First four Bessel functions: x= 1.00 to 1.50 in 5 steps integration bessj 0.511557 0.511828 0.557758 0.557936 0.232423 0.232088 0.061172 0.060964 Press RETURN to continue... x= 1.00 to 1.50 in 10 steps integration bessj 0.511760 0.511828 0.557891 0.557936 0.232170 0.232088 0.061019 0.060964 Press RETURN to continue... x= 1.00 to 1.50 in 15 steps integration bessj 0.511798 0.511828 0.557916 0.557936 0.232124 0.232088 0.060988 0.060964 Press RETURN to continue... x= 1.00 to 1.50 in 20 steps integration bessj 0.511811 0.511828 0.557925 0.557936 0.232108 0.232088 0.060978 0.060964 Press RETURN to continue... x= 1.00 to 1.50 in 25 steps integration bessj 0.511817 0.511828 0.557929 0.557936 0.232101 0.232088 0.060973 0.060964 Press RETURN to continue... x= 1.00 to 1.50 in 30 steps integration bessj 0.511820 0.511828 0.557931 0.557936 0.232097 0.232088 0.060970 0.060964 Press RETURN to continue... x= 1.00 to 1.50 in 35 steps integration bessj 0.511822 0.511828 0.557933 0.557936 0.232094 0.232088 0.060968 0.060964 Press RETURN to continue... x= 1.00 to 1.50 in 40 steps integration bessj 0.511823 0.511828 0.557934 0.557936 0.232093 0.232088 0.060967 0.060964 Press RETURN to continue... x= 1.00 to 1.50 in 45 steps integration bessj 0.511824 0.511828 0.557934 0.557936 0.232092 0.232088 0.060967 0.060964 Press RETURN to continue... x= 1.00 to 1.50 in 50 steps integration bessj 0.511825 0.511828 0.557935 0.557936 0.232091 0.232088 0.060966 0.060964 Press RETURN to continue...