rule HAN searched for topologic level %d (%s) rule " "for collective %d (%s) but did not find any rule\n", topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), collective, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(collective)); return NULL; } /* Find the configuration rule */ for(conf_idx = topo_rule->nb_rules-1; conf_idx >= 0; conf_idx--) { if(topo_rule->configuration_rules[conf_idx].configuration_size <= comm_size) { conf_rule = &(topo_rule->configuration_rules[conf_idx]); break; } } if(conf_idx < 0 || NULL == conf_rule) { /* No corresponding configuration. Should not have happen with a correct file */ opal_output_verbose(60, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:get_dynamic_rule HAN searched a rule for collective %d (%s) " "on topological level %d (%s) for a %d configuration size " "but did not manage to find anything. " "This is the result of an invalid configuration file: " "the first configuration size of each collective must be 1\n", collective, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(collective), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm_size); return NULL; } /* Find the message size rule */ for(msg_size_idx = conf_rule->nb_msg_size-1; msg_size_idx >= 0; msg_size_idx--) { if(conf_rule->msg_size_rules[msg_size_idx].msg_size <= msg_size) { msg_size_rule = &(conf_rule->msg_size_rules[msg_size_idx]); break; } } if(msg_size_idx < 0 || NULL == msg_size_rule) { /* No corresponding message size. Should not happen with a correct file */ opal_output_verbose(60, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:get_dynamic_rule HAN searched a rule for collective %d (%s) " "on topological level %d (%s) for a %d configuration size " "for a %" PRIsize_t " sized message but did not manage to find anything. " "This is the result of an invalid configuration file: " "the first message size of each configuration must be 0\n", collective, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(collective), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm_size, msg_size); return NULL; } component = msg_size_rule->component; /* * We have the final rule to use * Module correctness is checked outside */ opal_output_verbose(80, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:get_dynamic_rule HAN searched a rule for collective %d (%s) " "on topological level %d (%s) for a %d configuration size " "for a %" PRIsize_t " sized message. Found a rule for collective %d (%s) " "on topological level %d (%s) for a %d configuration size " "for a %" PRIsize_t " sized message : component %d (%s)\n", collective, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(collective), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm_size, msg_size, msg_size_rule->collective_id, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(msg_size_rule->collective_id), msg_size_rule->topologic_level, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(msg_size_rule->topologic_level), msg_size_rule->configuration_size, msg_size_rule->msg_size, component, available_components[component].component_name); return msg_size_rule; } /* * Return the module to use for the collective coll_id * for a msg_size sized message on the comm communicator * following the dynamic rules */ static mca_coll_base_module_t* get_module(COLLTYPE_T coll_id, size_t msg_size, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_han_module_t *han_module) { const msg_size_rule_t *dynamic_rule; TOPO_LVL_T topo_lvl; COMPONENT_T mca_rule_component; topo_lvl = han_module->topologic_level; mca_rule_component = mca_coll_han_component.mca_rules[coll_id][topo_lvl]; mca_coll_han_get_all_coll_modules(comm, han_module); /* Find the correct dynamic rule to check */ dynamic_rule = get_dynamic_rule(coll_id, msg_size, comm, han_module); if(NULL != dynamic_rule) { /* Use dynamic rule from file */ return han_module->modules_storage.modules[dynamic_rule->component].module_handler; } /* * No dynamic rule from file * Use rule from mca parameter */ if(mca_rule_component < 0 || mca_rule_component >= COMPONENTS_COUNT) { /* * Invalid MCA parameter value * Warn the user and return NULL */ opal_output_verbose(0, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:get_module Invalid MCA parameter value %d " "for collective %d (%s) on topologic level %d (%s)\n", mca_rule_component, coll_id, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(coll_id), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl)); return NULL; } return han_module->modules_storage.modules[mca_rule_component].module_handler; } /* * Allgather selector: * On a sub-communicator, checks the stored rules to find the module to use * On the global communicator, calls the han collective implementation, or * calls the correct module if fallback mechanism is activated */ int mca_coll_han_allgather_intra_dynamic(const void *sbuf, int scount, struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, void *rbuf, int rcount, struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_base_module_t *module) { mca_coll_han_module_t *han_module = (mca_coll_han_module_t*) module; TOPO_LVL_T topo_lvl = han_module->topologic_level; mca_coll_base_module_allgather_fn_t allgather; mca_coll_base_module_t *sub_module; size_t dtype_size; int rank, verbosity = 0; /* Compute configuration information for dynamic rules */ if( MPI_IN_PLACE != sbuf ) { ompi_datatype_type_size(sdtype, &dtype_size); dtype_size = dtype_size * scount; } else { ompi_datatype_type_size(rdtype, &dtype_size); dtype_size = dtype_size * rcount; } sub_module = get_module(ALLGATHER, dtype_size, comm, han_module); /* First errors are always printed by rank 0 */ rank = ompi_comm_rank(comm); if( (0 == rank) && (han_module->dynamic_errors < mca_coll_han_component.max_dynamic_errors) ) { verbosity = 30; } if(NULL == sub_module) { /* * No valid collective module from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_allgather_intra_dynamic " "HAN did not find any valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s). " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", ALLGATHER, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(ALLGATHER), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/ALLGATHER: No module found for the sub-communicator. " "Falling back to another component\n")); allgather = han_module->previous_allgather; sub_module = han_module->previous_allgather_module; } else if (NULL == sub_module->coll_allgather) { /* * No valid collective from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_allgather_intra_dynamic HAN found valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s) but this module cannot handle this collective. " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", ALLGATHER, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(ALLGATHER), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/ALLGATHER: the module found for the sub-communicator" " cannot handle the ALLGATHER operation. Falling back to another component\n")); allgather = han_module->previous_allgather; sub_module = han_module->previous_allgather_module; } else if (GLOBAL_COMMUNICATOR == topo_lvl && sub_module == module) { /* * No fallback mechanism activated for this configuration * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_allgather is valid and point to this function * Call han topological collective algorithm */ if(mca_coll_han_component.use_simple_algorithm[ALLGATHER]) { allgather = mca_coll_han_allgather_intra_simple; } else { allgather = mca_coll_han_allgather_intra; } } else { /* * If we get here: * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_allgather is valid * They points to the collective to use, according to the dynamic rules * Selector's job is done, call the collective */ allgather = sub_module->coll_allgather; } return allgather(sbuf, scount, sdtype, rbuf, rcount, rdtype, comm, sub_module); } /* * Allgatherv selector: * On a sub-communicator, checks the stored rules to find the module to use * On the global communicator, calls the han collective implementation, or * calls the correct module if fallback mechanism is activated * The allgatherv size is the size of the biggest segment */ int mca_coll_han_allgatherv_intra_dynamic(const void *sbuf, int scount, struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, void *rbuf, const int *rcounts, const int *displs, struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_base_module_t *module) { mca_coll_han_module_t *han_module = (mca_coll_han_module_t*) module; TOPO_LVL_T topo_lvl = han_module->topologic_level; mca_coll_base_module_allgatherv_fn_t allgatherv; int rank, verbosity = 0, comm_size, i; mca_coll_base_module_t *sub_module; size_t dtype_size, msg_size = 0; /* Compute configuration information for dynamic rules */ comm_size = ompi_comm_size(comm); ompi_datatype_type_size(rdtype, &dtype_size); for(i = 0; i < comm_size; i++) { if(dtype_size * rcounts[i] > msg_size) { msg_size = dtype_size * rcounts[i]; } } sub_module = get_module(ALLGATHERV, msg_size, comm, han_module); /* First errors are always printed by rank 0 */ rank = ompi_comm_rank(comm); if( (0 == rank) && (han_module->dynamic_errors < mca_coll_han_component.max_dynamic_errors) ) { verbosity = 30; } if(NULL == sub_module) { /* * No valid collective module from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_allgatherv_intra_dynamic " "HAN did not find any valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s). " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", ALLGATHERV, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(ALLGATHERV), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/ALLGATHERV: No module found for the sub-communicator. " "Falling back to another component\n")); allgatherv = han_module->previous_allgatherv; sub_module = han_module->previous_allgatherv_module; } else if (NULL == sub_module->coll_allgatherv) { /* * No valid collective from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_allgatherv_intra_dynamic " "HAN found valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s) " "but this module cannot handle this collective. " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", ALLGATHERV, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(ALLGATHERV), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/ALLGATHERV: the module found for the sub-" "communicator cannot handle the ALLGATHERV operation. " "Falling back to another component\n")); allgatherv = han_module->previous_allgatherv; sub_module = han_module->previous_allgatherv_module; } else if (GLOBAL_COMMUNICATOR == topo_lvl && sub_module == module) { /* * No fallback mechanism activated for this configuration * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_allgatherv is valid and point to this function * Call han topological collective algorithm */ opal_output_verbose(30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_allgatherv_intra_dynamic " "HAN used for collective %d (%s) with topological level %d (%s) " "on communicator (%d/%s) but this module cannot handle " "this collective on this topologic level\n", ALLGATHERV, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(ALLGATHERV), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); allgatherv = han_module->previous_allgatherv; sub_module = han_module->previous_allgatherv_module; } else { /* * If we get here: * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_allgatherv is valid * They points to the collective to use, according to the dynamic rules * Selector's job is done, call the collective */ allgatherv = sub_module->coll_allgatherv; } return allgatherv(sbuf, scount, sdtype, rbuf, rcounts, displs, rdtype, comm, sub_module); } /* * Allreduce selector: * On a sub-communicator, checks the stored rules to find the module to use * On the global communicator, calls the han collective implementation, or * calls the correct module if fallback mechanism is activated */ int mca_coll_han_allreduce_intra_dynamic(const void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, struct ompi_op_t *op, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_base_module_t *module) { mca_coll_han_module_t *han_module = (mca_coll_han_module_t*) module; TOPO_LVL_T topo_lvl = han_module->topologic_level; mca_coll_base_module_allreduce_fn_t allreduce; mca_coll_base_module_t *sub_module; size_t dtype_size; int rank, verbosity = 0; /* Compute configuration information for dynamic rules */ ompi_datatype_type_size(dtype, &dtype_size); dtype_size = dtype_size * count; sub_module = get_module(ALLREDUCE, dtype_size, comm, han_module); /* First errors are always printed by rank 0 */ rank = ompi_comm_rank(comm); if( (0 == rank) && (han_module->dynamic_errors < mca_coll_han_component.max_dynamic_errors) ) { verbosity = 30; } if(NULL == sub_module) { /* * No valid collective module from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_allreduce_intra_dynamic " "HAN did not find any valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s). " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", ALLREDUCE, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(ALLREDUCE), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/ALLREDUCE: No module found for the sub-communicator. " "Falling back to another component\n")); allreduce = han_module->previous_allreduce; sub_module = han_module->previous_allreduce_module; } else if (NULL == sub_module->coll_allreduce) { /* * No valid collective from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_allreduce_intra_dynamic " "HAN found valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s) " "but this module cannot handle this collective. " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", ALLREDUCE, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(ALLREDUCE), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/ALLREDUCE: the module found for the sub-" "communicator cannot handle the ALLREDUCE operation. " "Falling back to another component\n")); allreduce = han_module->previous_allreduce; sub_module = han_module->previous_allreduce_module; } else if (GLOBAL_COMMUNICATOR == topo_lvl && sub_module == module) { /* Reproducibility: fallback on reproducible algo */ if (mca_coll_han_component.han_reproducible) { allreduce = mca_coll_han_allreduce_reproducible; } else { /* * No fallback mechanism activated for this configuration * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_allreduce is valid and point to this function * Call han topological collective algorithm */ if(mca_coll_han_component.use_simple_algorithm[ALLREDUCE]) { allreduce = mca_coll_han_allreduce_intra_simple; } else { allreduce = mca_coll_han_allreduce_intra; } } sub_module = module; } else { /* * If we get here: * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_allreduce is valid * They points to the collective to use, according to the dynamic rules * Selector's job is done, call the collective */ allreduce = mca_coll_han_allreduce_intra; } return allreduce(sbuf, rbuf, count, dtype, op, comm, sub_module); } /* * Barrier selector: * On a sub-communicator, checks the stored rules to find the module to use * On the global communicator, calls the han collective implementation, or * calls the correct module if fallback mechanism is activated */ int mca_coll_han_barrier_intra_dynamic(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_base_module_t *module) { mca_coll_han_module_t *han_module = (mca_coll_han_module_t*) module; TOPO_LVL_T topo_lvl = han_module->topologic_level; mca_coll_base_module_barrier_fn_t barrier; mca_coll_base_module_t *sub_module; int rank, verbosity = 0; /* Compute configuration information for dynamic rules */ sub_module = get_module(BARRIER, 0, comm, han_module); /* First errors are always printed by rank 0 */ rank = ompi_comm_rank(comm); if( (0 == rank) && (han_module->dynamic_errors < mca_coll_han_component.max_dynamic_errors) ) { verbosity = 30; } if(NULL == sub_module) { /* * No valid collective module from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_barrier_intra_dynamic " "Han did not find any valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s). " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", BARRIER, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(BARRIER), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/BARRIER: No module found for the sub-communicator. " "Falling back to another component\n")); barrier = han_module->previous_barrier; sub_module = han_module->previous_barrier_module; } else if (NULL == sub_module->coll_barrier) { /* * No valid collective from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_barrier_intra_dynamic " "Han found valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s) " "but this module cannot handle this collective. " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", BARRIER, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(BARRIER), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/BARRIER: the module found for the sub-" "communicator cannot handle the BARRIER operation. " "Falling back to another component\n")); barrier = han_module->previous_barrier; sub_module = han_module->previous_barrier_module; } else if (GLOBAL_COMMUNICATOR == topo_lvl && sub_module == module) { /* * No fallback mechanism activated for this configuration * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_barrier is valid and point to this function * Call han topological collective algorithm */ barrier = mca_coll_han_barrier_intra_simple; } else { /* * If we get here: * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_barrier is valid * They points to the collective to use, according to the dynamic rules * Selector's job is done, call the collective */ barrier = sub_module->coll_barrier; } return barrier(comm, sub_module); } /* * Bcast selector: * On a sub-communicator, checks the stored rules to find the module to use * On the global communicator, calls the han collective implementation, or * calls the correct module if fallback mechanism is activated */ int mca_coll_han_bcast_intra_dynamic(void *buff, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_base_module_t *module) { mca_coll_han_module_t *han_module = (mca_coll_han_module_t*) module; TOPO_LVL_T topo_lvl = han_module->topologic_level; mca_coll_base_module_bcast_fn_t bcast; mca_coll_base_module_t *sub_module; size_t dtype_size; int rank, verbosity = 0; /* Compute configuration information for dynamic rules */ ompi_datatype_type_size(dtype, &dtype_size); dtype_size = dtype_size * count; sub_module = get_module(BCAST, dtype_size, comm, han_module); /* First errors are always printed by rank 0 */ rank = ompi_comm_rank(comm); if( (0 == rank) && (han_module->dynamic_errors < mca_coll_han_component.max_dynamic_errors) ) { verbosity = 30; } if(NULL == sub_module) { /* * No valid collective module from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_bcast_intra_dynamic " "HAN did not find any valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s). " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", BCAST, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(BCAST), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/BCAST: No module found for the sub-communicator. " "Falling back to another component\n")); bcast = han_module->previous_bcast; sub_module = han_module->previous_bcast_module; } else if (NULL == sub_module->coll_bcast) { /* * No valid collective from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_bcast_intra_dynamic " "HAN found valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s) " "but this module cannot handle this collective. " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", BCAST, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(BCAST), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/BCAST: the module found for the sub-" "communicator cannot handle the BCAST operation. " "Falling back to another component\n")); bcast = han_module->previous_bcast; sub_module = han_module->previous_bcast_module; } else if (GLOBAL_COMMUNICATOR == topo_lvl && sub_module == module) { /* * No fallback mechanism activated for this configuration * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_bcast is valid and point to this function * Call han topological collective algorithm */ if(mca_coll_han_component.use_simple_algorithm[BCAST]) { bcast = mca_coll_han_bcast_intra_simple; } else { bcast = mca_coll_han_bcast_intra; } sub_module = module; } else { /* * If we get here: * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_bcast is valid * They points to the collective to use, according to the dynamic rules * Selector's job is done, call the collective */ bcast = sub_module->coll_bcast; } return bcast(buff, count, dtype, root, comm, sub_module); } /* * Gather selector: * On a sub-communicator, checks the stored rules to find the module to use * On the global communicator, calls the han collective implementation, or * calls the correct module if fallback mechanism is activated */ int mca_coll_han_gather_intra_dynamic(const void *sbuf, int scount, struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, void *rbuf, int rcount, struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_base_module_t *module) { mca_coll_han_module_t *han_module = (mca_coll_han_module_t*) module; TOPO_LVL_T topo_lvl = han_module->topologic_level; mca_coll_base_module_gather_fn_t gather; mca_coll_base_module_t *sub_module; size_t dtype_size; int rank, verbosity = 0; /* Compute configuration information for dynamic rules */ if( MPI_IN_PLACE != sbuf ) { ompi_datatype_type_size(sdtype, &dtype_size); dtype_size = dtype_size * scount; } else { ompi_datatype_type_size(rdtype, &dtype_size); dtype_size = dtype_size * rcount; } sub_module = get_module(GATHER, dtype_size, comm, han_module); /* First errors are always printed by rank 0 */ rank = ompi_comm_rank(comm); if( (0 == rank) && (han_module->dynamic_errors < mca_coll_han_component.max_dynamic_errors) ) { verbosity = 30; } if(NULL == sub_module) { /* * No valid collective module from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_gather_intra_dynamic " "HAN did not find any valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s). " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", GATHER, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(GATHER), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/GATHER: No module found for the sub-communicator. " "Falling back to another component\n")); gather = han_module->previous_gather; sub_module = han_module->previous_gather_module; } else if (NULL == sub_module->coll_gather) { /* * No valid collective from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_gather_intra_dynamic " "HAN found valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s) " "but this module cannot handle this collective. " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", GATHER, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(GATHER), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/GATHER: the module found for the sub-" "communicator cannot handle the GATHER operation. " "Falling back to another component\n")); gather = han_module->previous_gather; sub_module = han_module->previous_gather_module; } else if (GLOBAL_COMMUNICATOR == topo_lvl && sub_module == module) { /* * No fallback mechanism activated for this configuration * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_gather is valid and point to this function * Call han topological collective algorithm */ if(mca_coll_han_component.use_simple_algorithm[GATHER]) { gather = mca_coll_han_gather_intra_simple; } else { gather = mca_coll_han_gather_intra; } } else { /* * If we get here: * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_gather is valid * They points to the collective to use, according to the dynamic rules * Selector's job is done, call the collective */ gather = sub_module->coll_gather; } return gather(sbuf, scount, sdtype, rbuf, rcount, rdtype, root, comm, sub_module); } /* * Reduce selector: * On a sub-communicator, checks the stored rules to find the module to use * On the global communicator, calls the han collective implementation, or * calls the correct module if fallback mechanism is activated */ int mca_coll_han_reduce_intra_dynamic(const void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, struct ompi_op_t *op, int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_base_module_t *module) { mca_coll_han_module_t *han_module = (mca_coll_han_module_t*) module; TOPO_LVL_T topo_lvl = han_module->topologic_level; mca_coll_base_module_reduce_fn_t reduce; mca_coll_base_module_t *sub_module; size_t dtype_size; int rank, verbosity = 0; /* Compute configuration information for dynamic rules */ ompi_datatype_type_size(dtype, &dtype_size); dtype_size = dtype_size * count; sub_module = get_module(REDUCE, dtype_size, comm, han_module); /* First errors are always printed by rank 0 */ rank = ompi_comm_rank(comm); if( (0 == rank) && (han_module->dynamic_errors < mca_coll_han_component.max_dynamic_errors) ) { verbosity = 30; } if(NULL == sub_module) { /* * No valid collective module from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_reduce_intra_dynamic " "HAN did not find any valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s). " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", REDUCE, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(REDUCE), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/REDUCE: No module found for the sub-communicator. " "Falling back to another component\n")); reduce = han_module->previous_reduce; sub_module = han_module->previous_reduce_module; } else if (NULL == sub_module->coll_reduce) { /* * No valid collective from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_reduce_intra_dynamic " "HAN found valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s) " "but this module cannot handle this collective. " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", REDUCE, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(REDUCE), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/REDUCE: the module found for the sub-" "communicator cannot handle the REDUCE operation. " "Falling back to another component\n")); reduce = han_module->previous_reduce; sub_module = han_module->previous_reduce_module; } else if (GLOBAL_COMMUNICATOR == topo_lvl && sub_module == module) { /* Reproducibility: fallback on reproducible algo */ if (mca_coll_han_component.han_reproducible) { reduce = mca_coll_han_reduce_reproducible; } else { /* * No fallback mechanism activated for this configuration * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_reduce is valid and point to this function * Call han topological collective algorithm */ if(mca_coll_han_component.use_simple_algorithm[REDUCE]) { reduce = mca_coll_han_reduce_intra_simple; } else { reduce = mca_coll_han_reduce_intra; } } sub_module = module; } else { /* * If we get here: * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_reduce is valid * They points to the collective to use, according to the dynamic rules * Selector's job is done, call the collective */ reduce = sub_module->coll_reduce; } return reduce(sbuf, rbuf, count, dtype, op, root, comm, sub_module); } /* * Scatter selector: * On a sub-communicator, checks the stored rules to find the module to use * On the global communicator, calls the han collective implementation, or * calls the correct module if fallback mechanism is activated */ int mca_coll_han_scatter_intra_dynamic(const void *sbuf, int scount, struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, void *rbuf, int rcount, struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_base_module_t *module) { mca_coll_han_module_t *han_module = (mca_coll_han_module_t*) module; TOPO_LVL_T topo_lvl = han_module->topologic_level; mca_coll_base_module_scatter_fn_t scatter; mca_coll_base_module_t *sub_module; size_t dtype_size; int rank, verbosity = 0; /* Compute configuration information for dynamic rules */ if( MPI_IN_PLACE != rbuf ) { ompi_datatype_type_size(rdtype, &dtype_size); dtype_size = dtype_size * rcount; } else { ompi_datatype_type_size(sdtype, &dtype_size); dtype_size = dtype_size * scount; } sub_module = get_module(SCATTER, dtype_size, comm, han_module); /* First errors are always printed by rank 0 */ rank = ompi_comm_rank(comm); if( (0 == rank) && (han_module->dynamic_errors < mca_coll_han_component.max_dynamic_errors) ) { verbosity = 30; } if(NULL == sub_module) { /* * No valid collective module from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_scatter_intra_dynamic " "HAN did not find any valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s). " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", SCATTER, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(SCATTER), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/SCATTER: No module found for the sub-communicator. " "Falling back to another component\n")); scatter = han_module->previous_scatter; sub_module = han_module->previous_scatter_module; } else if (NULL == sub_module->coll_scatter) { /* * No valid collective from dynamic rules * nor from mca parameter */ han_module->dynamic_errors++; opal_output_verbose(verbosity, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "coll:han:mca_coll_han_scatter_intra_dynamic " "HAN found valid module for collective %d (%s) " "with topological level %d (%s) on communicator (%d/%s) " "but this module cannot handle this collective. " "Please check dynamic file/mca parameters\n", SCATTER, mca_coll_base_colltype_to_str(SCATTER), topo_lvl, mca_coll_han_topo_lvl_to_str(topo_lvl), comm->c_contextid, comm->c_name); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_han_component.han_output, "HAN/SCATTER: the module found for the sub-" "communicator cannot handle the SCATTER operation. " "Falling back to another component\n")); scatter = han_module->previous_scatter; sub_module = han_module->previous_scatter_module; } else if (GLOBAL_COMMUNICATOR == topo_lvl && sub_module == module) { /* * No fallback mechanism activated for this configuration * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_scatter is valid and point to this function * Call han topological collective algorithm */ if(mca_coll_han_component.use_simple_algorithm[SCATTER]) { scatter = mca_coll_han_scatter_intra_simple; } else { scatter = mca_coll_han_scatter_intra; } } else { /* * If we get here: * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_scatter is valid * They points to the collective to use, according to the dynamic rules * Selector's job is done, call the collective */ scatter = sub_module->coll_scatter; } /* * If we get here: * sub_module is valid * sub_module->coll_scatter is valid * They points to the collective to use, according to the dynamic rules * Selector's job is done, call the collective */ return scatter(sbuf, scount, sdtype, rbuf, rcount, rdtype, root, comm, sub_module); }