#include #define MAXIT 30 float rtflsp(func,x1,x2,xacc) float (*func)(),x1,x2,xacc; { void nrerror(); int j; float fl,fh,xl,xh,swap,dx,del,f,rtf; fl=(*func)(x1); fh=(*func)(x2); if (fl*fh > 0.0) nrerror("Root must be bracketed in rtflsp"); if (fl < 0.0) { xl=x1; xh=x2; } else { xl=x2; xh=x1; swap=fl; fl=fh; fh=swap; } dx=xh-xl; for (j=1;j<=MAXIT;j++) { rtf=xl+dx*fl/(fl-fh); f=(*func)(rtf); if (f < 0.0) { del=xl-rtf; xl=rtf; fl=f; } else { del=xh-rtf; xh=rtf; fh=f; } dx=xh-xl; if (fabs(del) < xacc || f == 0.0) return rtf; } nrerror("Maximum number of iterations exceeded in rtflsp"); return 0.0; } #undef MAXIT