!***************************************************************************************** !> author: Izaak Beekman ! date: 07/27/2015 ! ! Module for the 12th unit test. module jf_test_12_mod use json_module, CK => json_CK, wp => json_RK, IK => json_IK, LK => json_LK use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env , only: error_unit, output_unit implicit none private public :: test_12 character(len=*),parameter :: dir = '../files/' !! Path to write JSON file to character(len=*),parameter :: file = 'test12.json' !! Filename to write real(wp), parameter :: TOL = 100*epsilon(1.0_wp) !! Tolerance for real comparisons contains subroutine test_12(error_cnt) implicit none integer,intent(out) :: error_cnt !! report number of errors to caller integer(IK),parameter :: imx = 5, jmx = 3, kmx = 4 !! dimensions for raw work array of primitive type type(json_core) :: json !! factory for manipulating `json_value` pointers integer(IK),dimension(3) :: shape !! shape of work array integer(IK), dimension(:), allocatable :: fetched_shape !! retrieved shape type(json_value), pointer :: root, meta_array !! json nodes to work with type(json_value), pointer :: tmp_json_ptr type(json_file) :: my_file real(wp),dimension(imx,jmx,kmx) :: raw_array !! raw work array real(wp) :: array_element real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable :: fetched_array character(kind=CK,len=:), allocatable :: description integer(IK) :: i,j,k !! loop indices integer(IK) :: array_length, lun logical(LK) :: existed logical(LK), dimension(:), allocatable :: SOS error_cnt = 0 call json%initialize(verbose=.true.,real_format='G') call check_errors() write(error_unit,'(A)') '' write(error_unit,'(A)') '=================================' write(error_unit,'(A)') ' TEST 12' write(error_unit,'(A)') '=================================' write(error_unit,'(A)') '' ! populate the raw array forall (i=1_IK:imx,j=1_IK:jmx,k=1_IK:kmx) ! could use size(... , dim=...) instead of constants raw_array(i,j,k) = i + (j-1_IK)*imx + (k-1_IK)*imx*jmx end forall call json%create_object(root,dir//file) call check_errors() call json%create_object(meta_array,'array data') call check_errors() shape = [size(raw_array,dim=1), size(raw_array,dim=2), size(raw_array,dim=3)] call json%add(meta_array, 'shape', shape) call check_errors() call json%add(meta_array, 'total size', int(size(raw_array),IK)) call check_errors() call json%update(meta_array, 'total size', int(size(raw_array),IK), found=existed) call check_errors(existed) call json%add(meta_array, CK_'description', 'test data') call check_errors() ! now add the array ! N.B. `json_add()` only accepts 1-D arrays and scalars, so transform with `reshape` ! N.B. reshape populates new array in "array element order". ! C.F. "Modern Fortran Explained", by Metcalf, Cohen and Reid, p. 24. ! N.B. Fortran is a column major language call json%add( meta_array, 'data', reshape( raw_array, [ size(raw_array) ] ) ) call check_errors() ! now put it all together call json%add(root,meta_array) call check_errors() write(error_unit,'(A)') "Print the JSON object to stderr:" call json%print(root,int(error_unit,IK)) call check_errors() call json%get(root,'$.array data.data(1)',array_element) call check_errors(abs(array_element - 1.0_wp) <= TOL) call json%get(root,'@.array data.shape',fetched_shape) call check_errors(all(fetched_shape == shape)) call json%update(meta_array,'description',CK_'Test Data',found=existed) call check_errors(existed) call json%update(meta_array,CK_'description','Test data',found=existed) call check_errors(existed) call json%get(meta_array,'description',description) call check_errors('Test data' == description) call json%get(root,'array data.total size',array_length) call check_errors(array_length == imx*jmx*kmx) sos = [.true., .true., .true., & .false., .false., .false., & .true., .true., .true.] call json%add(root,'SOS',sos) call check_errors() call json%get(root,'SOS',sos) call check_errors() call json%add(root,'vector string', [CK_'only one value']) call check_errors() call json%add(root,CK_'page', ['The quick brown fox ', 'jumps over the lazy dog.']) call check_errors() call json%get(root,'SOS',tmp_json_ptr) call check_errors() call json%get(tmp_json_ptr,sos) call check_errors() call json%get(meta_array,'shape',tmp_json_ptr) call check_errors() call json%get(tmp_json_ptr,fetched_shape) call check_errors(all(fetched_shape == shape)) call json%get(meta_array,'data',tmp_json_ptr) call check_errors() call json%get(tmp_json_ptr,fetched_array) call check_errors(all(abs(fetched_array - reshape(raw_array,[size(raw_array)])) <= TOL)) call json%get(root,'array data.data',fetched_array) call check_errors(all(abs(fetched_array - reshape(raw_array,[size(raw_array)])) <= TOL)) raw_array = 0 call json%get(me=root,path='array data.data',array_callback=get_3D_from_array) call check_errors(all(abs(fetched_array - reshape(raw_array,[size(raw_array)])) <= TOL)) my_file = json_file(root,verbose=.true.,real_format='G') call my_file%update('array data.description',CK_'vector data',found=existed) call check_file_errors(existed) call my_file%update(CK_'array data.description','Vector data',found=existed) call check_file_errors(existed) call my_file%get('SOS',sos) call check_file_errors() call my_file%get('$array data.data',fetched_array) call check_file_errors(all(abs(fetched_array - reshape(raw_array,[size(raw_array)])) <= TOL)) call my_file%get(tmp_json_ptr) call check_file_errors(associated(tmp_json_ptr,root)) open(file=dir//file,newunit=lun,form='formatted',action='write') call my_file%print_file(lun) call check_file_errors() close(lun) contains subroutine check_errors(assertion) !! check for errors in `json` implicit none logical, optional, intent(in) :: assertion if (json%failed()) then call json%print_error_message(error_unit) error_cnt = error_cnt + 1 end if if (present (assertion)) then if (.not. assertion) error_cnt = error_cnt + 1 end if end subroutine check_errors subroutine check_file_errors(assertion) !! check for errors in `my_file` implicit none logical, optional, intent(in) :: assertion if (my_file%failed()) then call my_file%print_error_message(error_unit) error_cnt = error_cnt + 1 end if if (present (assertion)) then if (.not. assertion) error_cnt = error_cnt + 1 end if end subroutine check_file_errors subroutine get_3D_from_array(json, element, i, count) !! array callback function implicit none class(json_core),intent(inout) :: json type(json_value),pointer,intent(in) :: element integer(IK),intent(in) :: i !! index integer(IK),intent(in) :: count !! size of array integer(IK) :: useless !! assign count to this to silence warnings ! let's pretend we're c programmers! call json%get( element, raw_array( & mod(i-1_IK,imx) + 1_IK, & ! i index mod((i-1_IK)/imx,jmx) + 1_IK, & ! j index mod((i-1_IK)/imx/jmx,kmx) + 1_IK ) ) ! k inded useless = count end subroutine get_3D_from_array end subroutine test_12 end module jf_test_12_mod !***************************************************************************************** #ifndef INTEGRATED_TESTS !***************************************************************************************** program jf_test_12 !! 12th unit test. use jf_test_12_mod, only: test_12 implicit none integer :: n_errors n_errors = 0 call test_12(n_errors) if ( n_errors /= 0) stop 1 end program jf_test_12 !***************************************************************************************** #endif