!***************************************************************************************** !> author: Jacob Williams ! date: 09/01/2015 ! ! Module for the 13th unit test. module jf_test_13_mod use json_module use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env , only: error_unit, output_unit implicit none private public :: test_13 contains subroutine test_13(error_cnt) !! Tests different real format strings using repeated calls to [[json_initialize]]. implicit none integer,intent(out) :: error_cnt !! report number of errors to caller type(json_file) :: my_file character(kind=json_CK,len=:),allocatable :: str integer :: i character(len=2),dimension(5),parameter :: fmts=['g ','e ','en','es','* '] !! format statements to test write(error_unit,'(A)') '' write(error_unit,'(A)') '=================================' write(error_unit,'(A)') ' TEST 13' write(error_unit,'(A)') '=================================' write(error_unit,'(A)') '' error_cnt = 0 do i=1,size(fmts) call my_file%initialize(real_format=trim(fmts(i))) call my_file%load_from_string('{ "value": 1234.56789 }') if (my_file%failed()) then call my_file%print_error_message(error_unit) error_cnt = error_cnt + 1 end if call my_file%print_to_string(str) if (my_file%failed()) then call my_file%print_error_message(error_unit) error_cnt = error_cnt + 1 else write(output_unit,'(A)') str end if call my_file%destroy() end do end subroutine test_13 end module jf_test_13_mod !***************************************************************************************** #ifndef INTEGRATED_TESTS !***************************************************************************************** program jf_test_13 !! 13th unit test. use jf_test_13_mod, only: test_13 implicit none integer :: n_errors call test_13(n_errors) if ( n_errors /= 0) stop 1 end program jf_test_13 !***************************************************************************************** #endif