# # Copyright by The HDF Group. # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including # terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in # the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code # distribution tree, or in https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases. # If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from # help@hdfgroup.org. # # runTest.cmake executes a command and captures the output in a file. File is then compared # against a reference file. Exit status of command can also be compared. cmake_policy(SET CMP0007 NEW) # arguments checking if (NOT TEST_PROGRAM) message (FATAL_ERROR "Require TEST_PROGRAM to be defined") endif () if (NOT TEST_FOLDER) message ( FATAL_ERROR "Require TEST_FOLDER to be defined") endif () if (NOT TEST_OUTPUT) message (FATAL_ERROR "Require TEST_OUTPUT to be defined") endif () if (NOT PERL_SCRIPT) message (STATUS "Require PERL_BIN_DIR to be defined") endif () if (NOT PERL_EXECUTABLE) message (STATUS "Require PERL_EXECUTABLE to be defined") endif () if (EXISTS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT}) file (REMOVE ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT}) endif () if (EXISTS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT}.err) file (REMOVE ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT}.err) endif () message (STATUS "COMMAND: ${TEST_PROGRAM} ${TEST_ARGS}") if (TEST_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY) if (WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) set (ENV{PATH} "$ENV{PATH};${TEST_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}") else () set (ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} "$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${TEST_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}") endif () endif () if (TEST_ENV_VAR) set (ENV{${TEST_ENV_VAR}} "${TEST_ENV_VALUE}") #message (STATUS "ENV:${TEST_ENV_VAR}=$ENV{${TEST_ENV_VAR}}") endif () message(STATUS "Background: ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} ${PERL_SCRIPT} ${TEST_PROGRAM}") execute_process ( COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} ${PERL_SCRIPT} ${TEST_PROGRAM} RESULT_VARIABLE SCRIPT_RESULT ERROR_VARIABLE SCRIPT_ERR OUTPUT_VARIABLE SCRIPT_OUTPUT WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TEST_FOLDER} ) message(STATUS "Background: ${SCRIPT_OUTPUT}") if (NOT "${SCRIPT_RESULT}" STREQUAL "0") message (FATAL_ERROR "Failed: The background script failed ${SCRIPT_RESULT}: ${SCRIPT_ERR}") endif () set(verification_done "0") while(verification_done LESS "1") message(STATUS "checking first stage:${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS1}") if(EXISTS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ERR}) # Error exit script set(verification_done "3") elseif(EXISTS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS1}) file (STRINGS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS1} v1) list (LENGTH v1 len_v1) message(STATUS "v1:${v1} len_v1:${len_v1}") if (NOT "${len_v1}" STREQUAL "0") list (GET v1 0 param1) list (GET v1 -1 param2) endif () file(REMOVE ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS1}) message(STATUS "PARAM1:${param1} PARAM2:${param2}") if(${param1} MATCHES "VERIFICATION_DONE") set(verification_done "1") file(WRITE ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS2} "all flush verification complete") message(STATUS "write: ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS2}") else() message(STATUS "execute: ${TEST_PROGRAM} ${param1} ${param2}") execute_process ( COMMAND ${TEST_PROGRAM} ${param1} ${param2} RESULT_VARIABLE TEST_RESULT OUTPUT_FILE ${TEST_OUTPUT} ERROR_FILE ${TEST_OUTPUT}.err OUTPUT_VARIABLE TEST_OUT ERROR_VARIABLE TEST_ERROR WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TEST_FOLDER} ) message(STATUS "flush verification: ${TEST_OUT}") if (NOT "${TEST_RESULT}" STREQUAL "0") message (FATAL_ERROR "Failed: The flush verification failed ${TEST_RESULT}: ${TEST_ERROR}") endif () file(WRITE ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS2} "verification flush process done") endif() else() message(STATUS "waiting: ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS1}") #execute_process (COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E sleep 2) endif() endwhile() while(verification_done LESS "2") message(STATUS "checking second stage:${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS1}") if(EXISTS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ERR}) # Error exit script set(verification_done "3") elseif(EXISTS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS1}) file (STRINGS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS1} v1) list (LENGTH v1 len_v1) message(STATUS "v1:${v1} len_v1:${len_v1}") if (NOT "${len_v1}" STREQUAL "0") list (GET v1 0 param1) list (GET v1 -1 param2) endif () file(REMOVE ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS1}) message(STATUS "PARAM1:${param1} PARAM2:${param2}") if(${param1} MATCHES "VERIFICATION_DONE") set(verification_done "2") file(WRITE ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS2} "all refresh verification complete") message(STATUS "write: ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS2}") else() message(STATUS "execute: ${TEST_PROGRAM} ${param1}") execute_process ( COMMAND ${TEST_PROGRAM} ${param1} RESULT_VARIABLE TEST_RESULT OUTPUT_FILE ${TEST_OUTPUT} ERROR_FILE ${TEST_OUTPUT}.err OUTPUT_VARIABLE TEST_OUT ERROR_VARIABLE TEST_ERROR WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TEST_FOLDER} ) message(STATUS "refresh verification: ${TEST_OUT}") if (NOT "${TEST_RESULT}" STREQUAL "0") message (FATAL_ERROR "Failed: The refresh verification failed ${TEST_RESULT}: ${TEST_ERROR}") endif () file(WRITE ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS2} "refresh verifiction process done") endif() else() message(STATUS "waiting: ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ARGS1}") #execute_process (COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E sleep 2) endif() endwhile() message (STATUS "COMMAND Result: ${TEST_RESULT}") # if the return value is !=${TEST_EXPECT} bail out if (NOT "${TEST_RESULT}" STREQUAL "${TEST_EXPECT}") if (NOT TEST_NOERRDISPLAY) if (EXISTS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT}) file (READ ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT} TEST_STREAM) message (STATUS "Output :\n${TEST_STREAM}") endif () endif () message (FATAL_ERROR "Failed: Test program ${TEST_PROGRAM} exited != ${TEST_EXPECT}.\n${TEST_ERROR}") endif () message (STATUS "COMMAND Error: ${TEST_ERROR}") # everything went fine... message ("Passed")