* * $Id: mzfgap.F,v 1.2 1996/04/18 16:12:30 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: mzfgap.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/04/18 16:12:30 mclareni * Incorporate changes from J.Zoll for version 3.77 * * Revision 1996/03/06 10:47:20 mclareni * Zebra * * #include "zebra/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE MZFGAP C- Find the 4 largest gaps, C- gaps 3 + 4 may be inside the moving memory region C- defined by JQSTMV,JQDVM1+2,NQDVMV C- gaps 1 + 2 must be outside the moving memory region C- Entry 'J' in the table contains : C- IQGAP(1,J) = number of words available C- IQGAP(2,J) = abs. zebra adr of first word in the gap C- IQGAP(3,J) = division number C- IQGAP(4,J) = store number C- IQGAP(5,J) user flag C- Original meaning of JQSTMV,JQDVM1,JQDVM2,NQDVMV (cf. MZTABS): C- unless JQSTMV<0, the divisions JQDVM1 to JQDVM2 inclusive C- of the store JQSTMV may have to be shifted by NQDVMV words, C- to the left if -ve, to the right if +ve. C- NQDVMV=0 means to the left by a yet unknown amount. C- It follows that the gaps after divisions JDIV are not available C- for the relocation table because they may be over-written C- by the memory move, with : C- NQDVMV 0, -ve : JDIV = C- +ve : JDIV = C- MZFGAP is also used for I/O to find a gap where to put the C- relocation table on input. In this case there is just one C- gap unavailable, namely the one which will receive the data. C- This is the gap before a reverse division (JQMODE=1) or after C- a forward division (JQMODE=0). To block this gap one can give C- JQDVM1=JQDVM2=JDIV and NQDVMV=1-2*JQMODE, setting JQSTMV also. #include "zebra/zstate.inc" #include "zebra/zunit.inc" #include "zebra/mqsys.inc" #include "zebra/mzct.inc" C-------------- End CDE -------------- DIMENSION NGAPV(7), JDIVV(7), JSTOV(7), JPV(7) EQUIVALENCE (NGAPV(1),IQUEST(11)), (JDIVV(1),IQUEST(21)) EQUIVALENCE (JSTOV(1),IQUEST(31)), (JPV(1), IQUEST(41)) DIMENSION NQGAPV(2) EQUIVALENCE (NQGAPV(1),NQGAPN) CALL VZERO (IQGAP,20) 15 DO 17 J=1,6 17 NGAPV(J) = 0 IF (JQSTMV.LT.0) GO TO 19 KT = NQOFFT(JQSTMV+1) JDVSH1 = JQDVM1 JDVSH2 = JQDVM2 IF (NQDVMV.GT.0) GO TO 19 IF (JDVSH1.EQ.IQTABV(KT+9)) JDVSH1=IQTABV(KT+8)+1 JDVSH1 = JDVSH1 - 1 JDVSH2 = JDVSH2 - 1 19 MINGN = 0 MINGV = 0 JMINGN = 1 JMINGV = 5 C------ Loop all stores JSTO = -1 21 JSTO = JSTO + 1 IF (JSTO.GT.NQSTOR) GO TO 61 IF (NQALLO(JSTO+1).LT.0) GO TO 21 KT = NQOFFT(JSTO+1) JDVN = 1 C---- Loop all divisions 31 JDIV = JDVN IF (JDIV.EQ.21) GO TO 21 JDVN = JDIV + 1 IF (JDIV.EQ.IQTABV(KT+8)) JDVN=IQTABV(KT+9) NWGAP = LQSTA(KT+JDVN) - LQEND(KT+JDIV) IF (NWGAP.LT.164) GO TO 31 IF (JSTO.NE.JQSTMV) GO TO 41 IF (JDIV.LT.JDVSH1) GO TO 41 IF (JDIV.GT.JDVSH2) GO TO 41 C-- Gap in moving region IF (NWGAP.LE.MINGV) GO TO 31 NGAPV(JMINGV) = NWGAP JDIVV(JMINGV) = JDIV JSTOV(JMINGV) = JSTO JMINGV = 5 MINGV = NGAPV(5) IF (MINGV.LE.NGAPV(6)) GO TO 31 JMINGV = 6 MINGV = NGAPV(6) GO TO 31 C-- Gap in non-moving region 41 IF (NWGAP.LE.MINGN) GO TO 31 NGAPV(JMINGN) = NWGAP JDIVV(JMINGN) = JDIV JSTOV(JMINGN) = JSTO JMINGN = 1 MINGN = NGAPV(1) DO 44 J=2,4 IF (MINGN.LE.NGAPV(J)) GO TO 44 JMINGN = J MINGN = NGAPV(J) 44 CONTINUE GO TO 31 C------- Store the result 61 DO 62 J=1,6 62 JPV(J) = J C-- Sort non-moving gaps JG = 1 65 JF = JPV(JG) JN = JPV(JG+1) IF (NGAPV(JF).LT.NGAPV(JN)) GO TO 67 IF (JG.EQ.3) GO TO 71 66 JG = JG + 1 GO TO 65 67 JPV(JG) = JN JPV(JG+1) = JF IF (JG.EQ.1) GO TO 66 JG = JG - 1 GO TO 65 C-- Sort moving gaps 71 JG = 4 75 JF = JPV(JG) JN = JPV(JG+1) IF (NGAPV(JF).LT.NGAPV(JN)) GO TO 77 IF (JG.EQ.5) GO TO 81 76 JG = JG + 1 GO TO 75 77 JPV(JG) = JN JPV(JG+1) = JF IF (JG.EQ.3) GO TO 76 JG = JG - 1 GO TO 75 C-- Store 4 biggest gaps 81 NQGAPN = 0 NQGAP = 0 JSEL = 1 DO 87 JG=1,4 JU = JPV(JG) NWGAP= NGAPV(JU) IF (NWGAP.EQ.0) GO TO 87 JDIV = JDIVV(JU) JSTO = JSTOV(JU) KT = NQOFFT(JSTO+1) KS = NQOFFS(JSTO+1) IQGAP(1,JG) = NWGAP IQGAP(2,JG) = KS+ LQEND(KT+JDIV) IQGAP(3,JG) = JDIV IQGAP(4,JG) = JSTO IF (JU.GE.5) JSEL=2 NQGAPV(JSEL) = JG 87 CONTINUE NQGAP = MAX (NQGAPN,NQGAP) #if defined(CERNLIB_QDEVZE) IF (NQDEVZ.GE.11) +WRITE (IQLOG,9888) NQGAPV,(JG,(IQGAP(J,JG),J=1,5),JG=1,NQGAP) 9888 FORMAT (1X/' DEVZE MZFGAP, NQGAPN,NQGAP=',2I4 F/16X,' JGAP SIZE LOC JDIV JSTO USED' F/(16X,I4,2I8,3I5)) #endif RETURN END * ================================================== #include "zebra/qcardl.inc"