/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2020 The University of Tennessee and The University * of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights * reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include "ompi/communicator/communicator.h" #include "coll_adapt.h" #include "coll_adapt_algorithms.h" #include "coll_adapt_context.h" #include "coll_adapt_item.h" #include "coll_adapt_topocache.h" #include "ompi/constants.h" #include "ompi/mca/coll/base/coll_base_util.h" #include "ompi/mca/pml/pml.h" #include "ompi/mca/coll/base/coll_base_topo.h" static int ompi_coll_adapt_ireduce_generic(IREDUCE_ARGS, ompi_coll_tree_t * tree, size_t seg_size); /* MPI_Reduce and MPI_Ireduce in the ADAPT module only work for commutative operations */ /* * Set up MCA parameters of MPI_Reduce and MPI_Ireduce */ int ompi_coll_adapt_ireduce_register(void) { mca_base_component_t *c = &mca_coll_adapt_component.super.collm_version; mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_algorithm = 1; mca_base_component_var_register(c, "reduce_algorithm", "Algorithm of reduce, 1: binomial, 2: in_order_binomial, 3: binary, 4: pipeline, 5: chain, 6: linear", MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_INT, NULL, 0, 0, OPAL_INFO_LVL_5, MCA_BASE_VAR_SCOPE_READONLY, &mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_algorithm); if( (mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_algorithm < 0) || (mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_algorithm > OMPI_COLL_ADAPT_ALGORITHM_COUNT) ) { mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_algorithm = 1; } mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_segment_size = 163740; mca_base_component_var_register(c, "reduce_segment_size", "Segment size in bytes used by default for reduce algorithms. Only has meaning if algorithm is forced and supports segmenting. 0 bytes means no segmentation.", MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_SIZE_T, NULL, 0, 0, OPAL_INFO_LVL_5, MCA_BASE_VAR_SCOPE_READONLY, &mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_segment_size); mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_max_send_requests = 2; mca_base_component_var_register(c, "reduce_max_send_requests", "Maximum number of send requests", MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_INT, NULL, 0, 0, OPAL_INFO_LVL_5, MCA_BASE_VAR_SCOPE_READONLY, &mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_max_send_requests); mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_max_recv_requests = 3; mca_base_component_var_register(c, "reduce_max_recv_requests", "Maximum number of receive requests per peer", MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_INT, NULL, 0, 0, OPAL_INFO_LVL_5, MCA_BASE_VAR_SCOPE_READONLY, &mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_max_recv_requests); mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_inbuf_free_list_min = 10; mca_base_component_var_register(c, "inbuf_free_list_min", "Minimum number of segment in inbuf free list", MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_INT, NULL, 0, 0, OPAL_INFO_LVL_5, MCA_BASE_VAR_SCOPE_READONLY, &mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_inbuf_free_list_min); mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_inbuf_free_list_max = 10000; mca_base_component_var_register(c, "inbuf_free_list_max", "Maximum number of segment in inbuf free list", MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_INT, NULL, 0, 0, OPAL_INFO_LVL_5, MCA_BASE_VAR_SCOPE_READONLY, &mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_inbuf_free_list_max); mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_inbuf_free_list_inc = 10; mca_base_component_var_register(c, "inbuf_free_list_inc", "Number of segments to allocate when growing the inbuf free list", MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_INT, NULL, 0, 0, OPAL_INFO_LVL_5, MCA_BASE_VAR_SCOPE_READONLY, &mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_inbuf_free_list_inc); mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_synchronous_send = true; (void) mca_base_component_var_register(c, "reduce_synchronous_send", "Whether to use synchronous send operations during setup of reduce operations", MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_BOOL, NULL, 0, 0, OPAL_INFO_LVL_9, MCA_BASE_VAR_SCOPE_READONLY, &mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_synchronous_send); mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_context_free_list = NULL; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } /* * Release the free list created in ompi_coll_adapt_ireduce_generic */ int ompi_coll_adapt_ireduce_fini(void) { if (NULL != mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_context_free_list) { OBJ_RELEASE(mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_context_free_list); mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_context_free_list = NULL; OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((10, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "ireduce fini\n")); } return OMPI_SUCCESS; } /* * Functions to access list */ static ompi_coll_adapt_item_t *get_next_ready_item(ompi_coll_adapt_constant_reduce_context_t *con, int num_children) { ompi_coll_adapt_item_t *item = NULL, *temp_item; if (opal_list_is_empty(&con->recv_list)) { return NULL; } OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&con->mutex_recv_list); OPAL_LIST_FOREACH(temp_item, &con->recv_list, ompi_coll_adapt_item_t) { if (temp_item->count == num_children) { item = temp_item; opal_list_remove_item(&con->recv_list, (opal_list_item_t *) temp_item); break; } } OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&con->mutex_recv_list); return item; } static int add_to_recv_list(ompi_coll_adapt_constant_reduce_context_t *con, int id) { ompi_coll_adapt_item_t *item; OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&con->mutex_recv_list); OPAL_LIST_FOREACH(item, &con->recv_list, ompi_coll_adapt_item_t) { if (item->id == id) { (item->count)++; OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&con->mutex_recv_list); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "add_to_recv_list_return 1\n")); return 1; } } /* Add a new object to the list with count set to 1 */ item = OBJ_NEW(ompi_coll_adapt_item_t); item->id = id; item->count = 1; opal_list_append(&con->recv_list, (opal_list_item_t *) item); OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&con->mutex_recv_list); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "add_to_recv_list_return 2\n")); return 2; } /* * Get the inbuf address */ static ompi_coll_adapt_inbuf_t *to_inbuf(char *buf, int distance) { return (ompi_coll_adapt_inbuf_t *) (buf - distance); } /* * Finish a ireduce request */ static int ireduce_request_fini(ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t * context) { /* Return the allocated recourses */ ompi_request_t *temp_req = context->con->request; if (context->con->accumbuf != NULL) { if (context->con->rank != context->con->root) { for (int i = 0; i < context->con->num_segs; i++) { OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: Return accumbuf %d %p\n", ompi_comm_rank(context->con->comm), i, (void *) to_inbuf(context->con->accumbuf[i], context->con->distance))); opal_free_list_return_st(&context->con->inbuf_list, (opal_free_list_item_t *) to_inbuf(context->con->accumbuf[i], context->con->distance)); } } free(context->con->accumbuf); } for (int i = 0; i < context->con->num_segs; i++) { OBJ_DESTRUCT(&context->con->mutex_op_list[i]); } free(context->con->mutex_op_list); if (context->con->tree->tree_nextsize > 0) { free(context->con->next_recv_segs); } OBJ_RELEASE(context->con); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "return context_list\n")); opal_free_list_return(mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_context_free_list, (opal_free_list_item_t *) context); /* Complete the request */ ompi_request_complete(temp_req, 1); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } /* * Callback function of isend */ static int send_cb(ompi_request_t * req) { ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t *context = (ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t *) req->req_complete_cb_data; OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: ireduce_send_cb, peer %d, seg_id %d\n", context->con->rank, context->peer, context->seg_index)); int err; opal_atomic_sub_fetch_32(&(context->con->ongoing_send), 1); /* Send a new segment */ ompi_coll_adapt_item_t *item = get_next_ready_item(context->con, context->con->tree->tree_nextsize); if (item != NULL) { /* Get new context item from free list */ ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t *send_context = (ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t *) opal_free_list_wait(mca_coll_adapt_component. adapt_ireduce_context_free_list); if (context->con->tree->tree_nextsize > 0) { send_context->buff = context->con->accumbuf[item->id]; } else { send_context->buff = context->buff + (item->id - context->seg_index) * context->con->segment_increment; } send_context->seg_index = item->id; send_context->peer = context->peer; send_context->con = context->con; opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(context->con->ongoing_send), 1); int send_count = send_context->con->seg_count; if (item->id == (send_context->con->num_segs - 1)) { send_count = send_context->con->count - item->id * send_context->con->seg_count; } OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: In send_cb, create isend to seg %d, peer %d, tag %d\n", send_context->con->rank, send_context->seg_index, send_context->peer, send_context->con->ireduce_tag - send_context->seg_index)); ompi_request_t *send_req; err = MCA_PML_CALL(isend (send_context->buff, send_count, send_context->con->datatype, send_context->peer, context->con->ireduce_tag - send_context->seg_index, MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_STANDARD, send_context->con->comm, &send_req)); if (MPI_SUCCESS != err) { return err; } /* Release the item */ OBJ_RELEASE(item); /* Set the send call back */ ompi_request_set_callback(send_req, send_cb, send_context); } int32_t num_sent = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(context->con->num_sent_segs), 1); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: In send_cb, root = %d, num_sent = %d, num_segs = %d\n", context->con->rank, context->con->tree->tree_root, num_sent, context->con->num_segs)); /* Check whether signal the condition, non root and sent all the segments */ if (num_sent == context->con->num_segs && context->con->num_recv_segs == context->con->num_segs * context->con->tree->tree_nextsize) { ireduce_request_fini(context); } else { OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "return context_list\n")); opal_free_list_return(mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_context_free_list, (opal_free_list_item_t *) context); } /* Call back function return 1, which means successful */ req->req_free(&req); return 1; } /* * Callback function of irecv */ static int recv_cb(ompi_request_t * req) { ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t *context = (ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t *) req->req_complete_cb_data; int32_t new_id = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(context->con->next_recv_segs[context->child_id]), 1); int err; OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: ireduce_recv_cb, peer %d, seg_id %d\n", context->con->rank, context->peer, context->seg_index)); /* Did we still need to receive subsequent fragments from this child ? */ if (new_id < context->con->num_segs) { char *temp_recv_buf = NULL; ompi_coll_adapt_inbuf_t *inbuf = NULL; /* Set inbuf, if it it first child, recv on rbuf, else recv on inbuf */ if (context->child_id == 0 && context->con->sbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE && context->con->root == context->con->rank) { temp_recv_buf = (char *) context->con->rbuf + (ptrdiff_t) new_id *(ptrdiff_t) context->con->segment_increment; } else { OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: In recv_cb, alloc inbuf\n", context->con->rank)); inbuf = (ompi_coll_adapt_inbuf_t *) opal_free_list_wait(&context->con->inbuf_list); temp_recv_buf = inbuf->buff - context->con->lower_bound; } /* Get new context item from free list */ ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t *recv_context = (ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t *) opal_free_list_wait(mca_coll_adapt_component. adapt_ireduce_context_free_list); recv_context->buff = temp_recv_buf; recv_context->seg_index = new_id; recv_context->child_id = context->child_id; recv_context->peer = context->peer; recv_context->con = context->con; recv_context->inbuf = inbuf; int recv_count = recv_context->con->seg_count; if (new_id == (recv_context->con->num_segs - 1)) { recv_count = recv_context->con->count - new_id * recv_context->con->seg_count; } OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: In recv_cb, create irecv for seg %d, peer %d, inbuf %p, tag %d\n", context->con->rank, recv_context->seg_index, recv_context->peer, (void *) inbuf, recv_context->con->ireduce_tag - recv_context->seg_index)); ompi_request_t *recv_req; err = MCA_PML_CALL(irecv(temp_recv_buf, recv_count, recv_context->con->datatype, recv_context->peer, recv_context->con->ireduce_tag - recv_context->seg_index, recv_context->con->comm, &recv_req)); if (MPI_SUCCESS != err) { return err; } /* Set the receive call back */ ompi_request_set_callback(recv_req, recv_cb, recv_context); } /* Do the op */ int op_count = context->con->seg_count; if (context->seg_index == (context->con->num_segs - 1)) { op_count = context->con->count - context->seg_index * context->con->seg_count; } int keep_inbuf = 0; OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&context->con->mutex_op_list[context->seg_index]); if (NULL == context->con->accumbuf[context->seg_index]) { if (NULL == context->inbuf) { OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: set accumbuf to rbuf\n", context->con->rank)); context->con->accumbuf[context->seg_index] = context->buff; } else { keep_inbuf = 1; OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: set accumbuf to inbuf\n", context->con->rank)); context->con->accumbuf[context->seg_index] = context->inbuf->buff - context->con->lower_bound; } /* Op sbuf and accmbuf to accumbuf */ ompi_op_reduce(context->con->op, context->con->sbuf + (ptrdiff_t) context->seg_index * (ptrdiff_t) context->con->segment_increment, context->con->accumbuf[context->seg_index], op_count, context->con->datatype); } else { if (NULL == context->inbuf) { /* Op rbuf and accumbuf to rbuf */ OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: op rbuf and accumbuf to rbuf\n", context->con->rank)); ompi_op_reduce(context->con->op, context->con->accumbuf[context->seg_index], context->buff, op_count, context->con->datatype); /* Free old accumbuf */ OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: free old accumbuf %p\n", context->con->rank, (void *) to_inbuf(context->con->accumbuf[context->seg_index], context->con->distance))); opal_free_list_return(&context->con->inbuf_list, (opal_free_list_item_t *) to_inbuf(context->con->accumbuf[context->seg_index], context->con->distance)); /* Set accumbut to rbuf */ context->con->accumbuf[context->seg_index] = context->buff; } else { /* Op inbuf and accmbuf to accumbuf */ OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: op inbuf and accmbuf to accumbuf\n", context->con->rank)); ompi_op_reduce(context->con->op, context->inbuf->buff - context->con->lower_bound, context->con->accumbuf[context->seg_index], op_count, context->con->datatype); } } OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&context->con->mutex_op_list[context->seg_index]); /* Set recv list */ if (context->con->rank != context->con->tree->tree_root) { add_to_recv_list(context->con, context->seg_index); } /* Send to parent */ if (context->con->rank != context->con->tree->tree_root && context->con->ongoing_send < mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_max_send_requests) { ompi_coll_adapt_item_t *item = get_next_ready_item(context->con, context->con->tree->tree_nextsize); if (NULL != item) { /* Get new context item from free list */ ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t *send_context = (ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t *) opal_free_list_wait(mca_coll_adapt_component. adapt_ireduce_context_free_list); send_context->buff = context->con->accumbuf[context->seg_index]; send_context->seg_index = item->id; send_context->peer = context->con->tree->tree_prev; send_context->con = context->con; opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(context->con->ongoing_send), 1); int send_count = send_context->con->seg_count; if (item->id == (send_context->con->num_segs - 1)) { send_count = send_context->con->count - item->id * send_context->con->seg_count; } OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: In recv_cb, create isend to seg %d, peer %d, tag %d\n", send_context->con->rank, send_context->seg_index, send_context->peer, send_context->con->ireduce_tag - send_context->seg_index)); ompi_request_t *send_req; err = MCA_PML_CALL(isend(send_context->buff, send_count, send_context->con->datatype, send_context->peer, send_context->con->ireduce_tag - send_context->seg_index, MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_STANDARD, send_context->con->comm, &send_req)); if (MPI_SUCCESS != err) { return err; } OBJ_RELEASE(item); /* Set the send call back */ ompi_request_set_callback(send_req, send_cb, send_context); } } int32_t num_recv_segs = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(context->con->num_recv_segs), 1); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: In recv_cb, tree = %p, root = %d, num_recv = %d, num_segs = %d, num_child = %d\n", context->con->rank, (void *) context->con->tree, context->con->tree->tree_root, num_recv_segs, context->con->num_segs, context->con->tree->tree_nextsize)); /* Prepare for releasing all acquired resources */ if (!keep_inbuf && NULL != context->inbuf) { OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: root free context inbuf %p", context->con->rank, (void *) context->inbuf)); opal_free_list_return(&context->con->inbuf_list, (opal_free_list_item_t *) context->inbuf); } /* If this is root and has received all the segments */ if (num_recv_segs == context->con->num_segs * context->con->tree->tree_nextsize && (context->con->tree->tree_root == context->con->rank || context->con->num_sent_segs == context->con->num_segs)) { ireduce_request_fini(context); } else { OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: return context_list", context->con->rank)); opal_free_list_return(mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_context_free_list, (opal_free_list_item_t *) context); } req->req_free(&req); return 1; } int ompi_coll_adapt_ireduce(const void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, struct ompi_op_t *op, int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, mca_coll_base_module_t * module) { /* Fall-back if operation is commutative */ if (!ompi_op_is_commute(op)){ mca_coll_adapt_module_t *adapt_module = (mca_coll_adapt_module_t *) module; OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "ADAPT cannot handle reduce with this (non-commutative) operation. It needs to fall back on another component\n")); return adapt_module->previous_ireduce(sbuf, rbuf, count, dtype, op, root, comm, request, adapt_module->previous_reduce_module); } OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((10, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "ireduce root %d, algorithm %d, coll_adapt_ireduce_segment_size %zu, coll_adapt_ireduce_max_send_requests %d, coll_adapt_ireduce_max_recv_requests %d\n", root, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_algorithm, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_segment_size, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_max_send_requests, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_max_recv_requests)); if (OMPI_COLL_ADAPT_ALGORITHM_TUNED == mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_algorithm) { OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((10, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "tuned not implemented\n")); return OMPI_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } return ompi_coll_adapt_ireduce_generic(sbuf, rbuf, count, dtype, op, root, comm, request, module, adapt_module_cached_topology(module, comm, root, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_algorithm), mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_segment_size); } int ompi_coll_adapt_ireduce_generic(const void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, struct ompi_op_t *op, int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request, mca_coll_base_module_t * module, ompi_coll_tree_t * tree, size_t seg_size) { ptrdiff_t extent, lower_bound, segment_increment; ptrdiff_t true_lower_bound, true_extent, real_seg_size; size_t typelng; int seg_count = count, num_segs, rank, recv_count, send_count, err, min; /* Used to store the accumuate result, pointer to every segment */ char **accumbuf = NULL; opal_mutex_t *mutex_op_list; /* A list to store the segments need to be sent */ mca_pml_base_send_mode_t sendmode = (mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_synchronous_send) ? MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_SYNCHRONOUS : MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_STANDARD; /* Determine number of segments and number of elements sent per operation */ rank = ompi_comm_rank(comm); ompi_datatype_get_extent(dtype, &lower_bound, &extent); ompi_datatype_type_size(dtype, &typelng); COLL_BASE_COMPUTED_SEGCOUNT(seg_size, typelng, seg_count); num_segs = (count + seg_count - 1) / seg_count; segment_increment = (ptrdiff_t) seg_count *extent; ompi_datatype_get_true_extent(dtype, &true_lower_bound, &true_extent); real_seg_size = true_extent + (ptrdiff_t) (seg_count - 1) * extent; /* Atomically set up free list */ if (NULL == mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_context_free_list) { opal_free_list_t* fl = OBJ_NEW(opal_free_list_t); opal_free_list_init(fl, sizeof(ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t), opal_cache_line_size, OBJ_CLASS(ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t), 0, opal_cache_line_size, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_context_free_list_min, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_context_free_list_max, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_context_free_list_inc, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if( !OPAL_ATOMIC_COMPARE_EXCHANGE_STRONG_PTR(&mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_context_free_list, &(intptr_t){0}, fl) ) { OBJ_RELEASE(fl); } } ompi_coll_base_nbc_request_t *temp_request = NULL; /* Set up request */ temp_request = OBJ_NEW(ompi_coll_base_nbc_request_t); OMPI_REQUEST_INIT(&temp_request->super, false); temp_request->super.req_state = OMPI_REQUEST_ACTIVE; temp_request->super.req_type = OMPI_REQUEST_COLL; temp_request->super.req_free = ompi_coll_adapt_request_free; temp_request->super.req_status.MPI_SOURCE = 0; temp_request->super.req_status.MPI_TAG = 0; temp_request->super.req_status.MPI_ERROR = 0; temp_request->super.req_status._cancelled = 0; temp_request->super.req_status._ucount = 0; *request = (ompi_request_t*)temp_request; /* Set up mutex */ mutex_op_list = (opal_mutex_t *) malloc(sizeof(opal_mutex_t) * num_segs); for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_segs; i++) { OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&mutex_op_list[i], opal_mutex_t); } /* Set constant context for send and recv call back */ ompi_coll_adapt_constant_reduce_context_t *con = OBJ_NEW(ompi_coll_adapt_constant_reduce_context_t); con->count = count; con->seg_count = seg_count; con->datatype = dtype; con->comm = comm; con->segment_increment = segment_increment; con->num_segs = num_segs; con->request = (ompi_request_t*)temp_request; con->rank = rank; con->num_recv_segs = 0; con->num_sent_segs = 0; con->ongoing_send = 0; con->mutex_op_list = mutex_op_list; con->op = op; con->tree = tree; con->lower_bound = lower_bound; con->sbuf = (char *) sbuf; con->rbuf = (char *) rbuf; con->root = root; con->distance = 0; con->ireduce_tag = ompi_coll_base_nbc_reserve_tags(comm, num_segs); con->real_seg_size = real_seg_size; /* If the current process is not leaf */ if (tree->tree_nextsize > 0) { size_t num_allocate_elems = mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_inbuf_free_list_min; if (((size_t) tree->tree_nextsize * num_segs) < num_allocate_elems) { num_allocate_elems = tree->tree_nextsize * num_segs; } opal_free_list_init(&con->inbuf_list, sizeof(ompi_coll_adapt_inbuf_t) + real_seg_size, opal_cache_line_size, OBJ_CLASS(ompi_coll_adapt_inbuf_t), 0, opal_cache_line_size, num_allocate_elems, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_inbuf_free_list_max, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_inbuf_free_list_inc, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Set up next_recv_segs */ con->next_recv_segs = (int32_t *) malloc(sizeof(int32_t) * tree->tree_nextsize); ompi_coll_adapt_inbuf_t *temp_inbuf = (ompi_coll_adapt_inbuf_t *) opal_free_list_wait_st(&con->inbuf_list); con->distance = (char *) temp_inbuf->buff - lower_bound - (char *) temp_inbuf; //address of inbuf->buff to address of inbuf OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: distance %d, inbuf %p, inbuf->buff %p, inbuf->buff-lb %p, to_inbuf %p, inbuf_list %p\n", rank, con->distance, (void *) temp_inbuf, (void *) temp_inbuf->buff, (void *) ((char *) temp_inbuf->buff - lower_bound), (void *) to_inbuf((char *) temp_inbuf->buff - lower_bound, con->distance), (void *) &con->inbuf_list)); opal_free_list_return_st(&con->inbuf_list, (opal_free_list_item_t *) temp_inbuf); } else { con->next_recv_segs = NULL; } OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: start ireduce root %d tag %d\n", rank, tree->tree_root, con->ireduce_tag)); /* If the current process is not leaf node */ if (tree->tree_nextsize > 0) { /* Set up accumbuf */ accumbuf = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * num_segs); if (root == rank && sbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_segs; i++) { accumbuf[i] = (char *) rbuf + (ptrdiff_t) i *(ptrdiff_t) segment_increment; } } else { for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_segs; i++) { accumbuf[i] = NULL; } } con->accumbuf = accumbuf; /* For the first batch of segments */ min = mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_max_recv_requests; if (num_segs < mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_max_recv_requests) { min = num_segs; } for (int32_t i = 0; i < tree->tree_nextsize; i++) { con->next_recv_segs[i] = min - 1; } int num_recvs = 0; for (int32_t seg_index = 0; seg_index < min; seg_index++) { /* For each child */ for (int32_t i = 0; i < tree->tree_nextsize; i++) { recv_count = seg_count; if (seg_index == (num_segs - 1)) { recv_count = count - (ptrdiff_t) seg_count *(ptrdiff_t) seg_index; } char *temp_recv_buf = NULL; ompi_coll_adapt_inbuf_t *inbuf = NULL; /* Set inbuf, if it it first child, recv on rbuf, else recv on inbuf */ if (i == 0 && sbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE && root == rank) { temp_recv_buf = (char *) rbuf + (ptrdiff_t) seg_index *(ptrdiff_t) segment_increment; } else { inbuf = (ompi_coll_adapt_inbuf_t *) opal_free_list_wait(&con->inbuf_list); OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: In ireduce, alloc inbuf %p\n", rank, (void *) inbuf)); temp_recv_buf = inbuf->buff - lower_bound; } /* Get context */ ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t *context = (ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t *)opal_free_list_wait(mca_coll_adapt_component. adapt_ireduce_context_free_list); context->buff = temp_recv_buf; context->seg_index = seg_index; context->child_id = i; //the id of peer in in the tree context->peer = tree->tree_next[i]; //the actual rank of the peer context->con = con; context->inbuf = inbuf; OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: In ireduce, create irecv for seg %d, peer %d, recv_count %d, inbuf %p tag %d\n", context->con->rank, context->seg_index, context->peer, recv_count, (void *) inbuf, con->ireduce_tag - seg_index)); /* Create a recv request */ ompi_request_t *recv_req; err = MCA_PML_CALL(irecv (temp_recv_buf, recv_count, dtype, tree->tree_next[i], con->ireduce_tag - seg_index, comm, &recv_req)); if (MPI_SUCCESS != err) { return err; } /* Set the recv callback */ ompi_request_set_callback(recv_req, recv_cb, context); ++num_recvs; } } } /* Leaf nodes */ else { /* Set up recv_list */ min = mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_max_send_requests; if (num_segs <= mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_max_send_requests) { min = num_segs; } /* put all items into the recv_list that won't be sent immediately */ for (int32_t seg_index = min; seg_index < num_segs; seg_index++) { ompi_coll_adapt_item_t *item; item = OBJ_NEW(ompi_coll_adapt_item_t); item->id = seg_index; item->count = tree->tree_nextsize; opal_list_append(&con->recv_list, (opal_list_item_t *) item); } con->accumbuf = accumbuf; con->ongoing_send = min; for (int32_t seg_index = 0; seg_index < min; seg_index++) { send_count = seg_count; if (seg_index == (num_segs - 1)) { send_count = count - (ptrdiff_t) seg_count *(ptrdiff_t) seg_index; } ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t *context = (ompi_coll_adapt_reduce_context_t *)opal_free_list_wait(mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_ireduce_context_free_list); context->buff = (char *) sbuf + (ptrdiff_t) seg_index * (ptrdiff_t) segment_increment; context->seg_index = seg_index; /* Actural rank of the peer */ context->peer = tree->tree_prev; context->con = con; context->inbuf = NULL; OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((30, mca_coll_adapt_component.adapt_output, "[%d]: In ireduce, create isend to seg %d, peer %d, send_count %d tag %d\n", context->con->rank, context->seg_index, context->peer, send_count, con->ireduce_tag - context->seg_index)); /* Create send request */ ompi_request_t *send_req; err = MCA_PML_CALL(isend (context->buff, send_count, dtype, tree->tree_prev, con->ireduce_tag - context->seg_index, sendmode, comm, &send_req)); if (MPI_SUCCESS != err) { return err; } /* Set the send callback */ ompi_request_set_callback(send_req, send_cb, context); } } return MPI_SUCCESS; }