/*! \file x_examples.cpp * * Examples main(). Calls example code. * */ #include "x_examples.h" #include int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int rc = GALIL_EXAMPLE_OK; //return code char buf[1024]; //traffic buffer GCon g = 0; //var used to refer to a unique connection. A valid connection is nonzero. try { x_e(GVersion(buf, sizeof(buf))); //library version cout << "Library version: " << buf << "\n\n"; #if 0 /* * Change above line to "#if 1" to run examples below. * Listening to requests and assigning IP addresses */ x_e(GIpRequests(buf, sizeof(buf))); //listen for ~5 seconds for controllers requesting IP addresses cout << "Controllers on Ethernet without IP Address:\n"; if (strlen(buf) != 0) cout << buf << "\n\n"; else cout << "none\n\n"; x_e(GAssign("", "00:50:4c:20:01:23")); //assign an ip address to a known MAC //NOTE: GAssign does not burn the IP address with BN. This can be done after assignment through GOpen() and GCmd(). x_e(GAddresses(buf, sizeof(buf))); //list available addresses cout << "Available connection addresses:\n"; if (strlen(buf) != 0) cout << buf << "\n\n"; else cout << "none\n\n"; #endif //Basic connections x_e(GOpen(" --subscribe ALL --direct", &g)); //connect and assign a value to g. //x_e(GOpen("GALILPCI1 --subscribe ALL --direct", &g)); //x_e(GOpen("COM1 --baud 19200 --subscribe ALL --direct", &g)); x_e(GInfo(g, buf, sizeof(buf))); //grab connection string cout << buf << "\n"; //x_e(GCmd(g, "BN")); //example to burn the IP address if it was set above #if 0 /* * Change above line to "#if 1" to run examples below. * Comment out the function calls below to be avoided. * Note some calls attempt to move motors and not all * functions are compatible with all Galil products. */ x_e(x_gread_gwrite(g)); //call examples for GRead() and GWrite(). x_e(x_gcommand(g)); //call examples for GCommand(). x_e(x_programs(g)); //call examples for GProgramDownload() and GProgramUpload(). x_e(x_arrays(g)); //call examples for GArrayDownload() and GArrayUpload(). x_e(x_grecord(g)); //call examples for GRecord(). WARNING, this call will attempt to move motors. x_e(x_gmessage(g)); //call examples for GMessage(). x_e(x_ginterrupt(g)); //call examples for GInterrupt(). WARNING, this call will attempt to move motors. x_e(x_gmotioncomplete(g)); //call examples for GMotionComplete. WARNING, this call will attempt to move motors. x_e(x_nonblocking(g)); //call examples for using GRecord(), GMessage(), and GInterrupt() in a non-blocking mode. #endif #if 0 /* * Change above line to "#if 1" to run examples below. * Loading Firmware */ x_e(GFirmwareDownload(g, "c:/temp/d212r10r2.hex")); //x_e(GFirmwareDownload(g, "c:/temp/d212r10r2-cer.hex")); x_e(GInfo(g, buf, sizeof(buf))); cout << buf << '\n'; #endif if (g) x_e(GClose(g)); g = 0; //close g }//try catch (GReturn gr) //for x_e() function { if (gr == GALIL_EXAMPLE_ERROR) cout << "ERROR: Example code failed\n"; else { cout << "Function returned " << gr << '\n'; GError(gr, buf, sizeof(buf)); cout << buf << '\n'; } rc = GALIL_EXAMPLE_ERROR; if (g) GClose(g); g = 0; //close g } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Unexpected std::exception... Kaboom. " << e.what() << std::endl; rc = GALIL_EXAMPLE_ERROR; if (g) GClose(g); g = 0; //close g } catch (...) { cout << "Unexpected error... Kaboom." << endl; rc = GALIL_EXAMPLE_ERROR; if (g) GClose(g); g = 0; //close g } if (argc == 1) //if no args on command line, report and pause { cout << endl << endl; if (rc == GALIL_EXAMPLE_OK) cout << "examples.cpp executed OK\n"; else cout << "examples.cpp returning error " << rc << '\n'; cout << "main() is finished. Press Enter to exit:"; getchar(); //keep window open } return rc; }