* * $Id: mzinqs.F,v 1.2 1996/04/18 16:11:36 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: mzinqs.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/04/18 16:11:36 mclareni * Incorporate changes from J.Zoll for version 3.77 * * Revision 1996/03/06 10:47:20 mclareni * Zebra * * #include "zebra/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE MZINQS (IXSTOR) C- Return the attributes of division IXSTOR : C- IQUEST(1) opmode operation mode from NQALLO C- IQUEST(2) NQSTRU number of structural permanent links C- IQUEST(3) NQREF number of permanent links C- IQUEST(4) NQLINK number of permanent + working space links C- IQUEST(5) LQSTA(1) first word after the working space C- IQUEST(6) LQSTA(21) first word after the store C- IQUEST(7) NQMINR minimum size of the reserve area after div. 1 C- IQUEST(8) LQ2END minimum value of LQEND(2) C- IQUEST(9) JQDVLL last low division C- IQUEST(10) JQDVSY system division, also : first high division C- IQUEST(11) NQLOGL log level for this store C- IQUEST(12) NQSNAM chars 1:4 of the printing name of the store C- IQUEST(13) chars 5:8 C- IQUEST(14) LOWORG lowest possible origin-adr for the store C- IQUEST(15) HIGORG highest possible origin-adr for the store C- IQUEST(16) INALC initial allocation to last division created C- IQUEST(17) ITOFF table-offset J of the table, C- if contained at the end of the store #include "zebra/zunit.inc" #include "zebra/zvfaut.inc" #include "zebra/mqsys.inc" C-------------- End CDE -------------- #if (defined(CERNLIB_QTRHOLL))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_A6M)) DIMENSION NAMESR(2) DATA NAMESR / 4HMZIN, 4HQS / #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_QTRHOLL))&&(defined(CERNLIB_A6M)) DATA NAMESR / 6HMZINQS / #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_QTRHOLL) CHARACTER NAMESR*8 PARAMETER (NAMESR = 'MZINQS ') #endif #include "zebra/q_jbyt.inc" #include "zebra/qtrace.inc" #if defined(CERNLIB_QDEBUG) IF (IQVSTA.NE.0) CALL ZVAUTX #endif #include "zebra/qstore.inc" CALL UCOPY (IQTABV(KQT+1), IQUEST(2), 16) IQUEST(1) = NQALLO(JQSTOR+1) IQUEST(2) = IQUEST(4) IQUEST(3) = IQUEST(5) IQUEST(4) = IQUEST(6) IQUEST(5) = LQSTA(KQT+1) IQUEST(6) = LQSTA(KQT+21) #if defined(CERNLIB_QPRINT) IF (NQLOGL.GE.2) WRITE (IQLOG,9071) JQSTOR,(IQUEST(J),J=1,17) 9071 FORMAT (/' MZINQS. Inquiry for store',I3,' returns :' F/10X,'opmode NQSTRU NQREF' F,' NQLINK LSTA1 LSTA21 NQMINR LQ2END' F/9X,3I7,5I9 F/10X,'JQDVLL JQDVSY NQLOGL' F,' name1/2 lowORG highORG initalc toffset' F/9X,3I7,1X,2A4,4I9) #endif #include "zebra/qtrace99.inc" RETURN C- (3) NQSTRU number of structural permanent links C- (4) NQREF number of permanent links C- (5) NQLINK number of permanent + working space links C- LQSTA(1) first word after the working space C- LQSTA(21) first word after the store C- (6) NQMINR minimum size of the reserve area after div. 1 C- (7) LQ2END minimum value of LQEND(2) C- (8) JQDVLL last low division C- (9) JQDVSY system division, also : first high division C- (10) NQLOGL log level for this store C- (11) NQSNAM chars 1:4 of the printing name of the store C- (12) chars 5:8 C- (13) LOWORG lowest possible origin-adr for the store C- (14) HIGORG highest possible origin-adr for the store C- (15) INALC initial allocation to last division created C- (16) ITOFF table-offset J of the table, if contained in store END * ================================================== #include "zebra/qcardl.inc"