00001 # GalilTools {#gcl} 00002 00003 To provide maximum compatibility, gclib ships with an open source wrapper implementation of the GCL 00004 (GalilTools Communication Library). Users wanting to upgrade to gclib that have source built on Galil.h 00005 can use this wrapper to minimize source changes. This wrapper is also indicated for users that want the 00006 same function calls as Galil.h, but don't want the usage of <a href="http://qt-project.org/">QT</a> 00007 as in galil1.dll. 00008 00009 **This wrapper is intended for existing applications already using the library distributed with GalilTools (galil1.dll) 00010 or the previous *STL* library (galil2.dll). New applications should be written with gclib.** 00011 00012 <!--- *********************************************************************************** --> 00013 *** 00014 ## Windows 00015 *** 00016 <!--- *********************************************************************************** --> 00017 00018 ###Compile galil2.dll with MSVC 2013 00019 The following instructions were performed on *Visual Studio Professional 2013* and can be extended to other Visual Studio versions. 00020 For brevity, the instructions assume the default installation location of **C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Galil\\gclib** and a build type of **x86 (win32)**. 00021 00022 ###Launch the compiler command prompt 00023 00024 * Open *VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt*. 00025 * Navigate to a convenient, writable location, e.g. *C:\\temp*. 00026 00027 ###Set an environment variable for the base path 00028 00029 C:\temp>set base=C:\Program Files (x86)\Galil\gclib 00030 00031 ###Compile the source code 00032 **Note the quotes.** 00033 00034 C:\temp>cl -c "%base%\source\wrappers\gcl\*.cpp" -I "%base%\include" -EHsc -MD 00035 00036 ###Link the source code 00037 **Note the quotes.** 00038 00039 C:\temp>link /DLL gcl_datarecord.obj gcl_galil.obj "%base%\lib\dynamic\x86\gclib.lib" "%base%\lib\dynamic\x86\gclibo.lib" /OUT:galil2.dll 00040 00041 The output files *galil2.dll* and *galil2.lib* can now be used in a project using the GCL. 00042 00043 ###Test 00044 Help the loader find the right dlls. 00045 00046 C:\temp>set PATH=%PATH%;%BASE%\dll\x86 00047 00048 Link the simple example. 00049 00050 C:\temp>link gcl_simple.obj "%base%\lib\dynamic\x86\gclib.lib" "%base%\lib\dynamic\x86\gclibo.lib" galil2.lib /OUT:simple.exe 00051 00052 Run the example. 00053 00054 C:\temp>simple.exe 00055 Galil2.dll wrapper, gclib 106.75.180 00056, DMC4020 Rev 1.2c, 291 00057 00058 00059 <!--- *********************************************************************************** --> 00060 *** 00061 ## Linux 00062 *** 00063 <!--- *********************************************************************************** --> 00064 00065 ###Copy files 00066 00067 $ tar -xzf /usr/share/doc/gclib/src/gclib_164_gcl.tar.gz 00068 $ ls 00069 Galil.h gcl_galil.cpp gcl_simple.cpp 00070 gcl_datarecord.cpp gcl_galil.h makefile 00071 00072 ###Make and install 00073 00074 $ make 00075 gcl open source wrapper for gclib 00076 Compiling wrapper, libgalil.so.2.0 00077 g++ -c -fPIC -std=c++11 gcl_datarecord.cpp gcl_galil.cpp 00078 Linking wrapper into shared library. 00079 g++ -shared -o libgalil.so.2.0 *.o -Wl,-soname=libgalil.so.2 00080 strip --strip-unneeded libgalil.so.2.0 00081 Cleaning up. 00082 $ sudo make install 00083 Installing libgalil.so.2.0 00084 install -m 755 libgalil.so.2.0 /usr/lib 00085 install -m 644 Galil.h /usr/lib 00086 ldconfig 00087 ln -s /usr/lib/libgalil.so.2 /usr/lib/libgalil.so 00088 $ make clean 00089 Cleaning project... 00090 00091 ###Test 00092 00093 $ g++ gcl_simple.cpp -lgalil -lgclib -lgclibo -o simple 00094 $ ./simple 00095 Galil2.dll wrapper, gclib 95.71.164 00096, DMC4020 Rev 1.2c, 291 00097 00098 00099 00100 00101 00102 00103 00104 00105