# Makefile generated by imake - do not edit! # $Xorg: imake.c,v 1.6 2001/02/09 02:03:15 xorgcvs Exp $ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Makefile generated from "Imake.tmpl" and <../test/Imakefile> # $XConsortium: Imake.tmpl,v 95/06/19 17:51:01 gildea Exp $ # .SUFFIXES: .i # $XConsortium: Imake.cf,v 1.19 95/01/05 19:24:32 kaleb Exp $ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # site-specific configuration parameters that need to come before # the platform-specific parameters - edit site.def to change # site: $XConsortium: site.sample,v 1.9 94/04/08 17:02:06 rws Exp $ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # platform-specific configuration parameters - edit linux.cf to change # platform: $XConsortium: linux.cf,v 1.11 95/01/23 18:32:03 kaleb Exp $ # $XConsortium: lnxLib.rules,v 1.8 95/01/16 21:11:00 kaleb Exp $ # $XConsortium: xfree86.cf,v 1.9 95/01/25 16:42:40 kaleb Exp $ LINKKITDIR = $(USRLIBDIR)/Server XF86SRC = $(SERVERSRC)/hw/xfree86 XF86ACCELSRC = $(XF86SRC)/accel XF86COMSRC = $(XF86SRC)/common XF86CONFIGSRC = $(XF86COMSRC) XF86HWSRC = $(XF86SRC)/common_hw XF86OSSRC = $(XF86SRC)/os-support VGADRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/vga256/drivers VGA16DRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/vga16/drivers VGA2DRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/vga2/drivers MONODRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/mono/drivers S3DRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/accel/s3/drivers XF86INIT = $(XF86COMSRC)/xf86Init.o XF86MINIT = $(XF86COMSRC)/xf86Init_m.o XF86CONFIG = $(XF86CONFIGSRC)/xf86_Option.o XF86COMLIB = $(XF86COMSRC)/libxf86.a XF86OSLIB = $(XF86OSSRC)/libxf86_os.a XF86HWLIB = $(XF86HWSRC)/libxf86_hw.a XF86LIBS = $(XF86INIT) $(XF86CONFIG) $(XF86COMLIB) $(XF86HWLIB) $(XF86OSLIB) XF86MLIBS = $(XF86MINIT) $(XF86CONFIG) $(XF86COMLIB) $(XF86HWLIB) $(XF86OSLIB) XFREE86DOCDIR = $(LIBDIR)/doc XFREE86PSDOCDIR = $(XFREE86DOCDIR)/PostScript XFREE86HTMLDOCDIR = $(XFREE86DOCDIR)/html XFREE86JAPANESEDOCDIR = $(XFREE86DOCDIR)/Japanese # $XConsortium: xf86.rules,v 1.7 95/01/25 16:34:39 kaleb Exp $ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # site-specific configuration parameters that go after # the platform-specific parameters - edit site.def to change # site: $XConsortium: site.sample,v 1.9 94/04/08 17:02:06 rws Exp $ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imake rules for building libraries, programs, scripts, and data files # rules: $XConsortium: Imake.rules,v 95/06/19 18:01:48 gildea Exp $ _NULLCMD_ = @ echo -n PATHSEP = / / = / SHELL = /bin/sh TOP = /A/lnx212/nfs/linux/md2/cern/new98/src CURRENT_DIR = /packlib/zebra/test QUOTE=" \ENDQUOTE=" ifeq "$(strip $(IMAKE))" "" IMAKE = imake endif ifeq "$(strip $(MAKEDEPEND))" "" DEPEND = makedepend else DEPEND = $(MAKEDEPEND) endif MKDIRHIER = mkdirhier CONFIGSRC = $(CVSCOSRC)/config IMAKESRC = $(CONFIGSRC)/imake DEPENDSRC = $(CONFIGSRC)/makedepend IXXSRC = $(UNSUPPORTEDSRC)/programs/ixx IXX = ixx IXXFLAGS = -s BaseObject -m TypeObj -r RequestObj -p Xf IXXINCLUDES = -i '' INCROOT = $(CVSCOSRC)/include USRLIBDIR = $(CVSCOSRC)/lib SHLIBDIR = $(CVSCOSRC)/lib LINTLIBDIR = $(USRLIBDIR)/lint MANPATH = $(CVSCOSRC)/man MANSOURCEPATH = $(MANPATH)/man MANDIR = $(MANSOURCEPATH)1 LIBMANDIR = $(MANSOURCEPATH)3 FILEMANDIR = $(MANSOURCEPATH)5 AR = ar clq XARGS = xargs BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS = CC = gcc AS = as CCDEFINES = FC = g77 FPP = /lib/cpp FDEBUGFLAGS = -O FORTRANSAVEOPTION = FORTRANOPTIONS = -fno-automatic -fno-second-underscore -fugly-complex -finit-local-zero -fexceptions -fPIC $(FORTRANSAVEOPTION) FCLINK = g77 FORTRANINCLUDES = $(INCLUDES) $(EXTRA_INCLUDES) $(PACKAGE_INCLUDES) $(TOP_INCLUDES) FORTRANDEFINES = FORTRANALLDEFMDEPEND = $(FORTRANINCLUDES) $(FORTRANDEFINES) $(CERNDEFINES) $(EXTRA_DEFINES) $(DEFINES) FORTRANALLDEFINES = $(FORTRANALLDEFMDEPEND) FCFLAGS = $(FDEBUGFLAGS) $(FORTRANOPTIONS) .SUFFIXES: .cxx CXX = g++ CXXDEBUGFLAGS = -O -march=i486 -fno-strength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer -fexceptions -fPIC CXXEXTRA_DEFINES = CXXEXTRA_INCLUDES = CXXIDL_INCLUDES = -I$(TOP)/include CXXSTD_DEFINES = -Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_GNU_SOURCE -DX_LOCALE CXXOPTIONS = -fPIC CXXINCLUDES = $(INCLUDES) $(TOP_INCLUDES) $(CXXEXTRA_INCLUDES) $(CXXIDL_INCLUDES) CXXDEFINES = $(CXXINCLUDES) $(CXXSTD_DEFINES) $(THREADS_CXXDEFINES) $(CXXEXTRA_DEFINES) CXXFLAGS = $(CXXDEBUGFLAGS) $(CXXOPTIONS) $(THREADS_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXDEFINES) COMPRESS = compress CPP = /lib/cpp $(STD_CPP_DEFINES) PREPROCESSCMD = gcc -E $(STD_CPP_DEFINES) INSTALL = install INSTALLFLAGS = -c LD = ld LEX = flex -l LEXLIB = -lfl YACC = bison -y CCYACC = bison -y LINT = lint LINTLIBFLAG = -C LINTOPTS = -axz LN = ln -s MAKE = gmake MV = mv CP = cp RANLIB = ranlib RANLIBINSTFLAGS = RM = rm -f MANSUFFIX = 1x LIBMANSUFFIX = 3x FILEMANSUFFIX = 5x TROFF = psroff MSMACROS = -ms TBL = tbl EQN = eqn TOUCH = touch DVIPS = dvips LATEX = latex STD_INCLUDES = STD_CPP_DEFINES = -traditional -Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_GNU_SOURCE -DX_LOCALE STD_DEFINES = -Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_GNU_SOURCE -DX_LOCALE EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS = EXTRA_LDOPTIONS = EXTRA_LIBRARIES = -lcrypt TAGS = ctags MFLAGS=$(filter-out --%,$(filter -%,$(MAKEFLAGS))) SHAREDCODEDEF = SHLIBDEF = SHLIBLDFLAGS = PICFLAGS = -B/usr/dll/jump/ CXXPICFLAGS = -B/usr/dll/jump/ PIFFLAGS = -B/usr/dll/jump/ PROTO_DEFINES = -DFUNCPROTO=15 -DNARROWPROTO INSTPGMFLAGS = -s INSTBINFLAGS = -m 0755 INSTUIDFLAGS = -s -m 4755 INSTLIBFLAGS = -m 0644 INSTINCFLAGS = -m 0444 INSTMANFLAGS = -m 0444 INSTDATFLAGS = -m 0444 INSTKMEMFLAGS = -s -m 4755 PROJECTROOT = $(CVSCOSRC) TOP_INCLUDES = -I$(INCROOT) CDEBUGFLAGS = -O -march=i486 -fno-strength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer -fexceptions -fPIC CCOPTIONS = -fPIC -fexceptions ALLINCLUDES = $(INCLUDES) $(EXTRA_INCLUDES) $(PACKAGE_INCLUDES) $(TOP_INCLUDES) $(STD_INCLUDES) ALLDEFINES = $(ALLINCLUDES) $(STD_DEFINES) $(EXTRA_DEFINES) $(PROTO_DEFINES) $(THREADS_DEFINES) $(DEFINES) $(CCDEFINES) $(CERNDEFINES) CFLAGS = $(CDEBUGFLAGS) $(CCOPTIONS) $(THREADS_CFLAGS) $(ALLDEFINES) LINTFLAGS = $(LINTOPTS) -DLINT $(ALLDEFINES) $(DEPEND_DEFINES) LDPRELIB = -L$(USRLIBDIR) LDPOSTLIB = LDOPTIONS = $(CDEBUGFLAGS) $(CCOPTIONS) $(EXTRA_LDOPTIONS) $(THREADS_LDFLAGS) $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS) $(LDPRELIB) CXXLDOPTIONS = $(CXXDEBUGFLAGS) $(CXXOPTIONS) $(EXTRA_LDOPTIONS) $(THREADS_CXXLDFLAGS) $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS) $(LDPRELIB) FCLDOPTIONS = $(FDEBUGFLAGS) $(FORTRANOPTIONS) $(EXTRA_LDOPTIONS) $(THREADS_LDFLAGS) $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS) $(LDPRELIB) LDLIBS = $(LDPOSTLIB) $(THREADS_LIBS) $(SYS_LIBRARIES) $(EXTRA_LIBRARIES) CCLINK = $(CC) CXXLINK = $(CXX) LDSTRIPFLAGS = -x LDCOMBINEFLAGS = -r DEPENDFLAGS = MACROFILE = linux.cf RM_CMD = $(RM) IMAKE_DEFINES = IMAKE_INCLUDES= IRULESRC = $(CONFIGDIR) IMAKE_CMD = $(IMAKE) -DUseInstalled -DLocalTop=$(LOCALTOP) -I$(IRULESRC) $(IMAKE_INCLUDES) $(IMAKE_DEFINES) ICONFIGFILES = $(IRULESRC)/Imake.tmpl $(IRULESRC)/Project.tmpl $(IRULESRC)/site.def $(IRULESRC)/$(MACROFILE) $(EXTRA_ICONFIGFILES) archive/%.o : %.c archive/%.d $(RM) $@ $(CC) -c $(CDEBUGFLAGS) $(CCOPTIONS) $(ALLDEFINES) $< -o $@ archive/%.d : %.c -@if [ ! -d archive ] ; then mkdir archive; fi @ $(TOUCH) $@.tmp $(DEPEND) -f$@.tmp -p archive/ -- $(ALLDEFINES) $(_NOOP_) $< @ sed 's=$*\.o=& $@=g' $@.tmp > $@ @ $(RM) $@.tmp $@.tmp.bak debug/%.o : %.c debug/%.d $(RM) $@ $(CC) -c -g $(CCOPTIONS) $(ALLDEFINES) $< -o $@ debug/%.d : %.c -@if [ ! -d debug ] ; then mkdir debug; fi @ $(TOUCH) $@.tmp $(DEPEND) -f$@.tmp -p debug/ -- $(ALLDEFINES) $(_NOOP_) $< @ sed 's=$*\.o=& $@=g' $@.tmp > $@ @ $(RM) $@.tmp $@.tmp.bak shared/%.o : %.c shared/%.d $(RM) $@ $(CC) -c $(CDEBUGFLAGS) $(PICFLAGS) $(CCOPTIONS) $(ALLDEFINES) $< -o $@ shared/%.d : %.c -@if [ ! -d shared ] ; then mkdir shared; fi @ $(TOUCH) $@.tmp $(DEPEND) -f$@.tmp -p shared/ -- $(ALLDEFINES) $(_NOOP_) $< @ sed 's=$*\.o=& $@=g' $@.tmp > $@ @ $(RM) $@.tmp $@.tmp.bak .SUFFIXES: .F .F.o: $(RM) $@ $(FC) -c $(FDEBUGFLAGS) $(FORTRANOPTIONS) $(FORTRANALLDEFINES) -o $@ $< archive/%.o : %.F archive/%.d $(RM) $@ $(FC) -c $(FDEBUGFLAGS) $(FORTRANOPTIONS) $(FORTRANALLDEFINES) -o $@ $< archive/%.d : %.F -@if [ ! -d archive ] ; then mkdir archive; fi @ $(TOUCH) $@.tmp $(DEPEND) -f$@.tmp -p archive/ -- $(FORTRANALLDEFMDEPEND) $(_NOOP_) $< @ sed 's=$*\.o=& $@=g' $@.tmp > $@ @ $(RM) $@.tmp $@.tmp.bak debug/%.o : %.F debug/%.d $(RM) $@ $(FC) -c -g $(FORTRANOPTIONS) $(FORTRANALLDEFINES) -o $@ $< debug/%.d : %.F -@if [ ! -d debug ] ; then mkdir debug; fi @ $(TOUCH) $@.tmp $(DEPEND) -f$@.tmp -p debug/ -- $(FORTRANALLDEFMDEPEND) $(_NOOP_) $< @ sed 's=$*\.o=& $@=g' $@.tmp > $@ @ $(RM) $@.tmp $@.tmp.bak shared/%.o : %.F shared/%.d $(RM) $@ $(FC) -c $(FDEBUGFLAGS) $(PIFFLAGS) $(FORTRANOPTIONS) $(FORTRANALLDEFINES) -o $@ $< shared/%.d : %.F -@if [ ! -d shared ] ; then mkdir shared; fi @ $(TOUCH) $@.tmp $(DEPEND) -f$@.tmp -p shared/ -- $(FORTRANALLDEFMDEPEND) $(_NOOP_) $< @ sed 's=$*\.o=& $@=g' $@.tmp > $@ @ $(RM) $@.tmp $@.tmp.bak ifeq ($(strip $(CERN)),) CERN=/cern endif ifeq ($(strip $(CERN_LEVEL)),) CERN_LEVEL=new endif ifeq ($(strip $(CERN_LIBDIR)),) CERN_LIBDIR=$(CERN)$/$(CERN_LEVEL)$/lib endif ifeq ($(strip $(CERN_SHLIBDIR)),) CERN_SHLIBDIR=$(CERN)$/$(CERN_LEVEL)$/shlib endif ifeq ($(strip $(CERN_BINDIR)),) CERN_BINDIR=$(CERN)$/$(CERN_LEVEL)$/bin endif CONFIGDIR = $(CVSCOSRC)$/config CERNDEFINES=-DCERNLIB_LINUX -DCERNLIB_UNIX -DCERNLIB_LNX -DCERNLIB_QMGLIBC PACKAGETOP=/packlib/zebra PACKAGE_NAME=zebra LOCALTOP= PACKAGE_INCLUDES=-I$(TOP)$(PACKAGETOP) -I$(PROJECTROOT)$(LOCALTOP)$(PACKAGETOP) -I$(VPATH) VPATH=$(PROJECTROOT)$(LOCALTOP)$(CURRENT_DIR) OBJS_C=$(SRCS_C:.c=.o) OBJS_F=$(SRCS_F:.F=.o) OBJS_CDF=$(SRCS_CDF:.cdf=.o) OBJS=$(OBJS_C) $(OBJS_F) $(OBJS_CDF) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # start of Imakefile : <../test/Imakefile> LIBDIRS= cq cqaux cqhi fqtest jqtest mzcote tzebra SUBDIRS= $(LIBDIRS) EXTRA_INCLUDES=-I$(TOP)$(CURRENT_DIR) -I$(VPATH) export EXTRA_INCLUDES ifeq ($(strip $(PACKAGE_LIB)),) PACKAGE_LIB=$(TOP)$(PACKAGETOP)/lib$(PACKAGE_NAME).a endif ifneq (zebtlib,) override PACKAGE_LIB:= libzebtlib.a $(PACKAGE_LIB) endif ifeq ($(strip $(VERSION)),) VERSION=archive endif ifneq ($(strip $(VERSION)),archive) LIBRARY=zebtlib_$(VERSION) else LIBRARY=zebtlib endif LIBPATH=$(TOP)$(CURRENT_DIR) SUBDIRLIST=$(LIBDIRS) SUBDIRSTAMPS=$(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),$(dir)/$(VERSION)/stamp) ifeq ($(strip $(PACKAGE_LIB)),) override PACKAGE_LIB=$(LIBPATH)/lib$(LIBRARY).a endif ifneq (zebtlib,) .PHONY: zebtlib zebtlib-debug zebtlib-shared zebtlib:: @$(MAKE) VERSION=archive lib$@.a zebtlib-debug:: @$(MAKE) VERSION=debug lib$@.a zebtlib-shared:: @$(MAKE) VERSION=shared libzebtlib.sl endif archive_OBJS=$(foreach obj,$(OBJS),archive/$(obj)) debug_OBJS=$(foreach obj,$(OBJS),debug/$(obj)) shared_OBJS=$(foreach obj,$(OBJS),shared/$(obj)) ifeq ($(VERSION),archive) VEROBJS:=archive_OBJS endif ifeq ($(VERSION),debug) VEROBJS:=debug_OBJS endif ifeq ($(VERSION),shared) VEROBJS:=shared_OBJS endif ifeq ($(VERSION),nil) VERDIR= VEROBJS= endif ifneq ($(strip $(VERSION)),) VERDIR=$(VERSION)/ else VERDIR= VEROBJS= endif $(foreach ver,archive debug shared,$(ver)/objects.list):: \ $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),$(dir)/Makefile) define build-object-list @[ -n "$(@D)" -a ! -d "$(@D)" ] && mkdir $(@D) || true @$(RM) $@ @echo $(strip $($(@D)_OBJS)) | tr ' ' '\012' > $@ @ (set -e;\ case '${MFLAGS}' in *[i]*) set +e;; esac; \ subdirs=$(QUOTE)$(strip $(LIBDIRS))$(QUOTE);\ list=`/bin/pwd`/$@;\ for dir in $$subdirs; do \ (set -e;cd $$dir;sed -e "\=^[^/]=s=^.=$$dir/&=" $@ >> $$list);\ done) || (rm $@; exit 1) endef ifeq ($(strip $(VERSION)),archive) archive/objects.list:: Makefile $(archive_OBJS) \ $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),$(dir)/archive/objects.list) $(build-object-list) else archive/objects.list:: $(MAKE) VERSION=archive archive/objects.list endif debug/objects.list:: Makefile $(debug_OBJS) \ $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),$(dir)/debug/objects.list) $(build-object-list) shared/objects.list:: Makefile $(shared_OBJS) \ $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),$(dir)/shared/objects.list) $(build-object-list) $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),$(foreach ver,archive debug shared,$(dir)/$(ver)/objects.list)):: @ echo checking $(CURRENT_DIR)/$(firstword $(subst /, ,$@)) @ $(MAKE) -C $(firstword $(subst /, ,$@)) VERSION=$(filter archive debug shared,$(subst /, ,$@)) \ $(patsubst $(firstword $(subst /, ,$@))/%,%,$@) ifneq ($(strip zebtlib),) libzebtlib.a: archive/objects.list @echo rebuild archive library $@ in $(CURRENT_DIR) @$(RM) $@ @date @cat archive/objects.list | \ $(XARGS) $(AR) $@ @date $(RANLIB) $@ libzebtlib-debug.a: debug/objects.list @echo rebuild debug library $@ in $(CURRENT_DIR) @$(RM) $@ @date @cat debug/objects.list | \ $(XARGS) $(AR) $@ @date $(RANLIB) $@ libzebtlib.sl: @echo No shared library available yet for `uname` endif ifneq ($($(VEROBJS)),) $($(VEROBJS):.o=.d): Makefile include $($(VEROBJS):.o=.d) endif clean:: $(RM) $(LIBRARY) $(VERDIR)stamp $(VERDIR)objects.list .PHONY: testmz testfz testfc testjz testrz testmz: zebmz1 testfz: zebfz1 zebfz2 zebfz3 zebfz4 zebfz5 zebfz6 zebfz7 zebfz8 zebfz9 testfc: zebfc1 zebfc2 zebfc3 testjz: zebjz1 testrz: zebrz1 zebrz2 zebrz3 zebmz1: zebmz1.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebmz1.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebmz1 zebfz1: zebfz1.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebfz1.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebfz1 zebfz2: zebfz2.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebfz2.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebfz2 zebfz3: zebfz3.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebfz3.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebfz3 zebfz4: zebfz4.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebfz4.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebfz4 zebfz5: zebfz5.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebfz5.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebfz5 zebfz6: zebfz6.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebfz6.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebfz6 zebfz7: zebfz7.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebfz7.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebfz7 zebfz8: zebfz8.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebfz8.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebfz8 zebfz9: zebfz9.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebfz9.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebfz9 zebfc1: zebfc1.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebfc1.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebfc1 zebfc2: zebfc2.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebfc2.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebfc2 zebfc3: zebfc3.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebfc3.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebfc3 zebjz1: zebjz1.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebjz1.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebjz1 zebrz1: zebrz1.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebrz1.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebrz1 zebrz2: zebrz2.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebrz2.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebrz2 zebrz3: zebrz3.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(filter-out +%,$(filter-out -%,$(shell cernlib kernlib))) $(RM) $@ @echo "Linking with cern libraries" @cernlib kernlib $(FCLINK) -o $@ $(FCLDOPTIONS) zebrz3.o $(PACKAGE_LIB) $(LDLIBS) `cernlib kernlib` $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) \ || $(RM) $@ @if [ ! -x $@ ] ; then set -e; \ echo Error: $@ not executable;$(RM) $@;\ exit 1; else exit 0;fi clean:: $(RM) zebrz3 \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebmz1 zxtest.dat @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebmz1 @.$(PATHSEP)zebmz1 else test:: zebmz1 zxtest.dat @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebmz1 @.$(PATHSEP)zebmz1 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebmz1 $(RM) core *.log zxtest.dat \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebfz1 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz1 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz1 else test:: zebfz1 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz1 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz1 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebfz1 $(RM) core *.log \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebfz2 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz2 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz2 else test:: zebfz2 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz2 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz2 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebfz2 $(RM) core *.log \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebfz3 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz3 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz3 else test:: zebfz3 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz3 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz3 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebfz3 $(RM) core *.log \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebfz4 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz4 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz4 else test:: zebfz4 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz4 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz4 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebfz4 $(RM) core *.log \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebfz5 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz5 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz5 else test:: zebfz5 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz5 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz5 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebfz5 $(RM) core *.log \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebfz6 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz6 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz6 else test:: zebfz6 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz6 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz6 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebfz6 $(RM) core *.log \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebfz7 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz7 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz7 else test:: zebfz7 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz7 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz7 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebfz7 $(RM) core *.log \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebfz8 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz8 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz8 else test:: zebfz8 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz8 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz8 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebfz8 $(RM) core *.log \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebfz9 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz9 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz9 else test:: zebfz9 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfz9 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfz9 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebfz9 $(RM) core *.log \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebfc1 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfc1 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfc1 else test:: zebfc1 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfc1 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfc1 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebfc1 $(RM) core *.log \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebfc2 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfc2 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfc2 else test:: zebfc2 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfc2 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfc2 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebfc2 $(RM) core *.log \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebfc3 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfc3 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfc3 else test:: zebfc3 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebfc3 @.$(PATHSEP)zebfc3 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebfc3 $(RM) core *.log \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebjz1 jztest.dat @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebjz1 @.$(PATHSEP)zebjz1 else test:: zebjz1 jztest.dat @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebjz1 @.$(PATHSEP)zebjz1 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebjz1 $(RM) core *.log jztest.dat \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebrz1 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebrz1 @.$(PATHSEP)zebrz1 else test:: zebrz1 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebrz1 @.$(PATHSEP)zebrz1 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebrz1 $(RM) core *.log \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebrz2 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebrz2 @.$(PATHSEP)zebrz2 else test:: zebrz2 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebrz2 @.$(PATHSEP)zebrz2 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebrz2 $(RM) core *.log \ .PHONY: test ifeq ($(strip ),) test:: zebrz3 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebrz3 @.$(PATHSEP)zebrz3 else test:: zebrz3 @echo Testing $(PACKAGE_NAME) @echo " ... using" zebrz3 @.$(PATHSEP)zebrz3 < endif clean:: $(RM) zebrz3 $(RM) core *.log zxtest.dat:: zxtest.data @$(RM) $@ $(CP) $< $@ clean:: @$(RM) zxtest.dat jztest.dat:: jztest.data @$(RM) $@ $(CP) $< $@ clean:: @$(RM) jztest.dat emptyrule:: .SUFFIXES: .d .c.d: $(SHELL) -ec "gcc -M $(ALLDEFINES) $< \ | sed 's/^[ ]*$*\.o/& $@/g' >$@" .F.d: -@if [ ! -d . ] ; then mkdir .; fi @ $(TOUCH) $@.tmp $(DEPEND) -f$@.tmp -p ./ -- $(FORTRANALLDEFMDEPEND) $< @ sed 's=$*\.o=& $@=g' $@.tmp > $@ @ $(RM) $@.tmp $@.tmp.bak # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # common rules for all Makefiles - do not edit .c.i: $(RM) $@ $(CC) -E $(CFLAGS) $(_NOOP_) $*.c > $@ emptyrule:: clean:: $(RM_CMD) *.CKP *.ln *.BAK *.bak *.o core errs ,* *~ *.a .emacs_* tags TAGS make.log MakeOut "#"* Makefile:: Imakefile -@if [ -f $@ ]; then set -x; \ $(RM) $@.bak; $(MV) $@ $@.bak; \ else exit 0; fi $(IMAKE_CMD) -DTOPDIR=$(TOP) -DCURDIR=$(CURRENT_DIR) \ -DPackageTop=$(PACKAGETOP) \ -DPackageName=$(PACKAGE_NAME) \ -f $< tags:: $(TAGS) -w *.[ch] $(TAGS) -xw *.[ch] > TAGS # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # rules for building in SUBDIRS - do not edit install:: $(foreach dir,$(SUBDIRS),$(dir)/Makefile) install:: @set -e; \ case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \ for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\ do \ (cd $$i ; echo "installing" "in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i..."; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install)||exit $$?; \ done install.man:: $(foreach dir,$(SUBDIRS),$(dir)/Makefile) install.man:: @set -e; \ case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \ for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\ do \ (cd $$i ; echo "installing man pages" "in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i..."; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install.man)||exit $$?; \ done install.linkkit:: $(foreach dir,$(SUBDIRS),$(dir)/Makefile) install.linkkit:: @set -e; \ case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \ for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\ do \ (cd $$i ; echo "installing link kit" "in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i..."; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) DESTDIR='$(DESTDIR)' install.linkkit)||exit $$?; \ done clean:: $(foreach dir,$(SUBDIRS),$(dir)/Makefile) clean:: @set -e; \ case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \ for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\ do \ (cd $$i ; echo "cleaning" "in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i..."; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) RM_CMD='$(RM_CMD)' clean)||exit $$?; \ done tags:: $(foreach dir,$(SUBDIRS),$(dir)/Makefile) tags:: @set -e; \ case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \ for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\ do \ (cd $$i ; echo "tagging" "in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i..."; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) TAGS='$(TAGS)' tags)||exit $$?; \ done Makefiles:: -@case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \ case '${MFLAGS}' in *n*) executeit="no";; esac; \ for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\ do \ case "$(CURRENT_DIR)" in \ .) curdir= ;; \ *) curdir=$(CURRENT_DIR)/ ;; \ esac; \ echo "making Makefiles in $$curdir$$i..."; \ itmp="$$i" \ curtmp="$(CURRENT_DIR)" \ toptmp=""; \ case "$$itmp" in \ ../?*) \ while echo "$$itmp" | grep '^../' > /dev/null;\ do \ toptmp="/`basename $$curtmp`$$toptmp"; \ curtmp="`dirname $$curtmp`"; \ itmp="`echo $$itmp | sed 's;../;;'`"; \ done \ ;; \ esac; \ case "$$itmp" in \ */?*/?*/?*/?*) newtop=../../../../..;; \ */?*/?*/?*) newtop=../../../..;; \ */?*/?*) newtop=../../..;; \ */?*) newtop=../..;; \ *) newtop=..;; \ esac; \ newtop="$$newtop$$toptmp"; \ case "$(TOP)" in \ /?*) imaketop=$(TOP) \ imakeprefix= ;; \ .) imaketop=$$newtop \ imakeprefix=$$newtop/ ;; \ *) imaketop=$$newtop/$(TOP) \ imakeprefix=$$newtop/ ;; \ esac; \ cd $$i; \ $(RM) Makefile.bak; \ if [ -f Makefile ]; then \ echo " $(MV) Makefile Makefile.bak"; \ if [ "$$executeit" != "no" ]; then \ $(MV) Makefile Makefile.bak; \ fi; \ fi; \ if [ "$$executeit" != "no" ]; then \ $(IMAKE_CMD) -DTOPDIR=$$imaketop \ -DCURDIR=$$curdir$$i \ -DPackageTop=$(PACKAGETOP) \ -DPackageName=$(PACKAGE_NAME); \ fi; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) Makefiles; \ cd $$newtop; \ done includes:: $(foreach dir,$(SUBDIRS),$(dir)/Makefile) includes:: @set -e; \ case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \ for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\ do \ (cd $$i ; echo including "in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i..."; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) includes)||exit $$?; \ done \ tree:: $(foreach dir,$(SUBDIRS),$(dir)/Makefile) tree:: @set -e; \ case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \ for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\ do \ (cd $$i ; echo Checking Makefiles "in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i..."; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) VERSION=nil tree)||exit $$?; \ done $(foreach dir,$(SUBDIRS),$(dir)/Makefile): -@case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \ case '${MFLAGS}' in -*n*) executeit="no";; esac; \ i=`dirname $@`; \ case "$(CURRENT_DIR)" in \ .) curdir= ;; \ *) curdir=$(CURRENT_DIR)/ ;; \ esac; \ echo "making Makefiles in $$curdir$$i..."; \ itmp="$$i" \ curtmp="$(CURRENT_DIR)" \ toptmp=""; \ case "$$itmp" in \ ../?*) \ while echo "$$itmp" | grep '^../' > /dev/null;\ do \ toptmp="/`basename $$curtmp`$$toptmp"; \ curtmp="`dirname $$curtmp`"; \ itmp="`echo $$itmp | sed 's;../;;'`"; \ done \ ;; \ esac; \ case "$$itmp" in \ */?*/?*/?*/?*) newtop=../../../../..;; \ */?*/?*/?*) newtop=../../../..;; \ */?*/?*) newtop=../../..;; \ */?*) newtop=../..;; \ *) newtop=..;; \ esac; \ newtop="$$newtop$$toptmp"; \ case "$(TOP)" in \ /?*) imaketop=$(TOP) \ imakeprefix= ;; \ .) imaketop=$$newtop \ imakeprefix=$$newtop/ ;; \ *) imaketop=$$newtop/$(TOP) \ imakeprefix=$$newtop/ ;; \ esac; \ if [ ! -d $$i ]; then \ mkdirhier $$i; \ fi; \ cd $$i; \ $(RM) Makefile.bak; \ if [ -f Makefile ]; then \ true; \ else \ for imakedir in $$newtop $(VPATH); do \ imakefile=`echo $$imakedir/$$i/Imakefile | \ sed -e 's://:/:'`; \ if [ -f $$imakefile ]; then break;fi; \ done; \ if [ ! -f $$imakefile ]; then \ echo "No Imakefile found --> exit"; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ if [ "$$executeit" != "no" ]; then \ $(IMAKE_CMD) -DTOPDIR=$$imaketop \ -DCURDIR=$$curdir$$i \ -DPackageTop=$(PACKAGETOP) \ -DPackageName=$(PACKAGE_NAME) \ -f $$imakefile; \ fi; \ fi; # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # dependencies generated by makedepend