As the purchaser of a Numerical Recipes Unix distribution license you are licensed to install the programs in this distribution for exclusive use on a single screen computer. You are not licensed to move the files to any other type of computer, nor to use them on more than a single screen computer for each license purchased. If you have purchased a license other than a single screen workstation license, your written license supercedes this paragraph. License information for many types of computers (including UNIX workstations and servers, and multiple-user mainframes) is available from Numerical Recipes Software (see ADDRESS file for address). For educational and noncommercial users, we offer two ``streamlined'' procedures: Educational License for Single-Screen Workstation If you are affiliated with an educational or not-for-profit research institution that is connected to the Internet, you may license the programs for use on a single workstation (one screen) as follows: Mail your name, address, and email address; your workstation's hostname, internet address, brand and model number; and a $50 one-time license fee (must accompany order) to Numerical Recipes Software, at the address in the ADDRESS file. Be sure to specify the language you want (C or FORTRAN). You will receive, by return mail or email, instructions for downloading the programs electronically. Upon payment of the fee you may also, if you desire, upload the contents of the PC diskette (after unpacking the files with the PC NRCOPY program) to your workstation. Right-to-Copy License for Courses Instructors at accredited educational institutions who have adopted Numerical Recipes for a course, and who already own a Numerical Recipes PC diskette or have access to a UNIX distribution, may license the programs for use in that course as follows: Mail your name, title, and address; the course name, number, dates, and estimated enrollment; and advance payment of $5 per (estimated) student to Numerical Recipes Software, at the address given in the ADDRESS file. You will receive by return mail a license authorizing you to make copies of the distribution for use by your students, and/or to transfer the programs to a machine accessible to your students (but only for the duration of the course).