#ifndef GALIL_H #define GALIL_H #include #include class GalilPrivate; #ifdef _MSC_VER // MSVC Compiler #ifdef MAKEDLL #define DLL_IMPORT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #else // #define DLL_IMPORT_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport) #define DLL_IMPORT_EXPORT #endif #else //not Windows (e.g. Linux). Expand to empty space #define DLL_IMPORT_EXPORT #endif //DLL_IMPORT_EXPORT void SetDynamicLink (void); class DLL_IMPORT_EXPORT Galil //An instance of the Galil class (Galil object) represents a CONNECTION to a controller (not necessarily the controller itself). Multiple Galil objects can connect to a single Ethernet controller. { GalilPrivate * d; public: static std::string libraryVersion(); //returns version string of Galil class library for display (e.g. " Jan 2 2008 16:04:50 libGalil.so"). Can be called WITHOUT an instance of Galil. Note that this has nothing to do with the version of the controller (which can be found with connection() below). static std::vector addresses(); //returns list of available addresses to connect to (e.g. ""). Each item in the list may be fed to the constructor Galil() Galil(std::string address = ""); //constructor opens connection with controller e.g., COM1, /dev/ttyS0, GALILPCI1 /dev/galilpci0 (default constructor with no arguments will bring up a dialog) ~Galil(); //destructor closes connection with controller std::string connection(); //returns a string like "DMC4080 Rev 1.0, 123,, IHA" int timeout_ms; //default = 500 milliseconds. This is the timeout for everything but BP, BV, RS, ^R^S, and program/array/firmware download std::string command( const std::string& command = "MG TIME", const std::string& terminator = "\r", const std::string& ack = ":", bool trim = true); //send a command (e.g. "MG _RPX") to the controller and get the response double commandValue(const std::string& command = "MG TIME"); //convenience method that converts response from string to numerical value std::string message( int timeout_ms = 500); //ms. get MGs from controller program int interrupt(int timeout_ms = 500); //ms. EI, UI (DMC-18xx only). Returns status byte (e.g. 0xf0 for UI0) std::string programUpload(); //UL upload a controller program to an in-memory buffer void programDownload( const std::string& program = "MG TIME\rEN"); //DL download a controller program from an in-memory buffer void programUploadFile( const std::string& file = "program.dmc"); //UL upload a controller program to a disk file void programDownloadFile(const std::string& file = "program.dmc"); //DL download a controller program from a disk file std::vector arrayUpload( const std::string& name = "array"); //QU upload an array to an in-memory buffer void arrayDownload( const std::vector& array, const std::string& name = "array"); //QD download an array from an in-memory buffer void arrayUploadFile( const std::string& file = "arrays.csv", const std::string& names = ""); //QU upload array(s) to a disk file. "" means upload all arrays, else separate the array names with a space void arrayDownloadFile(const std::string& file = "arrays.csv"); //QD download array(s) from a disk file void firmwareDownloadFile(const std::string& file = "firmware.hex"); //download hex file (RS-232 only for DMC-21x3) int write(const std::string& bytes = "\r"); //returns actual number of bytes written std::string read(); //returns actual bytes read std::vector sources(); //returns list of sources (_RPA...) supported by this controller, which are fed to sourceValue(), source(), and setSource() void recordsStart(double period_ms = -1); //milliseconds. Sends DR. -1 means leave be if not 0, else run as fast as possible. > 0 sets the DR sample period in true milliseconds (rounded to nearest power of 2 for DMC-18xx). 0 sets DR0 (turns it off) std::vector record(const std::string& method = "QR"); //reads DR packet OR sends QR and reads response double sourceValue(const std::vector& record, const std::string& source = "TIME"); //get the value for one particular source (e.g. _RPA is 1000) std::string source( const std::string& field = "Description", const std::string& source = "TIME"); //get e.g. the description string for one particular source (e.g. _RPA is "Axis A reference position"). Fields are "Description", "Units", & "Scale" void setSource( const std::string& field = "Description", const std::string& source = "TIME", const std::string& to = "Sample counter"); //set e.g. the description string for one particular source (e.g. _RPA to "Feed axis reference position"). Fields are "Description", "Units", & "Scale" }; #endif