/* note #undef's at end of file */ #define NRANSI #include "nrutil.h" #define M 64 #define BIG 1.0e30 #define FREEALL free_vector(sel,1,M+2);free_lvector(isel,1,M+2); float selip(unsigned long k, unsigned long n, float arr[]) { void shell(unsigned long n, float a[]); unsigned long i,j,jl,jm,ju,kk,mm,nlo,nxtmm,*isel; float ahi,alo,sum,*sel; if (k < 1 || k > n || n <= 0) nrerror("bad input to selip"); isel=lvector(1,M+2); sel=vector(1,M+2); kk=k; ahi=BIG; alo = -BIG; for (;;) { mm=nlo=0; sum=0.0; nxtmm=M+1; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { if (arr[i] >= alo && arr[i] <= ahi) { mm++; if (arr[i] == alo) nlo++; if (mm <= M) sel[mm]=arr[i]; else if (mm == nxtmm) { nxtmm=mm+mm/M; sel[1 + ((i+mm+kk) % M)]=arr[i]; } sum += arr[i]; } } if (kk <= nlo) { FREEALL return alo; } else if (mm <= M) { shell(mm,sel); ahi = sel[kk]; FREEALL return ahi; } sel[M+1]=sum/mm; shell(M+1,sel); sel[M+2]=ahi; for (j=1;j<=M+2;j++) isel[j]=0; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { if (arr[i] >= alo && arr[i] <= ahi) { jl=0; ju=M+2; while (ju-jl > 1) { jm=(ju+jl)/2; if (arr[i] >= sel[jm]) jl=jm; else ju=jm; } isel[ju]++; } } j=1; while (kk > isel[j]) { alo=sel[j]; kk -= isel[j++]; } ahi=sel[j]; } } #undef M #undef BIG #undef FREEALL #undef NRANSI