How many terms in Chebyshev evaluation? Enter n between 6 and 40. (n=0 to end). x actual polynomial -1.256637 0.632073 0.633543 -1.099557 0.852077 0.853179 -0.942478 0.798917 0.798138 -0.785398 0.603301 0.601599 -0.628319 0.372488 0.371562 -0.471239 0.179244 0.179895 -0.314159 0.057987 0.059648 -0.157080 0.007624 0.008972 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.157080 -0.007624 -0.008972 0.314159 -0.057987 -0.059648 0.471239 -0.179244 -0.179895 0.628319 -0.372488 -0.371562 0.785398 -0.603301 -0.601599 0.942478 -0.798917 -0.798138 1.099557 -0.852077 -0.853179 1.256637 -0.632073 -0.633543 How many terms in Chebyshev evaluation? Enter n between 6 and 40. (n=0 to end). x actual polynomial -1.256637 0.632073 0.632055 -1.099557 0.852077 0.852097 -0.942478 0.798917 0.798935 -0.785398 0.603301 0.603288 -0.628319 0.372488 0.372462 -0.471239 0.179244 0.179238 -0.314159 0.057987 0.058008 -0.157080 0.007624 0.007648 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.157080 -0.007624 -0.007648 0.314159 -0.057987 -0.058008 0.471239 -0.179244 -0.179238 0.628319 -0.372488 -0.372462 0.785398 -0.603301 -0.603288 0.942478 -0.798917 -0.798935 1.099557 -0.852077 -0.852097 1.256637 -0.632073 -0.632055 How many terms in Chebyshev evaluation? Enter n between 6 and 40. (n=0 to end).