*> \brief \b ZLAKF2
*  =========== DOCUMENTATION ===========
* Online html documentation available at
*            http://www.netlib.org/lapack/explore-html/
*  Definition:
*  ===========
*       SUBROUTINE ZLAKF2( M, N, A, LDA, B, D, E, Z, LDZ )
*       .. Scalar Arguments ..
*       INTEGER            LDA, LDZ, M, N
*       ..
*       .. Array Arguments ..
*       COMPLEX*16         A( LDA, * ), B( LDA, * ), D( LDA, * ),
*      $                   E( LDA, * ), Z( LDZ, * )
*       ..
*> \par Purpose:
*  =============
*> \verbatim
*> Form the 2*M*N by 2*M*N matrix
*>        Z = [ kron(In, A)  -kron(B', Im) ]
*>            [ kron(In, D)  -kron(E', Im) ],
*> where In is the identity matrix of size n and X' is the transpose
*> of X. kron(X, Y) is the Kronecker product between the matrices X
*> and Y.
*> \endverbatim
*  Arguments:
*  ==========
*> \param[in] M
*> \verbatim
*>          M is INTEGER
*>          Size of matrix, must be >= 1.
*> \endverbatim
*> \param[in] N
*> \verbatim
*>          N is INTEGER
*>          Size of matrix, must be >= 1.
*> \endverbatim
*> \param[in] A
*> \verbatim
*>          A is COMPLEX*16, dimension ( LDA, M )
*>          The matrix A in the output matrix Z.
*> \endverbatim
*> \param[in] LDA
*> \verbatim
*>          LDA is INTEGER
*>          The leading dimension of A, B, D, and E. ( LDA >= M+N )
*> \endverbatim
*> \param[in] B
*> \verbatim
*>          B is COMPLEX*16, dimension ( LDA, N )
*> \endverbatim
*> \param[in] D
*> \verbatim
*>          D is COMPLEX*16, dimension ( LDA, M )
*> \endverbatim
*> \param[in] E
*> \verbatim
*>          E is COMPLEX*16, dimension ( LDA, N )
*>          The matrices used in forming the output matrix Z.
*> \endverbatim
*> \param[out] Z
*> \verbatim
*>          Z is COMPLEX*16, dimension ( LDZ, 2*M*N )
*>          The resultant Kronecker M*N*2 by M*N*2 matrix (see above.)
*> \endverbatim
*> \param[in] LDZ
*> \verbatim
*>          LDZ is INTEGER
*>          The leading dimension of Z. ( LDZ >= 2*M*N )
*> \endverbatim
*  Authors:
*  ========
*> \author Univ. of Tennessee
*> \author Univ. of California Berkeley
*> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver
*> \author NAG Ltd.
*> \date December 2016
*> \ingroup complex16_matgen
*  =====================================================================
      SUBROUTINE ZLAKF2( M, N, A, LDA, B, D, E, Z, LDZ )
*  -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.7.0) --
*  -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee,    --
*  -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
*     December 2016
*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
      INTEGER            LDA, LDZ, M, N
*     ..
*     .. Array Arguments ..
      COMPLEX*16         A( LDA, * ), B( LDA, * ), D( LDA, * ),
     $                   E( LDA, * ), Z( LDZ, * )
*     ..
*  ====================================================================
*     .. Parameters ..
      COMPLEX*16         ZERO
      PARAMETER          ( ZERO = ( 0.0D+0, 0.0D+0 ) )
*     ..
*     .. Local Scalars ..
      INTEGER            I, IK, J, JK, L, MN, MN2
*     ..
*     .. External Subroutines ..
      EXTERNAL           ZLASET
*     ..
*     .. Executable Statements ..
*     Initialize Z
      MN = M*N
      MN2 = 2*MN
      CALL ZLASET( 'Full', MN2, MN2, ZERO, ZERO, Z, LDZ )
      IK = 1
      DO 50 L = 1, N
*        form kron(In, A)
         DO 20 I = 1, M
            DO 10 J = 1, M
               Z( IK+I-1, IK+J-1 ) = A( I, J )
   10       CONTINUE
   20    CONTINUE
*        form kron(In, D)
         DO 40 I = 1, M
            DO 30 J = 1, M
               Z( IK+MN+I-1, IK+J-1 ) = D( I, J )
   30       CONTINUE
   40    CONTINUE
         IK = IK + M
      IK = 1
      DO 90 L = 1, N
         JK = MN + 1
         DO 80 J = 1, N
*           form -kron(B', Im)
            DO 60 I = 1, M
               Z( IK+I-1, JK+I-1 ) = -B( J, L )
   60       CONTINUE
*           form -kron(E', Im)
            DO 70 I = 1, M
               Z( IK+MN+I-1, JK+I-1 ) = -E( J, L )
   70       CONTINUE
            JK = JK + M
   80    CONTINUE
         IK = IK + M
*     End of ZLAKF2