CGG:  Data file for testing Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines
7                               Number of values of N
0 1 2 3 5 10 16                 Values of N (dimension)
4                               Number of parameter values
1   1   2   2                   Values of NB (blocksize)
40  40  2   2                   Values of NBMIN (minimum blocksize)
2   4   2   4                   Values of NSHIFT (no. of shifts)
40  40  2   2                   Values of MAXB (multishift crossover pt)
1   2   1   2                   Values of IACC22 (struct. matrix mult.)
40  40  2   2                   Values of NBCOL (minimum col. dimension)
20.0                            Threshold value
T                               Put T to test the LAPACK routines
F                               Put T to test the driver routines
T                               Put T to test the error exits
1                               Code to interpret the seed
CGG  26