How many terms in Chebyshev evaluation? Enter n between 6 and 40. (n=0 to end). x actual Cheby. deriv. -1.256637 2.563209 2.563210 -1.099557 0.384989 0.384988 -0.942478 -0.921232 -0.921232 -0.785398 -1.454446 -1.454446 -0.628319 -1.406750 -1.406750 -0.471239 -1.017505 -1.017504 -0.314159 -0.528463 -0.528463 -0.157080 -0.144005 -0.144004 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.157080 -0.144005 -0.144004 0.314159 -0.528463 -0.528463 0.471239 -1.017505 -1.017504 0.628319 -1.406750 -1.406750 0.785398 -1.454446 -1.454446 0.942478 -0.921232 -0.921232 1.099557 0.384989 0.384988 1.256637 2.563209 2.563210 How many terms in Chebyshev evaluation? Enter n between 6 and 40. (n=0 to end). x actual Cheby. deriv. -1.256637 2.563209 2.571035 -1.099557 0.384989 0.374743 -0.942478 -0.921232 -0.932052 -0.785398 -1.454446 -1.454627 -0.628319 -1.406750 -1.397779 -0.471239 -1.017505 -1.007973 -0.314159 -0.528463 -0.525990 -0.157080 -0.144005 -0.150121 0.000000 0.000000 -0.009859 0.157080 -0.144005 -0.150121 0.314159 -0.528463 -0.525990 0.471239 -1.017505 -1.007973 0.628319 -1.406750 -1.397779 0.785398 -1.454446 -1.454627 0.942478 -0.921232 -0.932052 1.099557 0.384989 0.374743 1.256637 2.563209 2.571035 How many terms in Chebyshev evaluation? Enter n between 6 and 40. (n=0 to end).