/* Driver for routine kendl2 */ #include #include "nr.h" #include "nrutil.h" #define NDAT 1000 #define IP 8 #define JP 8 main() { int ifunc,i=IP,j=JP,k,l,m,n,twoton; unsigned long iseed; float prob,tau,z,**tab; static char *txt[8]= {"000","001","010","011","100","101","110","111"}; /* Look for 'ones-after-zeros' in IRBIT1 and IRBIT2 sequences */ tab=matrix(1,IP,1,JP); printf("Are ones followed by zeros and vice-versa?\n"); for (ifunc=1;ifunc<=2;ifunc++) { iseed=2468; if (ifunc == 1) printf("test of irbit1:\n"); else printf("test of irbit2:\n"); for (k=1;k<=i;k++) for (l=1;l<=j;l++) tab[k][l]=0.0; for (m=1;m<=NDAT;m++) { k=1; twoton=1; for (n=0;n<=2;n++) { if (ifunc == 1) k += (irbit1(&iseed)*twoton); else k += (irbit2(&iseed)*twoton); twoton *= 2; } l=1; twoton=1; for (n=0;n<=2;n++) { if (ifunc == 1) l += (irbit1(&iseed)*twoton); else l += (irbit2(&iseed)*twoton); twoton *= 2; } ++tab[k][l]; } kendl2(tab,i,j,&tau,&z,&prob); printf(" "); for (n=0;n<=7;n++) printf("%6s",txt[n]); printf("\n"); for (n=1;n<=8;n++) { printf("%3s",txt[n-1]); for (m=1;m<=8;m++) printf("%6d",(int) (0.5+tab[n][m])); printf("\n"); } printf("\n%17s %14s %16s\n", "kendall tau","std. dev.","probability"); printf("%15.6f %15.6f %15.6f\n\n",tau,z,prob); } free_matrix(tab,1,IP,1,JP); return 0; }